Patricia M. Wald的证词






1.国家机密特权是一种普通法特权,它起源于司法部门,司法部门阐明了其必要性,并在19世纪的案件中为其范围制定了一些方向,但最近在美国诉雷诺兹案(United States v Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1, 1953)中强调了国家机密特权。雷诺兹承认在这种情况下有权拒绝在私人伤害诉讼中披露飞机事故报告,因为有一种合理的危险,即强迫提供证据将暴露军事问题,而为了国家安全的利益,军事问题不应被披露。在10。(你肯定知道,报告中并没有这样的秘密)。自雷诺兹之后,法院一直在裁决政府在其范围和后果方面自行提高特权的案件,并产生往往不一致的结果。有广泛共识的法律社区美国律师协会建议和报告证明问题的重要性和留下的不同结果的实现特权完全在个别法官的自由裁量权影响向的运动由国会承认权力美国宪法第1条第8节和第3条第2节规定了联邦法院取证的相关规定。正如你们所知,国会已经多次立法关于联邦法院程序的证据规则,包括人身保护令和FISA程序,这些程序可能涉及国家安全问题。在刑事领域,《机密情报程序法》(CIPA)为全面披露机密信息的替代方案提供了相关模式,允许起诉继续进行,同时给予被告应有的程序权利。 The time is now ripe for such legislation in the civil arena; litigants and their counsel are confused and unsure as to how to proceed in cases where the government raises the privilege; the courts themselves are confronted with precedent going in many different directions as to the scope of their authority and the requirements for exercising it.


雷诺兹)明确表示,后续情况下口头同意的证据是否寻求被政府隐瞒存在合理危险��国防或外交关系(国家安全风险的准确制定不同的病例,但问题是立法者给予严肃的思想;太宽泛的定义几乎可以涵盖政府在当今全球相互依存的世界中感兴趣的任何事情),这最终是由法官决定的,而不是政府决定的。因此,政府提出一个表面上看似合理的国家机密主张是不够的。从这个意义上说,它不同于《信息自由法》等涉及保密和国家安全的其他情况。在豁免1中,政府可以对根据行政命令标准适当分类的材料不予公开披露,如果该分类是合理的。然而,根据1974年的一项具体修正案,法院有权重新审视并决定这种分类是否合理(尽管政府的宣誓书有相当大的分量)。我得说,法院对这种权力的使用非常谨慎,但它确实存在,有时还被用来拒绝不正当的索赔。更加密切关注国家机密特权的法官可以在此基础上,对这类信息的需求更引人注目的的民事原告比公众的任何成员在《信息自由法》和事实符合免1,这些材料必须按照行政命令的标准被合理归类,据我所知,这一要求本身并不属于国家机密特权的组成部分。但《信息自由法》的例子表明了一个基本观点,即法官确实定期处理国家安全信息,可以委托法官对其进行评估,评估的决策门槛相对较低,即这些信息的披露是否合理地可能构成国家安全风险。 To my knowledge there have been no court �leaks� of any such information. There is no doubt that such a decision is a weighty one but if our courts are to continue their best tradition of constitutional guardianship it is an obligation that they cannot avoid, and the potentiality of a serious judicial review of the material in conjunction with the government's affidavits on the need for nondisclosure even in a courtroom setting will itself pose a deterrent to the dangers of the privilege being too �lightly invoked� (Reynolds).

b) This brings me to the question of whether unlike FOIA which allows but does not require a judge to look at the allegedly risky material himself in camera rather than relying on the government�s affidavits, state secret legislation should require the judge to himself or herself review the material before making a decision on whether the privilege applies. I am of the view that it should. The stakes in civil litigation-as I said-tend to be higher than in FOIA for the plaintiff and our traditions of fair hearing dictate that to the maximum degree feasible all relevant evidence be admitted in judicial proceedings. Reynolds itself left open the possibility that in some contexts where the plaintiffs� showing of need was not compelling, the judge need not do so, and as I have related, in FOIA cases the judge may decide not to. On the other hand the judge in CIPA and in FISA cases does regularly inspect the material in camera. I read the ABA Report to recommend a similar approach here. Only in that way can he fulfill the judicial obligation to insure a fair hearing but just as important only if he sees the evidence for himself can he make the CIPA like decision whether there are alternative ways than its presentation in original form to satisfy the plaintiff�s need but not to impugn national security as well as whether the objected to material can be segregated from other material in the same document that does not qualify for protection. (I do not discount the possibility that an extraordinary case might arise where both the government and the judge agree that his examination of the secret evidence would be unduly risky and alternatives c an be put in place that will insure fairness but this should not be the usual or ev en a frequent practice). My own experience with highly sensitive information is that our court security safekeeping facilities and procedures can insure its protection; law clerks or masters can be given clearances to handle it and if even that is not possible, the government�s own cleared employees can be sent over to stand guard outside the chambers door while the judge reads it. (I have had this done on at least one occasion).

(三)法律对国家秘密的推力应该是强调司法的灵活性和创造力,寻找替代原来的材料,将允许进行尽可能的情况下。雷诺本身强调了这一做法,并已自1969年的咨询报告(如果国家秘密的要求是持续的和党的被剥夺的证据材料,法官应当在包括引人注目的司法公正进一步的命令在特权的改革努力的标志证人证言,发现反对政府就相关问题,或解聘动作)。然而,因为1969年CIPA已经上市和法官们还用不太严厉的措施,如要求政府产生机密文档尽可能多的原物料尽可能的,规定对事实原始材料的目的是要证明或contravert,or a summary of the controversial document that allows the defendant �substantially the same ability to make his defense�. 18 U.S.C. App 3 Sec. 6

(d)司法灵活性的另一个方面应该要求法官在提出国家机密索赔后,有意识地决定原告的案件是否可以在没有机密材料的情况下进入下一阶段。应该避免过早解雇。除非在没有这些材料的情况下,当事人的肯定案例或辩护肯定低于联邦民事诉讼规则(规则12(b)(6)和12(c))所要求的门槛,应允许因不披露而处于不利地位的一方,在其能够合理支持其主张的情况下,以额外的发现补充其主张。这实际上是非常重要的一点,因为很多案件在答辩阶段就被驳回了,没有额外的发现被允许,而秘密声明的介入使得在此类案件中要求特别谨慎,让当事人完成其非秘密案件,这是公平的。同样值得注意的是,原告的困难在于,除非允许他们看到秘密证据,否则他们无法证明自己有资格提起诉讼。在此,应特别注意最大限度地允许对非机密发现的访问,甚至推迟常设决定,直到决定保密要求。诉讼资格毕竟是一种司法原则,在过去几十年里变得越来越繁重和复杂;由于国家秘密也是一个司法执行的原则,两者应该以某种形式共存,而不是对有效民事请求人造成致命的不利。正如美国律师协会报告所指出的,Totten和Tenet涉及间谍雇佣合同的案件确实存在可诉性的绝对障碍,但其他案件没有。 I agree with the Report�s suggestion as well that the government not be required to immediately plead "confirm or deny" at the pleading stage when the secrets claim is planning to be raised. FOIA practice provides an analog-the government has been allowed to raise a �neither confirm nor deny� answer as to whether a requested document exists in its pleadings in Exemption 1 cases.

(e)一旦政府提出了秘密索赔,问题就如何诉讼以及谁作出问题。誓言或证词肯定需要政府,以证明索赔证明,但可以在该阶段参加诉讼的地方和谁可以是一个问题。1969年,1969年咨询委员会报告允许法官听到分庭的问题√√√所有律师有权检查索赔和展示并在其上听到,但受保护订单。总之,应尽一切努力为常规律师提供必要的许可,以讨论索赔,并事实证明,替代具有此类间隙的律师。在某些情况下,秘密索赔的有效性可以在不需要特殊许可的水平下诉讼。Foia病例已经制作了一种称为Vaughn指数的有用工具,该工具要求政府通过剥离材料的典范规范,并具有不合解的原因。该设备允许对手系统在某种程度上运行,以引起保密要求而不揭示材料本身。我们地区法院成功使用的另一个设备是任命硕士学位,以便在大型豁免1岁以下的全部秘密提交中组织和分开样品类别的文件,并将其纳入法官Arguments Pro和CO关法官决定。结果,64%的材料最终释放。 See In re United States Department of Defense, 848 F.2d 232 (1988). In short, judges are used to handling confidential material through sealing, protective orders against disclosure by counsel, screened masters, and in camera or even ex parte submissions. But the need for guidance and a protocol for using such devices in a uniform manner is dominant. The mere exercise of going through the required procedural steps will concentrate the judge�s attention and sharpen his or her awareness of the interests involved at each stage.




美国哥伦比亚特区巡回上诉法院法官(1979-1999);首席法官(l986 - 1991);前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭法官(1999-2001年);美国大规模杀伤性武器情报能力委员会主席委员(2004-5)。