日历831号第110届国会参议院报告2 d会话110 - 397  ====================================================================== 商务部门和公正、科学、和相关机构拨款法案,2009年6月23日,2008年。——下令印刷_________ Mikulski女士的拨款委员会提交以下报告[陪s . 3182]委员会拨款法案(s . 3182)报告让商务部门拨款和正义,科学,和相关机构的财政年度截至9月30日,2009年,ReportsReports出于其他目的,对此进行正面报道并建议法案通过。ReportsReports[...]FBI Headquarters Building.--The Committee is concerned that the limitations of the J. Edgar Hoover Building, which has not had any major structural improvements since it was opened in 1974, could affect the FBI's ability to fulfill its mission. The building is inadequate for the current FBI Headquarters workforce, causing dispersal of FBI staff in to over 16 annex offices. The building also lacks adequate setback and other security features, which puts FBI operations and personnel at unacceptable risk. The Hoover Building does not meet the Interagency Security Committee's criteria for a secure Federal facility capable of handling intelligence and other sensitive information. The Committee finds these conditions unacceptable and directs the Government Accountability Office [GAO] to review the Hoover Building and associated off-site locations, and provide a analysis of the FBI's ability to fulfill its mission and security requirements under the present circumstances. The GAO study should also assess the benefits of a consolidated Headquarters facility. [...]