








白宫新闻秘书办公室  _____________________________________________________________________ 立即发布1995年3月10日的新闻发布会上,迈克麦科里简报室  .... ..... ....问:迈克,总统会成立一个委员会来审查中央情报局吗?如果他是,为什么有必要?麦柯里:嗯,这是——听着,这是必要的——我能谈论的关于总统指令的结果是有限的,因为它是机密。我可以笼统地讲一下,可能会有帮助。但是总统已经批准了,我想这是今天邮报报道的,他已经签署了关于情报优先级的总统指令。但它的目的是给一些更清晰的信号情报机构情报分析的主要客户——总统和高级外国政府的决策者,他们需要我们注意到这个新的世界,我们生活在和评估所有这些必要的保护国家美国人的安全利益。在资源有限的情况下,总统和他的政策制定者给情报部门明确的优先次序是很重要的,这样他们就可以收集这类信息,帮助他们做出正确的决定,保护美国在全世界的利益。这正是这个总统指令所做的,广义上来说。 It sets up a procedure by which, from time to time, we can review the work of the intelligence community, see that it's addressing exactly those concerns that we have in providing to the President and other principal policymakers and foreign policy the kind of information they need and want so that they can make the right types of decisions. Q Isn't that what the President's foreign intelligence advisory board was supposed to do? Mr. Mccurry: No, it doesn't do quite that, Wolf. They review a range of things related to the work of the intelligence community and provide, as the name would indicate, advice on how better to meet those goals. In the case of the President and his policymakers, they want to give priorities -- actually want to sort of say, look, here are things we specifically want to have as we look at the decision-making that we're going to have to conduct. Now, the advisory board helps in that effort, but they kind of do a broader gauge review of the work of the intelligence community across a range of issues, not necessarily directed to the strict function of policy-making. Q Mike, can we construe from the President's directive that he's not happy with the quality or nature of the intelligence he's getting? Mr. Mccurry: No, you can construe from the directive and from the review that proceeded it that a lot of new thinking has to go in, in shaping America's priorities in the new world we live in. It reflects, in some ways, the very hopeful nature of the post- Cold War era. There are certain types of threats that are now reduced, specifically the nuclear threat; we don't have Russian strategic intercontinental missiles aimed at the United States anymore. So we have a range of security threats that are different in this world. Quite frankly, proliferation remains a concern. Terrorism remains a concern, International crime remains a concern. And how you structure the priorities of the intelligence community to reflect the new threats that are more urgent in the post-Cold War world is part of what this review and this directive are all about. .....






......我们的第一任务是将我们的智力资源集中在我们的国家安全最关键的领域 - 担任主任曾表示的地区,我们根本无法负担不起。两年前,我在总统决策指令中阐述了我们的首要智慧优先事项。首先,支持我们的部队和运营,无论是纠纷,帮助安全和平或提供人道主义援助。其次,为美国敌对国家提供政治,经济和军事情报,所以我们可以帮助在他们开始之前停止危机和冲突。第三,保护美国公民免受贩毒者,恐怖分子,有组织的罪犯和大规模毁灭性武器等新的跨国威胁。

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