[国会记录:2009年1月15日(扩展)] [页面E100]引入H.R.553:减少2009年______ HON的过分分类法。加利福尼亚州的Jane Harman在2009年1月15日星期四哈曼女士。扬声器女士,美国的首批预防员将于下周二面临巨大的挑战。他们必须保护这个和下一届政府的主要成员 - 特别是第一个家庭 - 为最大的美国总统就职典礼达到数百万,并与联邦同行无缝工作。前所未有的努力将分享信息 - 特别是有关威胁的信息。信息共享是一个巨大的问题,最高可达9/11,7年后,我们仍然有工作要做。当职业ry结束时,当地执法部门不应该恢复到通常的业务 - 在那里仍然很难获得关于该领域警察的威胁和策略的准确,可操作和及时的信息。虽然很难相信,警长和警察委员会无法轻易获取他们需要预防或扰乱潜在恐怖主义攻击所需的信息,因为联邦级别抵制了共享信息。过度分类和伪分类 - 用任何数量的敏感但未入住的标记冲压 - 保持猖獗。保护来源和方法是拒绝共享信息的唯一有效原因。 It is no exaggeration that people die and our ability to monitor certain targets can be compromised, if sources and methods are revealed. But classifying information for the wrong reasons--to protect turf or to avoid embarrassment--is wrong. During my 8 years on the House Intelligence Committee, I became incredibly frustrated with this practice--which the Bush Administration elevated to an art-form. And, sadly, the practice has spread to our newest federal agency: the Department of Homeland Security. Madam Speaker, the next attack in the United States will not be stopped because a bureaucrat in Washington, DC found out about it in advance. It will be the cop on the beat who is familiar with the rhythms and nuances of his or her own neighborhood who will foil that attack. H.R. 553, the Reducing Over-Classification Act, and which passed the House unanimously in the 110th Congress, is an attempt to establish a gold standard at DHS when it comes to classification practices. It requires that all classified intelligence products created at the Department be simultaneously created in a standard unclassified format if such a product would help local law enforcement keep us safe. This is unprecedented. Furthermore, the bill requires portion marking--the identification of paragraphs in a document that are classified--permitting the remainder of the document to remain unclassified. The measure will promote accountability by requiring the DHS Inspector General to sample randomly classified intelligence products and identify problems that exist in those samples. It also directs the Secretary to develop a plan to track electronically how and where information classified by DHS is disseminated so that misuse can be prevented. Finally, the legislation requires the Secretary to establish extensive annual training on the proper use of the classification regime, and penalties for staff who repeatedly fail to comply with applicable classification policies. A key to homeland security is personal preparedness. A prepared public is not likely to be terrorized. Access to important non- classified information is essential to ensure preparedness, and this bill protects the public's right to know. It enjoys support by privacy and civil liberty groups. Madam Speaker, on behalf of first preventers and first responders everywhere, I urge passage of this essential bipartisan legislation, and its prompt consideration in the Senate. ____________________