国会记录:2005年2月9日(参议院)第S1215页对提出的法案和联合决议的声明卢格先生:第340页。一项保持信息向公众自由流动的法案,为联邦政府强制某些与新闻媒体有关的人披露信息提供条件;提交司法机构委员会。卢格先生。总统先生,我今天要向大家介绍2005年信息自由流动法案。这个法案最初介绍在我的朋友和同事的代表,国会议员Mike Penge。我赞扬了我的同事们解决这个重要问题的主动权,我很高兴有机会成为参议院赞助商。去年,国会通过立法,我提议指导国家部门增加并增加了更多地关注国际倡议,以支持发展中国家的自由,公平,法律保护和可持续媒体的发展。我很高兴地宣布,国家部门和民主的国家养老使得这一倡议拥抱,现在正在实施这一倡议。我们的创始人了解,自由媒体是民主的基石。拥抱和实施布什总统的大胆和愿景呼吁世界上的民主和自由的传播,我们曾在我们确保外国援助方案侧重于向民主党工作和保护基本人权的所有机构的发展。虽然我们专注于国外的需求,但我们不能让那些基本自由侵蚀在家。宪法很明显,印刷机的自由不应被侵犯。我们社会的基石是可以通过不断扩大的媒体共享的公开市场。媒体担任全国各国政府和社区之间的信息。 It is important that we ensure reporters certain rights and abilities to seek sources and report appropriate information without fear of intimidation or imprisonment. This includes the right to refuse to reveal confidential sources. Without such protection, many whistleblowers will refuse to step forward and reporters will be disinclined to provide our constituents with the information that they have a right to know. Promises of confidentiality are essential to the flow of information the public needs about its government. The Free Flow of Information Act closely follows existing Department of Justice guidelines for issuing subpoenas to members of the news media. These guidelines were adopted in 1973 and have been in continuous operation for more than 30 years. The legislation codifies the conditions that must be met by the government to compel the identity of confidential sources. I am hopeful that my colleagues will give careful consideration to the merits of this legislation. It provides an appropriate approach and careful balance to protect our freedom of information while still enabling legitimate law enforcement access to information. ____________________ Congressional Record: February 2, 2005 (Extensions) Page E147 INTRODUCTION OF FREE FLOW OF INFORMATION ACT OF 2005 ______ HON. RICK BOUCHER of virginia in the house of representatives Wednesday, February 2, 2005 Mr. BOUCHER. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased today to join with my colleague from Indiana, Mr. Pence, in introducing the自由流动的信息法案,这些立法将促进公众获得广泛公共利益信息的权利。我们的措施解决了一个日益普遍的问题。去年,12名记者因拒绝透露机密新闻来源而受到联邦法院监禁的威胁。记者依靠向消息来源保密的能力向公众传播新闻。新闻记者确保消息来源保密的能力,对于他们就涉及广泛公众利益的高度争议问题发布新闻的能力至关重要。如果没有保密承诺,许多消息来源就不会向记者提供信息,公众将因此遭受信息匮乏的痛苦。31个州和华盛顿特区目前都有法律保护记者不被强迫披露信息来源。现在是在联邦法院提供类似保护的时候了。长期以来,我一直认为,宪法第一修正案中的新闻自由条款应该被法院解释为赋予记者权力,让他们能够不透露消息来源。由于法院没有发现这种特权来参加第一修正案,法定授予这种特权就成为必要。 In deciding to introduce this measure, I have concluded that the public's right to know should outweigh the more narrow interest in the administration of justice in a particular federal case. In fact, in many instances the critical information which first alerts federal prosecutors to conduct justifying a criminal proceeding or first alerts civil litigants to facts giving rise to a private cause of action is contained in a news story which could only have been reported upon assurance of anonymity to the news source. I commend my colleague Mr. Pence for his leadership on this measure and look forward to working with him to obtain rapid approval of the bill in the House. ____________________ Congressional Record: February 2, 2005 (House) Page H290-H291 FREE FLOW OF INFORMATION ACT (Mr. PENCE asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.) Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, 1 month ago, we stood in this assembled Chamber and pledged ourselves to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. Chief among the rights enumerated in that Constitution is the freedom of the press. Unfortunately, last year almost a [[Page H291]] dozen reporters were served or threatened with jail sentences in at least three different Federal jurisdictions for refusing to reveal confidential sources. Compelling reporters to testify and, in particular, compelling them to reveal the identity of their confidential sources is a detriment to the public interest. Without the promise of confidentiality, many important conduits of information about government activity would be shut down. Today, 31 States and the District of Columbia have various statutes that protect reporters from being compelled to testify and disclose sources of information in court, but there is no Federal protection. Mr. Speaker, today, along with the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. Boucher), I will introduce the免费信息法案.这项重要的立法将为记者提供保护,使他们在任何联邦刑事或民事案件中,在没有达到严格标准的情况下,不会被迫披露信息来源。“除了新闻自由,我们的自由不能得到保护,也不能因为受到限制而没有失去自由的危险。”托马斯·杰斐逊说过这句话,他是对的。我敦促我的同事们与我们一道共同发起《信息自由流动法》,并敦促立即予以通过。____________________

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