[国会记录第158卷,第163号(2012年12月18日星期二)][House] [page H6869-H7263]2013财政年度国防授权法案McKEON先生提交了以下会议报告和关于法案(H.R. 4310)的声明,授权2013财政年度国防部军事活动、军事建设和能源部国防活动的拨款,规定该财政年度军事人员编制及其他用途。[...]SEC. 3163. CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN RESTRICTED DATA. Section 142 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2162) is amended-- (1) in subsection d.-- (A) by inserting ``(1)'' before ``The Commission''; and (B) by adding at the end the following: ``(2) The Commission may restore to the Restricted Data category any information related to the design of nuclear weapons removed under paragraph (1) if the Commission and the Department of Defense jointly determine that-- ``(A) the programmatic requirements that caused the information to be removed from the Restricted Data category are no longer applicable or have diminished; ``(B) the information would be more appropriately protected as Restricted Data; and ``(C) restoring the information to the Restricted Data category is in the interest of national security. ``(3) In carrying out paragraph (2), information related to the design of nuclear weapons shall be restored to the Restricted Data category in accordance with regulations prescribed for purposes of such paragraph.''; and (2) in subsection e.-- (A) by inserting ``(1)'' before ``The Commission''; (B) by striking ``Central'' and inserting ``National''; and (C) by adding at the end the following: ``(2) The Commission may restore to the Restricted Data category any information concerning atomic energy programs of other nations removed under paragraph (1) if the Commission and the Director of National Intelligence jointly determine that-- ``(A) the programmatic requirements that caused the information to be removed from the Restricted Data category are no longer applicable or have diminished; ``(B) the information would be more appropriately protected as Restricted Data; and ``(C) restoring the information to the Restricted Data category is in the interest of national security. ``(3) In carrying out paragraph (2), information concerning atomic energy programs of other nations shall be restored to the Restricted Data category in accordance with regulations prescribed for purposes of such paragraph.''. [...] Conference Report (H. Rept. 112-705) [...]众议院法案包含了一项条款(第3153节),该条款将修改1954年原子能法案(第42 U.S.C. 2162)第142节,以允许能源部长与国防部长或国家情报总监,将与核武器设计有关的某些信息恢复到限制数据类别。这一规定也将做出技术调整分段142 e的原子能法通过更新术语“中央情报局局长”,“国家情报总监”符合部分142 e的转移函数包含在2004年情报改革和防范恐怖主义法》(公法108 - 458)。参议院修正案包含了类似的条款(第3121节)。众议院通过了澄清修正案。[...]