



美国 )

v. ) Criminal Number

约翰·菲利普·沃克·林德(John Philip Walker Lindh),)

A/K/A“ Suleyman al-Faris”,)




I, Anne E. Asbury, being duly sworn, depose and state:



3.该申请是为了支持刑事投诉和逮捕令,要求约翰·菲利普·沃克·林德(John Philip Walker Lindh),a/k/a“ suleyman al-faris”,“ a/k/a”“阿卜杜勒·哈米德(Abdul Hamid)”(“沃克”),美国公民,有:(1)在美国以外的同时进行阴谋,杀害美国以外的美国国民,即美国国民在阿富汗持续发生的冲突,违反标题18,美国法典,第2332(b)条;(2)提供,试图提供并密谋为指定的外国恐怖组织提供物质支持和资源,分别是基地组织和harakat ul-Mujahideen(“ H​​um”)2339b和2;(3)与塔利班进行违禁交易,违反了第31条,联邦法规,第545.201和545.204条,行政命令#13129,第50条,美国法典,美国法典,第1702和1705条,以及联合第18条,联合国家代码,第2节。


4。From my review of reports and other statements prepared by law enforcement officers, U.S. military personnel, and other government officials, I have learned that, on or about November 25, 2001, Johnny Micheal Spann who was, at the time an employee of the Central Intelligence Agency, and an individual identified herein as "confidential source 1" ("CS-1"), an employee of the United States Government, were conducting interviews at the Qala-i Janghi ("QIJ") compound near Mazar-e Sharif, Afghanistan, of al-Qaeda, and Taliban forces who had been captured by, or who had surrendered to, Northern Alliance forces in the course of the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan. Among those interviewees was an individual later identified as the defendant, Walker. Shortly after Walker's interview, prisoners - who numbered several hundred - staged an uprising that took several days to suppress and which resulted in Spann's violent death. During the course of the uprising, Walker retreated with other detainees to a basement area of the QIJ compound, where he remained for several days before being identified by military and medical personnel as a United States citizen. Walker has remained in the custody of U.S. military forces since that time.

Walker's Admissions

5.在2001年12月9日至10日左右,联邦调查局采访了沃克的特工。在进行面试之前,特工向沃克建议了他的Mirandarights. Walker acknowledged that he understood each of those rights, and then waived those rights. The Special Agent also presented Walker with a form on which those rights are set forth and Walker signed below the waiver clause in which he acknowledged that he understood his rights, that he was waiving those rights, and that he agreed to be questioned by the FBI outside the presence of a lawyer.

6.从那以后,我阅读了他对沃克采访的特别经纪人的报告。总而言之,该报告表明:(1)加利福尼亚州的居民沃克(Walker)在1997年左右转换为伊斯兰教;(1)(2)在1998年及2000年初,沃克前往也门学习阿拉伯语和伊斯兰教;(3)在2000年10月左右,沃克从也门前往巴基斯坦继续学习;(4)在2001年5月左右,沃克加入了Harakat Ul-Mujahideen(“ H​​um”)的准军事训练营,以代表那个恐怖组织在克什米尔战斗;(5)在2001年6月左右,沃克前往阿富汗与塔利班战斗;(6)从阿富汗喀布尔的塔利班招募中心,沃克被转介给一个阿拉伯圣战组织,沃克被告知由Usama Bin Laden的基地组织恐怖组织经营;(2)(7)沃克在基地组织的Al-Farooq训练营中接受了为期7周的恐怖培训计划;(8)在沃克的培训课程中,乌萨马·本·拉登(Usama bin Laden)几次访问了al-farooq营地,向受训者致辞,至少有一次,在一小群人中亲自与沃克会面。(9)在Al-Farooq训练后,Walker与其他基地组织Mujahideen一起部署到了Takhar的前线;(10)在沃克在塔克哈(Takhar)的位置以美国的空袭为目标之后,他和他的小组撤退到昆杜兹(Kunduz);(11)最终与北方联盟部队进行了撤离和投降,沃克和他的基地组织的其他成员被运送到马扎尔 - e-Sharif,并最终到达Qij。

7.尤其是,关于嗡嗡声,该报告表明,沃克在2001年5月1日左右就说,沃克离开了他在班诺,巴基斯坦和在白沙瓦的嗡嗡声宣传/招聘办公室的陪同下。几天后,沃克(Walker)被运送到伊斯兰堡以北的一个训练营。营地由宾馆,清真寺,办公室和建筑物组成,以及存放武器的建筑物。在离开Hum办公室之前,Hum官员告诉Walker不要向任何人承认他是美国人,但可以说,如果被问到他是来自爱尔兰的。沃克(Walker)在到达Hum Camp的几天内就开始了超过24天的准军事培训,其中包括宣传演讲,枪支培训和一些未指定的“特殊任务”培训。(3)在训练的枪支部分中,沃克使用了几种不同的武器。在培训结束时,Hum官员问沃克是否想继续训练或去阿富汗战斗。沃克进一步说,他决定不要在克什米尔与霍姆战斗,而是加入塔利班的阿富汗。

8.该报告进一步表明,根据沃克的说法,Hum安排了沃克在2001年5月下旬前往或左右前往阿富汗的旅行。沃克向喀布尔的喀布尔市的达尔 - 阿南总部报告了嗡嗡声。被用作塔利班招募中心,并告诉他们他是一个想进入前线战斗的穆斯林。经过几次采访 - 包括沃克报告后来在Qij杀害的个人 - 沃克被告知他必须去阿拉伯集团,因为沃克是美国人,他是一个不说乌尔都语,普什图或ReportsReports其他圣战者团体说的达里。在这次采访过程中,沃克被告知阿拉伯人是Usama Bin Laden的基地组织小组,并且由于Walker的嗡嗡作响的训练不足以实现他们的目的,因此Walker必须参加基地组织的训练营进行额外且广泛的军事训练。沃克进一步说,他知道本·拉登(Bin Laden)和基地组织(Al-Qaeda)是“反对美国和沙特阿拉伯政府”,而基地组织的目的是与美国人作战。

9.据沃克说,他被基地组织被录取,并被送往坎大哈的一家本·拉登的旅馆几天。此后,沃克(Walker)被送往2001年6月1日左右到达al-farooq营地。人们到美国进行几项自杀行动。沃克(Walker)在七周的培训课程中一直留在营地,其中包括武器,定向人员,导航,炸药和战场战斗的课程。在武器训练期间,沃克使用了肩部武器,手枪和火箭推动手榴弹(“ RPG”)。在炸药训练期间,沃克使用手榴弹和建造的莫洛托夫鸡尾酒。沃克报告说,本·拉登(Bin Laden)曾三到五次访问了营地,并就当地局势,政治问题,古老的阿富汗/苏联战斗等进行了讲座。金博宝正规网址在其中至少有一次,沃克和其他四名学员与本·拉登会面约五分钟,在此期间,本·拉登感谢他们参加了圣战。沃克还表示,在他的培训期间,他得到了几种选择。第一种选择是继续在Al-Farooq或Bin Laden在阿富汗的许多其他营地之一,包括在Kandahar,Kabul,Khost和Jalalabad,例如炮兵,爆炸物,毒药,毒药,智慧和恐怖主义策略。 Another option offered Walker was to go to the front lines and fight the Northern Alliance. Walker also stated that, during his training at al-Farooq, he met with Abu Mohammad Al-Misri, an Egyptian whom Walker understood to be the general manager of the training camps. Al-Misri asked Walker, as well as other foreigners training at the camp, whether he was interested in traveling outside Afghanistan to conduct operations against the United States and certain Israeli targets.(4)沃克拒绝了这个提议,而是选择去前线战斗。

10. Walker进一步说,在完成基地组织培训后,Walker被颁发了AKM步枪,并与大约30个其他Mujahideen一起送往喀布尔。沃克(Walker)随身携带步枪,同时与大约150名战斗机一起,沃克(Walker)从喀布尔(Kabul)到达塔克哈尔(Takhar)的前线。沃克(Walker)的小组在塔克哈尔(Takhar)的战es中旋转了两周的轮班,以防止北方联盟攻击。在这段时间里,沃克的AKM步枪出现故障,他被重新发行了一支新的步枪,他沿着前线携带了两枚手榴弹。沃克还说,在9月11日或12日,他通过广播了解了华盛顿和纽约的恐怖袭击。根据沃克的说法,本·拉登(Bin Laden)下令袭击时,他和他的同志的理解将随后发生。

11.沃克还表示,在9月1日之后1 attacks, all of the Bin Laden training camps were closed and the people in those camps were sent to the front lines to protect Bin Laden and to defend against what they anticipated would be attacks from the United States. Walker further stated that he remained with his fighting group until their position in Takhar was bombed by the U.S. Thereafter, according to Walker, he and his group retreated to Kunduz. Eventually, a withdrawal was negotiated with General Dostum of the Northern Alliance, as part of which Walker and other fighters surrendered their arms and were trucked to Mazar-e Sharif, and ultimately to QIJ. Walker further stated that he was eventually interviewed by two Americans (i.e.,Spann和CS-1)根据沃克的说法,他将自己确定为巴基斯坦。沃克说,在采访后,他被搬到了草坪上,那里的其他审讯也已被搬迁。此后不久,沃克听到了地下室的镜头和尖叫。沃克进一步说,听到这一点后,沃克起身试图奔跑,但在腿上被枪杀并在院子里倒下。沃克说,他一直躺在院子里,直到他被同志带到地下室。沃克声称没有看到采访他的两个美国人发生了什么事。

12.沃克进一步指出,最终安排了投降,红十字工人将病人和受伤的医院带到了马扎尔 - E-Sharif附近的医院。沃克说,在运输过程中,他与CNN记者讨论了自己的情况。沃克还表示,他受到军队的待遇,并在拘留期间接受了足够的食物和治疗。





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The QIJ Uprising

14. Based upon preliminary reports of U.S. military and other personnel, as well as upon media accounts, I understand that, among other things, the following transpired at QIJ in or about the end of November 2001:



16. Based on the foregoing, I have probable cause to believe that:(我)从2001年5月左右到2001年12月左右,约翰·菲利普·沃克·林德(John Philip Walker Lindh),a/k/a“ suleyman al-faris”,“ a/k/a“阿卜杜勒·哈米德”,被告,在美国以外的时候,在美国境外杀害美国国民的同时,即美国国民在阿富汗持续的冲突,违反了美国法典第18章,第2332条(b);(ii)from in or about March 2001 through in or about May 2001,John Philip Walker Lindh, a/k/a "Suleyman al-Faris,"A/K/A“ Abdul Hamid”,被告,受美国管辖的约束,但在任何特定州或地区的管辖范围之外,非法,故意,故意,有意地提供了物质支持和资源,因为该期限定义在18 U.S.C.� 2339A(b), to a foreign terrorist organization, namely,Harakat Ul-Mujahideen(“嗡嗡”),并企图并同谋,违反了第18章,《美国法典》第2339b和第2节;(iii)从2001年5月左右到2001年12月左右,John Philip Walker Lindh, a/k/a "Suleyman al-Faris,"A/K/A“ Abdul Hamid”,被告,受美国管辖的约束,但在任何特定州或地区的管辖范围之外,非法,故意,故意,有意地提供了物质支持和资源,因为该期限定义在18 U.S.C.2339a(b),是一个外国恐怖组织,即基地组织,并企图并同谋违反了第18条,《美国法典》第2339b和第2条;(iv)从2001年5月左右到2001年12月左右,在任何特定州或地区管辖范围之外John Philip Walker Lindh, a/k/a "Suleyman al-Faris,"a/k/a "Abdul Hamid,"被告,作为美国人遵守美国的管辖权,故意和故意contributed goods and services to, and for the benefit of, the Taliban, and supplied directly and indirectly goods and services to the territory of Afghanistan controlled by the Taliban以及塔利班和财产财产利益被封锁至31 C.F.R.的人。

545.201,违反of Title 31, Code of Federal Regulations, Sections 545.201 and 545.204, Executive Order # 13129, Title 50, United States Code, Sections 1702 and 1705, and Title 18, United States Code, Section 2.


Anne E. Asbury




Sworn to and subscribed to before me







4。Walker's description of al-Misri is consistent with that provided by confidential sources, at least one of whom is a former member of al-Qaeda who is familiar with the operation of the several training camps run by Bin Laden and al-Qaeda. According to at least one of those sources, al-Misri (which means "the Egyptian") is also known as "Saleh," who is a fugitive under indictment in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York for his participation in the 1998 bombings of the United States embassies in East Africa .

5。The following accounts are drawn from preliminary transcripts of CNN broadcasts.

