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4. The Encounter with Communism

If 1917 was an eventful year in the United States, it was a momentous one in Russia. In a cabinet meeting on March 20, following the sinking by German submarines of three American merchant vessels, President Wilson spoke of summoning Congress and, by all implication, asking for a Declaration of War. Secretary of State Lansing recorded that the President spoke of the situation in the belligerent countries, "particularly in Russia where the revolution against the autocracy had been successful. . . ."54 Lansing took up the point to argue that "the revolution in Russia, which appeared to be successful, had removed the one objection to affirming that the European War was a war between Democracy and Absolutism . . ." Further, American entry into the War "would have a great moral influence in Russia. . . ."55 This was a moment all but erased from history by the events that followed.


Soviet secrecy carried over into foreign affairs. The new regime was both threatened and threatening. Early on, American, British, and French expeditionary forces were sent to overturn the new Bolshevik Government and so, somehow "keep Russia in the war." (It could be fairly remarked that the United States took this intervention rather too offhandedly. Nothing came of it, so that we may be said not to have assumed that it would affect Soviet attitudes and conduct. As it was, the United States did not recognize the Soviet government and exchange ambassadors until 1933.)

Even while under attack, however, the Soviets began recruiting secret agents in foreign countries. They saw themselves as leaders of a worldwide movement--the red flag, symbol of universal brotherhood--and anticipated early success as other regimes began to collapse at the close of the War. Some agents were undercover, some quite public, some both.

约翰·里德(John Reed)是1910年的哈佛大学毕业生,后者是后者。1913年,他加入了群众, a socialist journal published in New York. (Its fame is in large measure accounted for by the illustrations of John Sloan and other painters and illustrators of the Ashcan School.) In August, 1917, Reed wrote an article, "Knit a Straight-Jacket for Your Soldier Boy." This brought upon him prosecution under the Espionage Act and, with his acquittal, a measure of fame in his own circles.57

But the great event was his trip to Russia, where he witnessed the Bolshevik coup. His account,Ten Days that Shook the World, appeared in 1919 (soon after his acquittal in the群众trial) and was a master work of what would come to be known as agitprop. He attended the All-Russian Soviet convention in January 1918. In the summer of 1919 he was expelled from the Socialist Party of America at its convention in Chicago and thereupon helped found the Communist Labor Party. He died in Russia of typhus on October 17, 1920, and was buried in the wall of the Kremlin in Moscow, the equivalent--then--of interment in St. Peter's in Rome. Lenin wrote an introduction to one edition of his book, although he did not live to see the movie (Reds, 1981).


一开始,大多数美国共产主义者将是俄罗斯人。美利坚合众国共产党(CPUSA)于1921年在莫斯科的要求中组织,将里德的共产党工党与美国共产党的共产党合并,由前社会主义者中西部人查尔斯·埃米尔·鲁森伯格(Charles Emil Ruthenberg)组织。会员资格不大,是外国出生的绝大部分。59西奥多·德雷珀(Theodore Draper),The Roots of American Communism, estimates that 10 percent spoke English. Harvey Klehr et al., make that 12 percent.

德雷珀(Draper)评论说:“这只是说美国共产主义运动最初是以斯拉夫运动为主的……”以一种熟悉的模式,移民带来了政治,或者同情自己的家园的政治变化。60他继续指出,这种情况随着“美国人”和“其他民族”的变化而变化。61,但种族维度是美国共产主义从未停止过,尽管有时会被约翰·里德(John Reed)等人所掩盖。

Perhaps a quarter of a million persons passed through the Communist Party between 1919 and 1960--with emphasis on passing through.62 Nathan Glazer estimates that at the peak of popularity there were "considerably fewer than 100,000 Communists."63 Nor did the Party, or parties in the first instance, have an auspicious beginning. Fear of radical revolutions got out of hand in 1919-20. There was a good deal of disorder, and no small amount of criminal behavior. On May Day, 1919, some 36 bombs were sent by mail to prominent politicians, judges, and other "enemies of the left."64 The New York Times wrote of a "nationwide bomb conspiracy." The Washington house of Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer was damaged by a bomb which went off prematurely and blew up the bomber.

All this would appear to have been a last surge of anarchism, but it was generally taken for Bolshevism. "Russian Reds Are Busy Here," ran a New York Times headline. Palmer, the "Fighting Quaker," responded with major cross-country raids--the Palmer Raids--on radical organizations, including the New York-based Union of Russian Workers, on November 7-8, 1919, the second anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution. On January 2, 1920, Federal agents arrested more than 4,000 Communists in 33 different cities as undesirable aliens deserving of deportation.65 The Washington Post warned "[t]here is not time to waste on hair-splitting over infringement of liberty." J. Edgar Hoover, a 24-year old Justice Department official, located a U.S. Army trans-port, termed the "Soviet Ark," to take a shipload of radicals home, and invited Members of Congress to see them off at Ellis Island. He now emerged as a national figure, whilst his superior, the Attorney General, began making plans to run for President.

The unrest did not last. May Day 1920 passed without incident. With his credibility badly damaged, Palmer saw his presidential aspirations erode. Warren G. Harding, running for President against Democrat James Cox, said that "too much has been said about Bolshevism in America."66 The Democratic administration, leaderless following Wilson's stroke on October 2, 1919, had become undisciplined and erratic. Such intervals would recur, with both parties involved, but now a sense of civic order returned. Draper observes:

And now the new rulers of Russia turned their acolytes into agents. Klehr et al., write:


美国共产主义者的相对隔离产生了一些后果。除了曼哈顿的知识界以及其他很少的大都会中心,除了美国劳工运动的要素外,共产党人几乎是未知的。在知识分子中,尤其是在劳工运动中,与共产主义的相遇产生了常常激烈的反共反应。(从冷战开始到结束,美国劳工联合会对共产主义及其反对派的反对无与伦比。派对,或者幻灭了“旅行者”。Ignazio Silone有了确定的事情,可以预测“最后的战斗将是共产主义者和前社区主义者之间” - 这就是后者的见识和厌恶。70

即便如此,大多数前共产主义者还是有一定程度的社会距离,以至于他们的故事经常看起来太异国情调了。他们很容易被视为幻想家或更糟。Klehr等人的写作本杰明·吉特洛(Benjamin Gitlow)是一位早期的共产党领导人,他于1929年被驱逐出该党,在斯大林流亡托洛茨基的一份复发性清洗中:

托洛茨基是一个象征性的人物。当布尔什维克在圣彼得堡上台时,他住在曼哈顿。匆忙的家,成为外交大臣,指挥军队,可能接替列宁,被斯大林流放,及时被暗杀在墨西哥城。在他的自传中不合拍, Sidney Hook, professor at New York University and a one-time Communist who, with many a New Yorker, followed Trotsky into opposition to Stalin, relates: "Ironically, it was one of my students, Sylvia Ageloff, who unwittingly gave Trotsky's assassin access to commit the murder."72 Ageloff's sister served for a time as secretary to Trotsky in Mexico City. She visited her sister; Trotsky and his wife grew fond of her. Back in New York, a woman friend casually offered Ageloff a ticket to Paris that she herself could not use. In Paris she met a dashing young Belgian journalist; her first love. He was, in fact, Ramon Mercader, "whose mother was a leading member of the Spanish Communist Party, . . . then living with a general of the NKVD in Moscow."73 In 1940, with Ageloff's guileless help, Mercader made his way to Mexico City, joined Trotsky's household, and thereupon murdered him.


1948年,惠特克·钱伯斯金博宝更改账户Daily Workerand the新群众, later an editor at时间,将在1930年代中期担任苏联的秘密特工和华盛顿“牢房”的成员,其中包括最突出的阿尔格·希尔斯(Alger Hiss)。引起了极大的争议。钱伯斯可能会说实话吗?再次引用西德尼·胡克(Sidney Hook),1930年代在纽约的“每个人”都知道了他的过去。(“……我假设 - 我相信我不是唯一的人 - 在他离开新群众后,钱伯斯从事地下工作。”)75他与聚会打破;然后他意识到这可能是死亡。

钩建议一个复杂的“�人寿保险的波利奇y" whereby Chambers would "draw up a detailed list of all the Soviet operatives he knew, all the �sleepers' in Washington and elsewhere, anyone who had given him any information" and send this to Earl Browder, then head of the American Communist Party, with the further information that if Chambers were murdered the list would be made public. Hook continues: "When Chambers first publicly identified his fellow-conspirators in 1948, the names were quite familiar to me." They were the same names he had given to a mutual friend, Herbert Solow, in 1938. They were the same names Chambers had given to Adolph Berle, then Assistant Secretary of State, in 1939.

And so the interval of 1918 to 1939 concluded and the Great War resumed. During that interval the Soviet Union had put in place a fairly elaborate espionage apparatus, more or less reflexively. From the Soviet perspective the United States was a somewhat marginal power, but even so, spies might in time prove useful. As indeed they would, however briefly. For its part, the United States Government was not much interested in such matters. The anti-Communist hysteria of 1919-1920 was seen, especially within the circles of the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt, as something of an embarrassment. As President Harding had stated, "too much has been said about Bolshevism in America."

Looking back on that period, David Riesman wrote in 1952:

Besides, the Bolsheviks were now the established rulers of a major power; potential opponents in the East of the Nazi regime in Germany, which had begun its devastating conquests in the West. And, of course, the great secret of American Government at this time was that, some military matters apart, it had none.

54 "Memorandum on the Cabinet Meeting," (20 March 1917), Link, The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, 41:438.
56 There was a quality of openness in 19th and early 20th century civil society that is all but forgotten today. Weber, a reserve Army officer called back to duty during the War, sensing the outcome, wrote a friend in 1917:

57 Robert A. Rosenstone,《浪漫革命:约翰·里德的传记》(剑桥:哈佛大学出版社,1990年),第330页。
58 Klehr et al., Secret World, 22.
59 Draper重现了CPUSA成员资格的估计:西奥多·德雷珀(Theodore Draper),The Roots of American Communism(Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, Inc. 1957), 189.
62 Klehr et al., Secret World, 323.Appendix A: Secrecy: A Brief Account of the American Experience A-81
63 Nathan Glazer,美国共产主义的社会基础(纽约:Harcourt,Brace&World,1961年),3。Maurice Isserman估计,在第二次世界大战之前的几年中,美国有50,000至75,000名CPUSA成员。莫里斯·伊斯曼(Maurice Isserman),Which Side Were You On? The American Communist Party During the Second World War(米德尔敦:卫斯理大学出版社,1982年),18。
64 Stanley Coben,A.米切尔·帕尔默(Mitchell Palmer):政治家(New York: Da Capo Press, 1972), 203-04.
65罗伯特·默里(Robert K. Murray),红色恐慌:国家歇斯底里的一项研究,1919- 1920年(Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1955; reprint, Westport: Greenwood Press, 1980), 213.
66 Roberta Strauss Feuerlicht,美国的恐怖统治:第一次世界大战,红色恐慌和帕尔默突袭(纽约:兰登书屋,1971年),第108页。
67 Draper, Roots, 207.
68 Klehr et al., Secret World, 21-24.
69 These subsidies continued into the 1980s, by which time the CPUSA scarcely existed. Evidently, Moscow did not realize this, assuming perhaps the greater portion of the Party had gone underground. It is ever difficult for clandestine operators to check their facts!
70 Richard Crossman, ed., The God that Failed: Six Studies in Communism (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1950), introduction, 16.
71 Klehr et al., Secret World, 25.
72年西德尼钩,步骤:在一个不平静的生活e 20th Century (New York: Harper & Row, 1987), 241.
73 NKVD is the abbreviation for narodnyi komissariat vnutrennikh del (People's commissariat of internal affairs), predecessor to the KGB, the name formally used beginning in 1954. Often, however, early Soviet intelligence operations also are described by historians as those of the KGB for the sake of clarity. (See, for example, Klehr et al., Secret World, xxvii; Benson and Warner, VENONA, ix.)
75 Hook,脱离步骤,281。
76 Ibid. In 1946, Lionel Trilling of Columbia University published his novel, The Middle of the Journey. It recounts the ordeal of an American Communist--clearly Chambers--who had broken with the Party and, as a means of escaping death, was now desperate to establish that he was still alive. This involved his relationship with another conspirator--just as clearly Alger Hiss. Trilling knew Chambers. He did not know Hiss existed. Yet he did know.
77 Ibid., 285.
78大卫·里斯曼(David Riesman),对什么?(Garden City:Doubleday,1964年;转载,新不伦瑞克省:Transac-Tion Publishers,1993年),第80页。

继续to Part 5 of Appendix A


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