

08.08.22 | 10分钟阅读 | 文字Kate Kohn&Will Rieck

One of the main goals of卡利尔的角落是分享我在职业生涯中学到的一些有关policy entrepreneurship。Below is an FAQ on a thought experiment that I think is useful for policy entrepreneurs, and how the thought experiment is related to a concept I call “shared agency.”




What press release would you write, and why? What makes this a compelling idea?

Q. What was the variant of this that you used to ask people when you worked in the White House for President Obama?






但是,当我问他们希望政府考虑做什么时,他们并不总是有特定的回应。有时人们会有一个好主意的内核,但是我需要与他们一起播放“ 20个问题”才能完善它。这个思想实验有时会帮助我对基本问题(例如谁,什么,如何和原因)提出答案。


Richard Hamming贝尔实验室的研究人员曾经问他的同事:“您所在的领域最重要的问题是什么?你在做什么?”这会惹恼他的一些同事,因为这迫使他们面对这样一个事实,即他们正在研究他们认为这很重要的事情。

If you really did have a magic laptop or a meeting with the President, you would presumably use it to help solve a problem that you thought was important!


在很多种情况下,我们有一个目标requires building a coalition of individuals and organizations.




Not at all. I think it is relevant for any goal that you are pursuing — especially ones that require concerted action by multiple individuals and organizations to accomplish.

问:这个思想实验与巴基·富勒(Bucky Fuller)的“修剪标签”的概念之间有什么关系?

富勒观察到一种称为A的微型设备trim tab旨在移动舵,进而可以移动一艘巨型船伊丽莎白女王


例如,一些环境拥护者的重点是供应链of large multinationals. If these companies source products that are more sustainable (e.g. cooking oils that are produced without requiring deforestation) – that can have a big impact on the environment.


有很多事情 - 例如对特定问题有深入的了解,在许多不同领域中解决重要的问题,或者了解您试图影响您的特定组织如何做出决策的成功和不成功的努力。





代理是定义by psychologists like Albert Bandura as “the human capability to influence …the course of events by one’s actions.”

The particular dimension of agency that I have experienced is a sense that there are more aspects of the status quo that are potentially changeable as opposed to being fixed. These are the elements of the status quo that are attributable to human action or inaction, as opposed to the laws of physics.

显然,这种代理感并没有扩展到阳光下的每个问题。它仅限于那些可以通过获得可识别的个人和组织采取一些行动来取得进展的领域 - 例如总统签署行政命令或提议新的预算计划,G20同意增加对全球公共商品的投资,国会通过法律或组织,例如公司,基金会,非营利组织和大学等组织联盟,共同实现共同的目标。



As a White House staffer, I had the ability to send the President a decision memo. If he checked the box that said “yes” – and the idea actually happened and was well-implemented, this reinforced my sense of agency.


Q. What does it mean for you to have a shared sense of agency with another individual, a team, or a community?

Obviously, most people have not had 16 years of their professional life in which they could send a decision memo to the President, get a line in the President’s State of the Union address, work with Congress to pass legislation, create a new institution, shape the federal budget, and build large coalitions with hundreds of organizations that are taking mutually reinforcing actions in the pursuit of a shared goal.

So sometimes when I am talking to an individual, a team or a community, it will become clear to me that there is some aspect of the status quo that they view as fixed, and I view as potentially changeable. It might make sense for me to explain why I believe the status quo is changeable, and what are the steps we could take together in the service of achieving a shared goal.


更改the status quo is hard. If I don’t know how to do it, or believe that I would be tilting at windmills – it’s unlikely that I would devote a lot of time and energy to trying to do so.

It may be the case that pushing for change will require a fair amount of work, such as:


Q. Are there risks associated with having this strong sense of agency, and how might one mitigate against those risks?

Yes, absolutely. One is a lack of appropriate epistemic humility, by pushing a proposed solution in the absence of reasonable evidence that it will work, or failing to identify unintended consequences. It’s useful to read books like James Scott’s像一个状态一样

