
An interview with Martin Borch Jensen, Co-founder of Gordian Biotechnology

02.02.22 | 8 min read | 威尔·里克(Will Rieck)的文字

最近,我赶上了马丁·博奇·詹森(Martin Borch Jensen), the Chief Science Officer of the biotech company Gordian Biotechnology. Gordian is a therapeutics company focused on the diseases of aging.

Martin did his Ph.D. in the biology of aging, received a prestigious NIH award to jumpstart an academic career, but decided to return the grant to launch Gordian. Recently, he designed and launched a $26 million competition called寿命动力赠款。该计划已经资助了98家赠款,以帮助科学家解决他们认为是老化生物学中最重要的问题(也称为Geroscience)。越来越多的研究表明,存在着潜在的衰老生物学机制,并且有可能延迟多种衰老的多种慢性疾病的发作,从而使人们的生活更长,更健康。

我采访了马丁,不仅是因为我认为Geroscience领域很重要,而且还因为我认为Martin扮演的角色对科学和社会具有重大好处,并且应该在其他领域进行复制。从本质上讲,有了这项工作,您可以说马丁是整个Geroscience领域的策略师,并为竞争性,基于优点的资金分配设计了慈善家,例如Juan Benet,James Fickel,Jed,JedMcCaleb,Karl Pfleger,Fred Ehrsam和Vitalik Buterin对此充满信心,并且愿意支持。马丁的角色具有许多潜在的好处:

以下是我和Martin Borch Jensen之间通过电子邮件进行的问答副本。

Tom Kalil: What motivated you to launch Impetus grants?

马丁·博奇·詹森(Martin Borch Jensen): Hearing Patrick Collison describe the outcomes of the COVID-19 Fast Grants. Coming from the world of NIH funding, it seemed to me that the results of this super-fast program were very similar to the year-ish cycle of applying for and receiving a grant from the NIH. If the paperwork and delays could be greatly reduced, while supporting an underfunded field, that seemed unambiguously good.

My time in academia had also taught me that a number of ideas exist, with great potential impact but that fall outside of the most common topics or viewpoints and thus have trouble getting funding. And within aging biology, several ‘unfundable’ ideas turned out to shape the field (for example, DNA methylation ‘clocks’, rejuvenating factors in young blood, and the recent focus on partial epigenetic reprogramming). So what if we focused funding on ideas with the potential to shape thinking in the field, even if there’s a big risk that the idea is wrong? Averaged across a lot of projects, it seemed like that could result in more progress overall.

TK: What enabled you to do this, given that you also have a full-time job as CSO of Gordian?

MBJ:我很幸运(或有先见之明)最近开始为想要进入衰老生物学领域的才华横溢的人提供指导计划。这Longevity Apprenticeship计划集中在为现实生活项目中做出贡献,因此动力是一个完美的选择。在Edmar Ferreira和Tara Mei的一些帮助下,主要是Lada Nuzhna和Kush Sharma的第一任学徒,帮助建立了一个非营利组织来托管该计划,为审阅者设计了网站和用户界面,并与大学进行了沟通,并做了很多吨运营工作。



另一个创新是与最高的Geroscience期刊之一合作,组织一个特殊问题,动力获奖者将能够发布负面结果 - 实验表明他们的假设是不正确的。In doing so, we both wanted to empower researchers to take risks and go for their boldest ideas (since you’re expected to publish steadily, risky projects are disincentivized for career reasons), and at the same time take a step towards more sharing of negative results so that the whole field can learn from every project.



One thing that I think could greatly benefit the geroscience field, is to fund more tools and methods development, including and especially by people who aren’t pureblooded ‘aging biologists’. Our field is very limited in what we’re able to measure within aging organisms, as well as measuring the relationships between different areas of aging biology. Determining causal relationships between two mechanisms, e.g. DNA damage and senescence, requires an extensive study when we can’t simultaneously measure both with high time resolution. And tool-building is not a common focus within geroscience. So I think there’d be great benefit to steering talented researchers who are focused on that towards applications in geroscience. If done early in their careers, this could also serve to pull people into a long-term focus on geroscience, which would be a terrific return on investment. The main challenges to this approach are to make sure the people are sincerely interested in aging biology (or at least properly incentivized to solve important problems there), and that they’re solving real problems for the field. The latter might be accomplished by pairing them up with geroscience labs.

TK: If you were going to try to find other people who could play a similar role for another scientific field, what would you look for?








One idea we’ve been throwing around in the Longevity Apprenticeship is ‘Impetus for clinical trials’. Fast Grants funded several trials of off-patent drugs, and at least one (fluvoxamine) now looks very promising. Impetus funded some trials as well, but within geroscience in particular, there are several compounds with enough evidence that human trials are warranted, but which are off-patent and thus unlikely to be pursued by biopharma.

对“替代资金来源”是一个挑战that most work is still funded by the NIH. So there has to be a possibility of continuity of research funded by the two mechanisms. Given the amount of funding we had for Impetus (4-7% of the NIA’s budget for basic aging biology), what we had in mind was funding bold ideas to the point where sufficient proof of concept data could be collected so that the NIH would be willing to provide additional funding. Whatever you do, keeping in mind how the projects will garner continued support is important.