[国会记录:2008年4月9日(参议院)] [第S2811]火器信息的使用ACT肯尼迪先生。主席女士,这是我的同事们支持枪支信息使用法案废除在Tiahrt修正案,最极端的规定,提起神秘面纱,目前围绕着枪在我们国家流动的特权。该法案将赋予执法机构,他们需要做好自己的工作,同时保护有关便衣,秘密线人,正在进行的调查,和合法的枪支购买者的信息支持。这是一个基本开放的政府措施,是全美社区的公众安全是至关重要的。该Tiahrt修正案的拨款车手在2003,限制由酒精,烟草,枪支和爆炸物的司法部局收集公众获取信息的制定。它可以防止执法机构从相互共享枪的跟踪数据,并从获得其地理管辖范围之外枪跟踪数据。它禁止被用作国家许可被撤销,民事诉讼,或任何其他行政诉讼的证据,除非特别局提交的这些信息。它还可以防止从局发布报告说,使用枪支的跟踪数据来分析枪在国家层面的流动。ReportsReports许多市长,执法人员和研究人员已经对这些限制说出来。市长反对非法枪支,由波士顿市长汤姆·梅尼诺和纽约市市长迈克尔·布隆伯格领导的超过250名市长的两党联盟,是坚决反对的Tiahrt修正案,以及对联盟的首要任务之一是已经修正废除。 The International Association of Chiefs of Police recently emphasized that we can reduce gun violence in our communities by making gun trace data publicly available. In a 2006 report, the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence documented the harmful consequences of the Tiahrt amendment. The Brady Center found that the amendment ``had an immediate chilling effect on the Bureau's activities,'' that ``academic researchers have already found their work stymied,'' and that the amendment has ``crippled'' efforts by law enforcement to investigate patterns of gun trafficking on a nationwide basis and to identify sources of guns used in crime. The report unequivocally concludes that the ``Tiahrt Amendment is a transparent attempt by the gun lobby . . . to shield the public, as well as government and law enforcement agencies, from the truth about guns and crime.'' In spite of these criticisms, the amendment has been included in the Justice Department appropriations bill every year since 2003, and even more restrictive versions of it have been proposed in recent months. By enacting the Firearms Information Use Act, Congress can restore sanity to our policy on gun trace data. Scaling back the Tiahrt amendment will give our State and local officials the information they need to halt gun trafficking and the reckless dealers who facilitate it. Whatever one's views of the second amendment, surely we can all agree that it does not confer a right to sell firearms illegally. I urge all of my colleagues to support this legislation. ____________________