国会记录:2003年3月10日(参议院)Page S3405越南核武器的发布报告Feinstein夫人。主席先生,在20世纪60年代中期,在越南战争的高度,国防部委托了一项研究,确定了在这种冲突中使用战术核武器的可行性和可取性。1967年学习的副本,“东南亚战术核武器”,刚刚被解密,并在越南战争期间使用战术核武器在越南战争期间使用战术核武器可能发生的细节。该研究的底线是,在越南使用核武器 - 阻止胡志明小径,杀死大量敌人士兵,或摧毁北越南空气基地和海港 - 本来就没有决定性的军事优势美国却对美国士兵的士兵和世界各地的兴趣产生严重影响。该研究由与国防分析研究所杰森司有关的四名物理学家制定,这是一群科学家们经常与国防官员提供分类咨询。该研究的结论被提交给了国防部长罗伯特麦克纳纳拉。“我们在越南首次使用TNW(战术核武器)的政治影响将是均匀的糟糕并且可能是灾难性的,”科学家写道“。他们警告说,美国首次使用战术核武器可以引导中国或苏联为越南和越南提供类似的武器,提高了越南的美国部队的可能性(“将基本上被歼灭”)以报复袭击事件核武器游击队力量。如果发生这种情况,他们写道,“世界各地的叛乱团体都会注意到,并将尝试通过所有可用的手段来获得自己的TNW。”科学家警告,“东南亚的核武器首次使用核武器,是”可能导致世界其他地区核游击业务的长期风险大大增加,“包括委内瑞拉的巴拿马运河,石油管道和储存设施以及特拉维夫以色列首都的攻击。 ``US security would be gravely endangered if the use of TNW by guerrilla forces should become widespread,'' they concluded. Thirty-six years later some American officials are, according to press reports, once again contemplating the use of nuclear weapons, and seeking to repeal US prohibitions on the developments of smaller nuclear weapons, including so-called ``low-yield'' bombs and deep- penetration ``bunker-busters.'' Writing recently in the Los Angeles Times, military analyst William Arkin disclosed the US Strategic Command in Omaha and the Joint Chiefs of Staff are secretly drawing up nuclear target lists for Iraq. ``Target lists are being scrutinized, options are being pondered and procedures are being tested to give nuclear armaments a role in the new U.S. doctrine of `preemption,' '' Arkin reported. There have also been reports that tactical nuclear weapons, particularly ``bunker busters,'' have been considered by Pentagon planners in the context of the escalating nuclear crisis with North Korea. Moreover, many US analysts believe there is a great danger that North Korea, if its survival was at stake, would be willing to sell its nuclear arsenal to the highest bidder. North Korea itself apparently believes the United States may be planning nuclear strikes of its own, and on March 1 warned that a war on the Korean peninsula would quickly ``escalate into a nuclear war.'' I sincerely believe that any first use of nuclear weapons by the United States cannot and should not be sanctioned. As the Jason scientists argued in the 1960s, U.S. nuclear planning could serve as a pretext for other countries and, worse, terrorist groups such as al- Qaida, to build or acquire their own bombs. If we are not careful, our own nuclear posture could provoke the very nuclear-proliferation activities we are seeking to prevent. This study, ``Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Southeast Asia'', was released this past weekend by the Nautilus Institute of Berkeley, CA, and I would urge those with an interest in reading it in full to contact them directly. The conclusions of the Jason report are as valid, realistic and frightening today as they were in 1967. As we contemplate the future course of our nation's national security policy, I believe that it is important to look at past events, to learn from them, and to benefit from the counsel of history. ____________________