

提交的修正案——2001年《外国业务、出口融资和相关计划拨款法》,凯尔(和多梅尼奇)第3558号修正案。麦康奈尔先生(为凯尔先生(为他本人和多梅尼奇先生))对上述第2522条法案提出了两项修正案;如下:在法案中的适当位置插入以下内容:第。能源部安全改革的实施。(a) 调查结果。——国会发现——(1)1999年3月18日,克林顿总统要求总统的外国情报咨询委员会(PFIAB)进行调查,并就“能源部武器实验室的安全威胁以及为应对这一威胁而采取的措施的充分性”发布报告1999年6月,PFIAB发布了一份题为“科学处于最佳状态,安全处于最差状态”的报告,该报告得出结论说,能源部“代表了美国最优秀的科学人才和成就,但它对该小组成员所遇到的最差保密记录负有责任。”PFIAB报告指出,“组织混乱、管理疏忽和傲慢文化——无论是在能源部总部还是实验室本身——合谋制造了一个等待发生的间谍丑闻。”(4)PFIAB报告进一步指出,“能源部是一个功能失调的官僚机构,已经证明它无法自我改革。***显然有必要进行重组,以解决武器实验室安全和反情报方面的许多具体问题,同时解决整个部门普遍存在的缺乏问责制的问题。***在DOE当前的结构和文化中,武器实验室真正持久的安全和反情报改革根本不可行(5) PFIAB报告指出,“具体而言,我们建议国会通过并由总统签署立法:建立一个新的半自治机构***[以]监督先前由DOE负责的所有与核武器相关的事务。”1999年5月25日,众议院美国国家安全和军事/商业问题两党特别委员会发布了一份非机密报告,其结论是“中华人民共和国窃取了美国最先进的热核武器的设计信息。这些从我们国家武器实验室窃取核机密的行为,使中国能够设计、开发和成功测试现代战略核武器,比其他任何情况都要快。被偷的美国核机密给PRC的热核武器设计提供了与我们自己相当的信息。’(7)特别委员会的报告进一步得出结论:“尽管中国一再盗窃美国最先进的核武器技术,但我们国家核武器实验室的安全甚至达不到最低标准。”针对众议院美国国家安全与中华人民共和国军事/商业问题特别委员会和总统外交情报咨询委员会的调查结果,参议员凯尔·多梅尼奇,穆尔科夫斯基提出了《2000财政年度情报授权法》第446号修正案,要求建立一个半自治机构来管理美国的所有核武器计划。该修正案于1999年7月21日以96票对1票获得参议院通过。这项修正案要求半自治机构的组织具有明确的权力和责任线,以混乱、重叠的报告渠道和分散的责任取代以前的结构,从而导致早期的安全故障。(9) 修正案446的规定被纳入2000财政年度国防授权会议报告,该报告于1999年9月15日由众议院以375票对45票通过,并于1999年9月22日由参议院以93票对5票通过。(10) 克林顿总统于1999年10月5日签署了《2000财政年度国防授权法》(公法106-65)。(11) 尽管克林顿总统于1999年10月5日签署了一项立法,成立了由新的[[第S5574页]]副国务卿领导的国家核安全管理局,但他还是发表了一项声明,“在另行通知之前,能源部长应履行核安全副部长的所有职责和职能。部长被指示指导和指导国家核安全管理局的所有人员……”(12) 2000年5月3日,参议院收到总统提名约翰·戈登将军担任国家核安全局(NNSA)局长。2000年6月14日,参议院以97票对0票确认约翰·戈登将军。(13) 能源部长未能全面实施该法律signed by the President on October 5, 1999. For example, Section 3213 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000 (Public Law 106-65) sates that, with the exception of the Secretary of Energy, NNSA employees, "shall not be responsible to, or subject to the authority, direction, or control of, any officer, employee, or agent of the Department of Energy.'' Yet page 16 of the Department of Energy's Implementation Plan for the National Nuclear Security Administration released on January 1, 2000, states that in order to manage the performance of non-weapons related work at NNSA facilities such as the three national labs, "non-NNSA officers or employees of the Department retain the authority to direct NNSA employees and contractor employees with regard to the accomplishment of such work.'' (14) On May 26, 1999, Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson stated, "American's can be reassured: Our nation's nuclear secrets are, today, safe and secure.'' (15) In response to a question from Senator Fitzgerald at a joint hearing of the Committees on Energy and Natural Resources, and Governmental Affairs of the Senate on October 19, 1999, that "So if there's a problem, God forbid, with security at our Nation's labs while we have not fulfilled or appointed somebody as Under Secretary in this new agency within an agency, you would be willing to assume full responsibility. . . .'' Secretary Richardson testified that, "I would assume full responsibility.'' (16) The recent security lapses at Los Alamos National Laboratory demonstrates that security and counterintelligence measures continue to be significantly deficient at United States nuclear facilities. (b) Sense of the Senate.--It is the Sense of the Senate that-- (1) The national security of the United States has been significantly harmed due to weak and ineffective security and counterintelligence measures at America's nuclear facilities. (2) The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000, if implemented, will improve security and counterintelligence measures at United States nuclear facilities by establishing clear lines of authority and accountability to enable lasting reforms to be put in place. (3) The President and the Secretary of Energy should faithfully implement the provisions of Public Law 106-65, which established the National Nuclear Security Administration. (4) The Secretary of Energy should permit the Administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration to manage all aspects of United States nuclear weapons programs without interference. (5) The Secretary of Energy should drop efforts to "dual- hat'' officers or employees of the Department of Energy to serve concurrently in positions within the National Nuclear Security Administration and the Department of Energy. Such efforts to extensively "dual-hat'' officials are contrary to the intent of Congress when it passed Public Law 106-65. (6) The Administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration shall take all appropriate steps to ensure that the protection of sensitive and classified information becomes the highest priority of the National Nuclear Security Administration. ______
