恩里科·费米奖1997年7月24日理查德·加文在接受恩里科·费米奖时的讲话谢谢您,部长先生。恩里科·费米奖是为了庆祝过去的成就,但我们也需要利用冷战后世界的机会向前迈进。这里有三个:第一,今年1月,美国政府宣布其决定处理多余的炸弹钚从股票和拆除核武器都通过合并与放射性废物的一部分被转化为持久的玻璃地下储存和使用的一部分在美国电力反应堆燃料。的五名美国独立科学委员会的成员由克林顿总统和叶利钦,我敦促我们立即采取行动,执行这一决定,从而降低材料的严重危害,尤其是俄罗斯材料,最终会在恐怖分子手中的核武器国家渴望核武器。其次,为了履行其保持美国核武器可靠、安全、可靠的义务,能源部需要每隔几年或每十年更新每一枚核武器中的氚的供应。因为现役美国核武器数量已经减少了在未来十年和比失去更迅速的氚放射性衰变(每12年50%),一直存在,直到2010年左右,将会有足够多的氚用于这一目的而制造新的氚。美国能源部计划开发一种强大的粒子加速器,从其氦灰烬中重新生成氚,还有一种用于在动力反应堆中产生氚。选择反应堆路线将节省数十亿美元,而且应该加以完善并加以储备。但真正的机会是从俄罗斯购买氚,据我所知,俄罗斯准备以很小的成本卖给美国,甚至是反应堆生产成本的一小部分。如果在需要的5年前获得氚,美国的安全不会受到损害; if the supply is cut off, there is thus time to begin domestic production. And if Russian and U.S. nuclear weapons are reduced from the 10,000 we plan to hold under current agreements, we will save not only major capital expenditure but also the cost of tritium purchase. Third, the U.S. is purchasing 500 tons of Russian bomb uranium ("high enriched uranium"--HEU) over 20 years, blended down as low-enriched power reactor fuel useless for nuclear weapons; deliveries began about two years ago. The HEU awaiting delivery is directly usable to make some 20,000 nuclear weapons. We could eliminate this hazard of nuclear proliferation to terrorists or weapon-thirsty states by paying Russia to blend all this HEU now to 20% U-235 (also useless for nuclear weapons), and to receive a credit for this payment when we take delivery of the reactor fuel further blended down to 4.4% U-235. I know that many of my colleagues in the scientific, technical, and foreign policy communities are ready to help realize these opportunities. RLG:jah:W205EFA:072497.EFA