[国会记录第158卷,第88号(2012年6月12日星期二)] [参议院] [参议院]提交决议______参议院第489号决议 - 表达参议院的意识,由外国特别律师委员会的任命任命调查关于美国军事和情报计划,计划和运营的明显分类和高度敏感信息的某些泄漏麦凯恩先生(为自己,Inhofe先生,柳条先生,马萨诸塞州布朗先生,艾托特女士。柯林斯女士,格雷丁先生,康宁先生,罗伯特先生,罗伯茨先生,罗伯茨先生,斯皮尔先生,罗克先生,克里克先生,克里克先生,Chambliss先生卢比奥先生和Hoeven先生)提交了以下决议;这是司法委员会的:S. Res。489虽然在过去的几周内,已经发布了几个出版物,这引用了几个高度敏感的美国军事和智力反恐计金博宝更改账户划,计划和运营;虽然这些出版物似乎基于未经授金博宝更改账户权披露的分类信息;虽然未经授权的分类信息披露是联邦法律下的重罪;而这些出版物中的来源的身份包括高级行政官员,参与者在这些报告的计划,方案和运营中的参与者以金博宝更改账户及当前的美国官员对这些报告的计划,方案和行动匿名讲话,因为它们仍然被分类,其中部分是正在进行,或两者;此类未经授权的披露可能会抑制美国未来雇用相同或类似计划,方案或运营的能力;冒险冒着美国国家安全和男女宣誓保护它的安全; and dismay our allies; Whereas under Federal law, the Attorney General may appoint an outside special counsel when an investigation or prosecution would present a conflict of interest or other extraordinary circumstances and when doing so would serve the public interest; Whereas investigations of unauthorized disclosures of classified information are ordinarily conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation with assistance from prosecutors in the National Security Division of the Department of Justice; Whereas there is precedent for officials in the National Security Division of the Department of Justice to recuse itself from such investigations to avoid even the appearance of impropriety or undue influence, and it appears that there have been such recusals with respect to the investigation of at least one of these unauthorized disclosures; Whereas such recusals are indicative of the serious complications already facing the Department of Justice in investigating these matters; Whereas the severity of the national security implications of these disclosures; the imperative for investigations of these disclosures to be conducted independently so as to avoid even the appearance of impropriety or undue influence; and the need to conduct these investigations expeditiously to ensure timely mitigation constitute extraordinary circumstances; and Whereas, for the foregoing reasons, the appointment of an outside special counsel would serve the public interest: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate that-- (1) the Attorney General should-- (A) delegate to an outside special counsel all of the authority of the Attorney General with respect to investigations by the Department of Justice of any and all unauthorized disclosures of classified and highly sensitive information related to various United States military and intelligence plans, programs, and operations reported in recent publications; and (B) direct an outside special counsel to exercise that authority independently of the supervision or control of any officer of the Department of Justice; (2) under such authority, the outside special counsel should investigate any and all unauthorized disclosures of classified and highly sensitive information on which such recent publications were based and, where appropriate, prosecute those responsible; and (3) the President should assess-- (A) whether any such unauthorized disclosures of classified and highly sensitive information damaged the national security of the United States; and (B) how such damage can be mitigated. ____________________