2010年7月28日国会记录[S6443页]里德(为他自己和Mr.麦康奈尔提交下方解析后经审议并商定解析600,美国司法部请求参议院情报选择委员会提供文件,以待对未经授权泄露国家安全信息进行调查依据1978年政府道德法第703(a)和704(a)(2)条2 U.S.C.高级技术员高级技术员288b(a)和288c(a)(2),参议院可指示其律师代表前或现任参院雇员处理与其官方职责有关的任何传票、命令或请求证词依据美国参院特权和参院常备规则十一,由参院控制或掌握的任何证据都不得通过司法或行政程序从这种控制或占有中取出,除非经参院许可!Whereas, when it appears that evidence under the control or        in the possession of the Senate may promote the        administration of justice, the Senate will take such action        as will promote the ends of justice consistent with the        privileges of the Senate: Now, therefore, be it         Resolved, That the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Senate        Select Committee on Intelligence, acting jointly, are        authorized to provide to the United States Department of        Justice, under appropriate security procedures, copies of        Committee documents sought in connection with a pending        investigation into the unauthorized disclosure of classified        national security information, and former and current        employees of the Committee are authorized to testify in        proceedings arising out of that investigation, except        concerning matters for which a privilege should be asserted.高级技术员二叉参议院法律顾问受权代表情报选择委员会以及委员会前雇员或现任雇员,在本决议第一节授权制作证词和文件时,可要求其提供证词[.][国会记录:2010年7月28日(Senate)] [S6457页]白屋师傅总统,我请求全体一致同意 参院立即审议S解析600 今天早些时候提交代理办公人文员逐项报告解析立法文员写法如下:解析600)授权文件制作和证明并代理情报选择委员会无人反对,参议院开始审议决议师傅改编师傅情报选择委员会收到司法部请求记录,该请求由委员会监督工作期间创建,涉及对与委员会无关者未经授权泄露机密国家安全资料的待决调查该决议授权情报选择委员会主席和副主席联合提供记录,由委员会监督过程中创建,响应司法部的这一请求司法部可能在某些时段请求委员会工作人员提供证词,因此决议还授权委员会前雇员和现任雇员在由此事引起的诉讼中作证,除非应主张特权,并由参议院法律顾问代理他作证师傅白屋师傅主席,我请求一致同意接受决议,同意序言,请求复议动议摆在桌面上,不干预或辩论,与决议有关的任何声明都载入记录中。代理办公人无反对意见,按此排序分辨率解析解析600)经商定同意序言。决议前言如下:而美国司法部请求参议院情报选委会提供文件,以待对未经授权泄露国家安全信息进行调查依据1978年政府道德法第703(a)和704(a)(2)条2 U.S.C.高级技术员高级技术员288b(a)和288c(a)(2),参议院可指示其律师代表前或现任参院雇员处理与其官方职责有关的任何传票、命令或请求证词依据美国参院特权和参院常备规则十一,由参院控制或掌握的任何证据都不得通过司法或行政程序从这种控制或占有中取出,除非经参院许可!Whereas, when it appears that evidence under the control or        in the possession of the Senate may promote the        administration of justice, the Senate will take such action        as will promote the ends of justice consistent with the        privileges of the Senate: Now, therefore, be it         Resolved, That the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Senate        Select Committee on Intelligence, acting jointly, are        authorized to provide to the United States Department of        Justice, under appropriate security procedures, copies of        Committee documents sought in connection with a pending        investigation into the unauthorized disclosure of classified        national security information, and former and current        employees of the Committee are authorized to testify in        proceedings arising out of that investigation, except        concerning matters for which a privilege should be asserted.高级技术员二叉参议院法律顾问受权代表情报选择委员会以及委员会前雇员或现任雇员,在本决议第一节授权制作证词和文件时,可要求其提供证词____________________