[国会记录第161卷,第92号(2015年6月10日星期三)] [备注]尊重Richard C. Ehlke ______ Hon。唐纳德S. Beyer,弗吉尼亚州弗吉尼亚州的弗吉尼亚州,于2015年6月10日星期三伯耶先生。扬声器先生,我今天上涨,纪念国会图书馆国会研究服务(CRS)的董事和高级专家高级顾问Richard C. Ehlke。Ehlke先生于2015年5月29日退休,经过四十年的杰出职业。在他的任期期间,Ehlke先生在CRS的许多角色提供服务。他始于职业生涯作为与美国法律司的立法律师,国会和员工成员积极寻求他的周到,客观分析了大会面临的一些最复杂和最细微的法律问题。金博宝正规网址他备受关注和依赖于简报的依据经常专注于国会与行政部门之间的潜在摩擦点。在他的国会客户中,他分析了立法审查的法律错综复杂,国会获取机构和总统信息,主席的宪法权在任命条款和国会的立法和咨询和同意特权以及透明度的相互作用在政府通过信息法案提供。他经常被国会办事处呼吁,澄清联邦政府与美洲原住民的关系产生的法律复杂性。 Following his many years of providing direct legal counsel to Congress as a legislative attorney, Mr. Ehlke was promoted to serve as the head of CRS' American Law Division. In this role, he guided the work of a generation of Division attorneys and paralegal assistants, instilling in them the rigorous, careful legal research and analytical skills that had always been the hallmark of his own work. He was instrumental in establishing the Division's Law Recruit Program in 1988, which has attracted new hires, contributing to a vibrant and diverse workforce of legislative attorneys. Following his tenure as head of the American Law Division, a succession of CRS Directors called upon Mr. Ehlke for his sage advice and leadership skills in the service of Congress in a number of critical roles. His accomplishments during this part of his career were significant. Mr. Ehlke played a leading role in the development of a new performance assessment system for CRS. He also advised the Director on the establishment of the position of Section Research Manager (SRM) (first-line supervisors) in the Service and assisted with the recruitment, hiring, orientation, and performance expectations of the initial cohort of these SRMs. Additionally he oversaw a complete redesign of the CRS website and served as a member of the website governance board to streamline services for our Congressional offices. Given his long-term interest in ensuring CRS' objective of providing the best service to Congress, Mr. Ehlke assisted with the Congressionally mandated CRS customer satisfaction survey. And as the Senior Advisor to the Director and as a Senior Specialist, he advised on significant legal issues relating to ethics, media policy, CRS relations with the Library of Congress, speech or debate privilege, CRS reorganizations, and personnel actions. Whatever his role, the result has always been the same--a highly competent, skillful performance for the benefit of Congress, its Members, and staff. CRS has been fortunate to have had such a person of high intellect dedicated to the institution's mission of providing objective, authoritative service to Congress in an unfailing patient and courteous manner for over forty years. We wish him the very best in his retirement, and thank him for his exceptional record of service to CRS and to the Congress of the United States. ____________________