day one project


11.22.22 | 7分钟阅读 | 文字Raechel McKinley茉莉·乔治Maeve Skelly


我们国家的健康和科学的未来esearch depend on greater inclusion of underrepresented individuals in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields—and in the biomedical sciences in particular. Our nation’s scientists are a homogeneous group:majority white,尽管美国人口迅速increasing in diversity。需要反映我们国家人口统计学的生物医学科学劳动力,以解决日益增长的股权差距和我们多元化国家伴随的独特健康需求。如果没有包容性和实用的生物医学教育计划,该计划从PreK -12级开始,并继续进行高等教育,强调少数派服务机构(MSI)研究计划。

这lack of diversity in biomedical science is unacceptable, especially for an administration deeply committed to equity across its policy agenda. The Biden-Harris Administration must act to address this issue in the biomedical sciences at all levels: from PreK-12 education to research careers. Using the Department of Energy’sNational Nuclear Security Administration’s program Minority Serving Institution Partnership Program (MSIPP)作为典范,美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)应建立生物医学研究少数民族服务机构合作计划(Biomsipp),以在MSIS的NIH研究所与中心和生物医学专业的学生之间建立可持续的管道。

Educational interventions are also crucial at earlier stages of education than higher education. BioMSIPP would also include a grant program that funds participating MSIs to produce PreK-12 educational resources (i.e.SEPA tools) and to create a high school to undergraduate bridge program to further link educational interventions with biomedical research careers. We also propose that the Department of Education’sWhite House Initiative for Historically Black Colleges and Universities,西班牙裔服务机构(HSIS)和其他MSI,制定基于社区的参与计划,以评估各个社区的需求并生成数据以帮助未来的编程。同时,教育部(ED)应发起一项亮点运动,以突出全国各地的努力,为政策制定者建立例子,作为增强生物医学科学教育和卓越性的路线图。


2021年6月25日,拜登总统签署了行政命令建立多元化、股权、包容和accessibility (DEIA) as national priorities. This order authorized the reestablishing of a coordinated government-wide DEIA Initiative and Strategic Plan. From there, over 50 federal agencies, including ED, the National Science Foundation (NSF), and NIH, released equity action plans, which can be strengthened by supporting meaningful partnerships with MSIs.


尽管有边缘增长种族多样的博士学位毕业生,历史上边缘化的群体数量仍然存在很大的差距输入并留下在生物医学企业中。尽管有培训计划(请参见表1)使NIH和NSF等联邦机构的生物医学科学多样化,但这些计划未能实质性地改变种族多样的生物医学科学家的国家百分比。这部分是因为这些计划的结构通常不支持MSI在建立研究能力方面,这是提高研究支出部分确定的机构研究分类的重要方面。此外,当前的联邦计划并没有有效地捕捉各种各样的学生,因为他们在PreK -12年中忽略了参与。

早期接触STEM职业对于增加的STEM参与和成功至关重要。实际上,已经证明让儿童参与与STEM相关的活动。加强茎学位的入学率并参与与STEM相关的职业。专注于PREK – 12级的STEM教育的计划鼓励在工程,技术和基于计算机的技能方面学习。我们在生物医学科学领域提出了一种集中的方法。根据劳工统计局的数据,与STEM相关的职业估计在下一个中增长了10.8%10年,据估计,生物医学科学在17%。A sustainable and diverse STEM ecosystem requires education interventions focused on biomedical sciences at an early age. Currently, interventions primarily focus on undergraduate and graduate students, leaving out formative PreK–12 years (Table 1). ED has programs to immerse PreK–12 students into STEM and to support STEM capacity at MSIs through theTitle III Higher Education Act, but none focused specifically on biomedical science.

Department or Agency Program PreK-12 programs in the biomedical sciences?

Maximizing Access to Research Careers
国立卫生研究院 少数族裔生物医学研究支持计划 是的(supplement)
国立卫生研究院 少数族裔机构的研究基础设施
国立卫生研究院 High School Scientific Training and Enrichment Program 2.0 是(DC,VA或MD的高中生)
国家科学基金会 科学技术卓越研究中心 是的(supplement)
国家科学基金会 HBCU Research Infrastructure for Science and Engineering
国家科学基金会 西班牙裔服务机构计划
国家科学基金会 Discovery Research Pre-K 是的
国防部 历史上黑人学院 /大学 /少数民族服务机构的研究与教育计划
国防部 历史上黑人大学 /大学 /少数民族服务机构科学计划
国防部 西班牙裔服务机构计划
表格1。Federal Programs that Support STEM at MSIs and the Availability of PreK–12 Biomedical Science Programs


美国教育部和美国国立卫生研究院应合作制定一项加强生物医学渠道的计划。NIHEDare committed to diversity and inclusion in their respective strategic plans. Leveraging their combined resources to strengthen and diversify the biomedical sciences would work toward the DEIA goals set in their strategic plans and prioritized by the Biden-Harris Administration at large. More importantly, it would take an essential step toward creating a biomedical workforce that represents and serves the diverse makeup of the U.S. population.

We propose a new program to address the disparities in the biomedical science education pipeline through NIH and ED collaboration by:


能源部建立了少数派服务机构Partnership Programto build a “sustainable pipeline between the Department of Energy’s (DOE) sites/labs and minority-serving institutions in STEM disciplines.” This program is an example of direct measures to invest in university research capacity and workforce development through relationships between the federal government and institutions that serve historically marginalized populations. The program consists of a network of DOE/National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) national laboratories, nonprofit organizations, and MSIs through enrichment activities that span from PreK–12 to the postdoctoral level. We recommend that ED and NIH collaboratively fund and implement a similar program that includes a network of highly-funded NIH laboratories, nonprofit organizations, MSIs, and PreK–12 schools that serve historically marginalized communities.

该计划应在NIH的研究资源和实验室的支持下在ED下实施。这Higher Education Act of 2022requires ED to provide grants for activities such as research capacity building and institutional support. Further, research capacity grants funded through ED allow for hiring administrative staff to support project management. Opening the capability of funding to include staff to support project management circumvents the eligibility requirement where the sponsoring institution must assure support for the proposed program, a possible barrier to entry.

Recommendation 2.教育部的白宫HBCU,HSIS和其他MSI的倡议应制定基于社区的参与计划,以评估个人社区需求并生成数据以帮助未来的编程。

生物医学科学的多样性是一场不断发展的对话。目前,HBCUS和HSIS的白宫举措拥有与其他联邦机构合作的工作组,以开发最佳实践以使STEM劳动力多样化。首先,我们指控白宫扩大这些工作组,以包括整个MSI范围,并包括NIH的代表,提供了至关重要的生物医学的观点。接下来,工作组应撰写有关最佳实践的报告,以与历史上边缘化的Prek -12学区互动,尤其是在生物医学科学的学区,尤其是培训教师教师教授生物医学科学的方法。

建议3。教育部以及美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)应该发起一项亮点运动,以突出全国各地正在为增强生物医学科学教育和卓越的努力。

亮点运动突出了学区,非营利组织和联邦机构在教育方面完成的变革性工作。NIH和ED都有科学教育资源的存储库。NIH资助科学教育合作伙伴奖(SEPA)计划,该计划颁发了授予授予针对州和国家PreK -12 STEM教学标准的资源,并对有效性进行了严格的评估。同样,埃德为少数族裔科学与工程改进计划帮助MSIS增强其STEM教育计划。

We propose that ED and NIH launch a campaign similar to the西班牙裔教育中的亮点实现了美国的未来由白宫倡议率领西班牙裔教育卓越倡议。此外,我们通过网络研讨会,会议展览和向教育社会的宣传来传播这两个机构。


Ed和NIH处于国家生物医学企业的最前沿,并且可以获得资金,尖端研究和技术,这些技术可以极大地增强教育范围的各个级别的研究和教育,特别是通过增加多样性。为了确保生物医学劳动力反映我们的国家,我们必须提高MSIS可用的研究能力和资源,促进MSIS和NIH研究人员之间的合作研究和技术转移,并为学生的丰富和职业发展提供关键的教育资源。通过这些建议,我们希望缩小成就差距,并推动Prek -12学生进入生物医学科学的职业。


Addressing national priorities in innovation demands a larger-scale effort to support incoming students’ education and workforce training. MSIs are an underutilized and underfunded resource for training and strengthening the biomedical research workforce.


国防部,NIH和NSF的现有程序仅限于本科级别或特定地理位置。我们推荐的程序是为Pre -K到博士后水平的设计,例如MSIPP。

How much will this program cost?

