
2001财政年度国防授权法案[…]哈金修正案第5号3762(被命令躺在桌子上。)HARKIN先生向法案第2549号(见上)提交了拟由他提出的修正案;在第415页的第2行和第3行之间,插入以下内容:SEC. 1061。保密政策和工人健康。(一)发现。——国会得出以下结论:(1)美国一些核武器生产设施的工人暴露在可能损害其健康的放射性和其他危险物质中。从1947年至1975年,爱荷华州陆军弹药厂核武器设施的一些工人也在同一地点和同一承包商下的美国陆军工厂工作。(3)国防部既不证实也不否认在任何地点存在核武器的政策使国防部甚至不承认某些工人接触放射性或其他有害物质的原因,而保密誓言也使一些工作人员不愿与他们的医疗服务提供者和其他相关官员讨论可能的接触情况。 (4) The policy of the Department to neither confirm nor deny has been applied to sites where nuclear weapons are widely known to have been present, where the past presence of nuclear weapons were last present more than 25 years ago. (5) The Department has, in the past, varied from its policy by publicly acknowledging that the United States had nuclear weapons in Alaska, Cuba, Guam, Hawaii, Johnston Islands, Midway, Puerto Rico, the United Kingdom, and West Germany, and has denied having weapons in Iceland. (6) It is critical to maintain national secrets regarding nuclear weapons, but more openness on nuclear weapons activities now consigned to history is needed to protect the health of former workers and the public. (b) Review of Secrecy Policies.--The Secretary of Defense is directed to change Department secrecy oaths and policies, within appropriate national security constraints, to ensure that such policies do not prevent or discourage current and former workers at nuclear weapons facilities who may have been exposed to radioactive and other hazardous substances from discussing those exposures with their health care providers and with other appropriate officials. The policies amended should include the policy to neither confirm nor deny the presence of nuclear weapons as it is applied to former U.S. nuclear weapons facilities that no longer contain nuclear weapons or materials. (c) Notification of Potential Victims.--The Secretary of Defense is directed to notify people who are or were bound by Department secrecy oaths or policies, and who may have been exposed to radioactive or hazardous substances at nuclear weapons facilities, of any likely health risks and of how they can discuss the exposures with their health care providers and other appropriate officials without violating secrecy oaths or policies. ______
