

17.04.23 | 21分钟阅读 | Text by Savva Kerdemelidis + Nicholas C. Fiorenza


By establishing a self-sustaining fund to incentivize pharmaceutical companies to develop new and improved treatment protocols using low-cost, off-patent andunmonopolizable疗法, billions of dollars in cost savings could be realized by US government payers and health insurers in a financially “de-risked” manner while improving quality of care —truly a win/win opportunity.


我们可以使用新的付款模式(例如介入的药物经济学(IVPE)相关的随机对照试验结果cost savings for healthcare systems, even if RCTs fail, by comparing the efficacy of low-cost therapies to expensive patented drugs. Further, outcomes-based financing mechanisms known as Advance Market Commitments orPay-For-Success (PFS) contracts, can incentivize the successful development of new low-cost therapies, entirely funded by payer costsavings from reduced reliance on monopoly-priced drugs.

我们建议,国家卫生研究院(NIH),国家前进的转化科学中心(NCAT)与付款人(例如Medicare&Medicaid Services中心(CMS))和美国退伍军人事务部(VA)一起工作,以转让A他们来自IVPE RCT和AMC的成本的一部分,以创建自我维持的“奖品”基金,以开发低成本疗法2010 America COMPETES Reauthorization Act

借助这些新的支付模式,可以为赞助商创建可扩展且可持续的业务,以开发负担得起的疗法,同时改善患者的结果并节省大量成本。例如,每10,000名根据IVPE RCT + AMC合同进行治疗的患者,将氯胺酮与专利的Esketamine进行比较,这可能是更加有效for treatment-resistant depression, would save payers at least $1.8 billion over 10 years until the expiry of the esketamine patent, part of which can be paid back into the fund. The IVPE + AMC contract can also provide revenues of at least $250 million to a sponsor of the clinical trials for development, FDA-approval, and post-approval (Phase IV) pharmacovigilance studies for ketamine (see Appendix).


迫切需要更有效的治疗方法,这些治疗易于获得和负担得起。对于许多美国人来说,治疗非常稀缺或昂贵,with an estimated 42% of newly-diagnosed cancer patients losing all of their assets within 2 years。作为national health expenditures continue to risedrug R&D productivity continues to stagnate,通过实施改进的激励设计系统来支持更好的健康和经济成果,重新思考私人公共的一致性至关重要。

仿制药具有解决医疗保健成本和提高研发生产率的巨大潜力:低成本仿制药节省了美国医疗保健系统过去十年中的1.67万亿美元Thousands of FDA-approved generic drugs-也50,000+ nutraceuticals, plant medicines, diets, lifestyle interventions, and dose de-escalation regimens (collectively known as unmonopolizable therapies)—could be studied to treat diseases significantly更便宜,更快而不是开发新的专利药物。它花费了估计的$1 billion-plus and takes more than 10–15 years得到一个新的ly patented drug to market, whereas it is significantly cheaper and faster to find new uses for existing drugs and other unmonopolizable therapies that have known safety profiles and mechanisms of action from their use over many years.


由于这种市场失败,对于这种低成本疗法,缺乏用于大型且强大的临床试验的资金。原始配方的机会获得了仿制药,获得了FDA批准的新用途接近零when it goes generic. The same problem applies to funding large clinical trials for nutraceuticals, medical diets, lifestyle interventions, and novel dosing regimens, where it is almost impossible to stop doctors and patients accessing these therapies. Patients who desperately need more treatment options are unable to realize the benefits that existing off-patent, unmonopolizable, or low-cost therapies might offer, and由于专利激励措施的差距,可能会对公众造成重大损害

增加临床试验的直接赠款资金也可以产生次优的结果。在2020年Covid-19的高峰期间,pepcid AC(Famotidine)Covid-19研究raised red flags weeks after a $21 million grant was awarded to study its effects as a potential therapy. Concerns over study integrity, outcome measures, and even administrative protocols were all brought to light. Ironically, such grant funding can lead to even more risk and wasted taxpayer funds, such as$150 million of federal funding on the dietary supplement curcumin studied in more than 120 clinical trials, with no tangible evidence that it is an effective treatment for any medical condition. Further, conservative estimates of publicly funded clinical trials for repurposingphospholipidosis-inducing CADs to treat COVID-19,包括羟氯喹,可能超过60亿美元。除了大而务实的恢复一起trials initiated by the United Kingdom, which discovered that dexamethasone significantly reduced mortality in COVID patients on respiratory support, funding smaller, low-powered clinical trials did not lead to the development of significantly beneficial COVID therapies for patients. A risk-transferring market mechanism to fund large clinical trials would have been more efficient—or at least not have exposed taxpayers to the risk of failed clinical trials. IVPE RCTs are paid from cost savings, and AMC contracts only pay out when pre-specified requirements are met, so taxpayers and health insurers do not pay for any failures.

To quickly and affordably improve the lives of millions of patients, we propose that Congress should appropriate, and the Biden-Harris Administration should direct, the NIH, CMS, and VA with the support of the NCATSRepurposing Drugs计划,建立利用IVPE RCT和AMC的自我维持基金,用于为节省成本节省成本的负担得起的临床试验(“ IVPE + AMC基金”),并使用其联邦授权在2010年美国建立市场奖励或“奖品”重新授权法。私人保健保险公司的分散性,并有限的激励措施减少4万亿美元的美国医疗保健行业的成本,以证明向其美国客户收取的高保费是合理的,而提供商通过收取更高的费用来赚取更多的收入。但是,从支付费用和PFS合同和基于价值的定价(VBP)方面有些动作。在ERISAlegislation and the2021年合并拨款法,这对自保雇主施加了信托义务,以减少医疗保健支出。由纳税人资助的付款人,例如CMS,VA,美国陆军和大型自给自足的雇主可以使用IVPE RCT和AMC来激励低成本疗法的发展作为受托和财务风险管理机制。他们的净成本节省将远远超过管理IVPE + AMC基金的成本。

特别是,IVPE RCT比较了低成本的仿制药与通常由付款人资助的昂贵的专利药物进行比较。例如,最近有一个提议建立一个自我维持的IVPE基金矩阵行列式值ine the optimal minimum dose for expensive oncology drugs to save costs while reducing side-effects. The price difference between the low-cost and expensive intervention can far exceed the cost of running the RCT, which means it pays for itself in cost savings, even if the RCT fails. And if the RCT shows the low-cost treatment provides at least the same standard of care as the patented drug, this can save payers billions of dollars until the patent expires. If some of these cost savings are transferred back into an IVPE + AMC Fund, this will create a scalable business model for developing new low-cost therapies.

The self-sustaining nature of the IVPE + AMC Fund could be demonstrated, for example, by providing market rewards up to $100 million (which can be pooled between federal agencies) to reimburse a sponsor recruiting patients into IVPE trials comparing low-cost and expensive therapies. The reimbursement amount should ideally be less than the cost of the expensive therapy and the resulting guaranteed payer cost savings from the low-cost therapy substituting the expensive therapy could be paid back to increase the size of the fund. The IVPE clinical trial would require ethics approval and provide valuable data to “de-risk” whether the low-cost therapy works, without requiring additional taxpayer support. AMCs then would act as a “pull” mechanism to reward sponsors of large Phase III Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) that result in FDA approval with higher reimbursement price for an otherwise low-cost therapy that would substitute the expensive therapy. For example, a sponsor can partner with a generic drug manufacturer to guarantee supply of a repurposed generic in return for sharing revenue under an AMC. The sponsor can then submit bioequivalence and efficacy RCT data under the 505(b)(2) pathway to obtain a new “label” for the new use, which also provides a 3-year period of data exclusivity. Alternatively, a sponsor can leverage the revenue from the AMC to develop a nominal reformulation (e.g. new mechanism of administration or dose) to disincentivize generic substitution and obtain a 5-year period of data exclusivity under the 505(b)(1) New Drug Application pathway. The sponsor can earn additional revenue from the sale of the repurposed generic or RCT data to other healthcare systems, with the payers backing the IVPE + AMC Fund receiving a lower price or royalties. Payer cost savings from substituting an expensive therapy with the lower-cost therapy can be paid back into the IVPE + AMC Fund to ensure long-term sustainability.

AMC contracts are already implemented in various other contexts to address market failures. For example, so-calledSocial Impact Bonds(SIBS)是一种AMC合同,已被用来帮助预防无家可归和囚犯累犯的项目,并过度$700 million in SIBsraised to date.Operation Warp Speed使用AMC通过FDA批准和实验室到患者的阶段来激励疫苗开发。与IVPE RCT类似的方法也已被用来证明低剂量的贝伐单抗(avastin)可以治疗与年龄相关的黄斑变性,而不是获得专利的ranibizumab(lucentis),据估计该变性为save Medicare Part B $18 billion over 10 years

因此,IVPE + AMC基金可以通过开发新的低成本疗法来减少对昂贵疗法的依赖,从而可以从付款人那里获得数十亿美元的收入。它还可以通过鼓励制药公司(1)来解决专利系统下的未对准激励措施“脱离链接”利润(2)确保获得专利的药物有价值而不是追求“常绿”strategies such as patenting slight modifications of generic drugs to extend the period of monopoly pricing, and (3) pursue the most effective therapiesrather than the most patentable。如果没有昂贵的比较器治疗或其他情况,IVPE方法论可以比较常规的护理,AMC也可以用于激励低成本疗法的开发以满足未满足的医疗需求。

A Market Failure Caused by a Tragedy of the Commons

成千上万的潜在安全有效的非成本和低成本疗法是currently ignored due to misaligned incentives under the patent system。这场悲剧的核心是,验证治疗方案的安全性和有效性的临床试验数据对医疗保健付款人和患者而言是有价值的,而不是该药物的活性成分是否是新的。从本质上,涉及非专利和不可单位疗法的新用途的治疗方案是非矛盾和“高度不可判断”的公共物品。The co-author Savva Kerdemelidis’s2014年硕士论文结论是,由于专利制度为制药行业提供了开发这种“不可分割的疗法”的激励措施不足,因此需要替代的“奖品样”激励措施。这使付款人可以将临床试验数据定价验证,以验证这些新的,更负担得起的治疗方案的功效。

通过IVPE RCT和AMCS缩放低成本疗法的发展

IVPE RCTs and AMCs (see definition in FAQ section) recognize that the value of a therapeutic intervention is not the cost of an active ingredient but the clinical trial data showing it is safe and effective in a particular patient population. To accelerate the development of unmonopolizable therapies through the clinical and regulatory pipeline, we propose that payers—specifically government agencies such as CMS and VA as well as health insurers responsible for pharmaceutical reimbursement (ideally a consortium of payers)—support IVPE RCT pilots to de-risk early-stage clinical research and the use of AMC contracts through the IVPE + AMC Fund. The AMC will incentivize a sponsor fund the Phase III studies need to obtain FDA approval and conduct post-approval (Phase IV) pharmacovigilance studies. It will be self-sustaining if a percentage of savings from the availability of low-cost therapies is paid back into the IVPE + AMC Fund.

可以根据IVPE + AMC基金从IVPE + AMC基金提取的AMC下的总成果支付总量,可以参考产生的临床影响水平或质量调整后的终身寿命(QALYS),降低,降低,残疾调整的终身年度(DALYS)甚至从允许低成本疗法代替昂贵的疗法或降低住院费用而节省的成本也可以节省。例如,可以预先计算出批准的不可单位疗法的QALY数量United Kingdom National Health System’s Subscription-Style-Payment(SSP)激励新抗生素开发的模型。Under an SSP, a fixed amount is paid annually according to the total QALY value of the new therapy, as assessed by an elected, independent Medical Evaluation Committee.同样,路易斯安那州的CMS实施了“Netflix-subscription” model通过同意预先同意固定的年度付款来保证供应低成本仿制药以治疗丙型肝炎。绩效付费基于价值付款(VBP)合同are similar to AMC contracts and often negotiated with payers to provide more cost-effective delivery of healthcare services, where rewards are based on certain conditions being met. Accordingly, using AMC contracts to reward successful RCTs is not a novel mechanism that will require a significant administrative burden for federal agencies to implement. It may only require changing a few sentences in an existing VBP contract to refer to a repurposed generic drug or low-cost therapy.

以下示例描述了IVPE + AMC模型的工作方式:

  1. 付款人(例如CMS)同意IVPE RCT与赞助商进行比较,将重新塑造的通用药物或低成本治疗与专利药物(或昂贵的护理标准)的等效性或优势进行比较。付款人可以以较高的价格或每个患者价格来偿还低成本治疗,足以支付IVPE RCT的成本。如果较高的报销价格低于专利药物或昂贵的治疗,即使RCT失败,它也可以保证付款人节省成本。如果IVPE RCT成功,则付款人同意AMC的价值,例如,至少1亿美元购买了最少数量的重新申请通用药物,或者以较高的价格向赞助商偿还,但要获得获得FDA批准和FDA批准的赞助商负责批准后的药物警戒。值得注意的是,由于IVPE RCT是由于低成本疗法和获得专利药物之间的价格差异而从立即节省的基金中资助的,因此双方在财务上均处于危险中。(有关IVPE + AMC模型的示例,请参见附录1,使用通用氯胺酮与获得专利的Esketamine的示例来治疗抑郁症。)
  2. 这家赞助制药公司根据IVPE RCT和1亿美元的AMC的协议,筹集了5000万美元,以进行FDA批准所需的临床试验,但要获得FDA批准和批准后(IV阶段)Pharmacovigialance的批准(IV阶段)。研究表明持续的安全性和功效。
  3. If the IVPE RCT is successful and the generic drug or low-cost therapy is shown to be equivalent to or better than the expensive patented drug, the AMC is triggered: sponsors are guaranteed minimum sales of $100M and also have a “branded” generic or low-cost therapy with new label and data exclusivity for three years by filing an缩写新药申请(ANDA) with the FDA. A新药应用排他性(NDA)五年的数据是可能的ble if the generic or low-cost therapy contains a new active ingredient. They can also obtain a method of use patent on the optimal treatment protocol, which provides some commercial benefit and leverage to negotiate AMCs with other payers. A payer’s cost savings from updating their reimbursement guidelines to substitute a low-cost generic drug for the expensive patented drug will exceed the $100 million outcome payments under the AMC, which can be used to top-up the IVPE + AMC Fund to make it self-sustaining. In the case that clinical trials fail, the sponsor loses their investment, unless payers agree to transfer part of their cost savings for the duration of the IVPE RCTs to reimburse the sponsor. This is truly a win-win arrangement to fund new RCTs with very limited commercial risks compared to traditional drug development. The main task is finding repurposed generic drugs or low-cost interventions that could reduce reliance on expensive patented drugs by having at least the same safety and efficacy. There are many low-hanging fruits that are already medically “de-risked” (see generic drug repurposing use cases section below).

Once the repurposed generic or low-cost therapy receives FDA approval and market authorization, the insurer can then market the approved therapy to prescribing medical doctors. Doctors in turn can prescribe the treatment protocol to their patients, who benefit from improved health. Moreover, this payment model that generates revenue from RCT data resulting in costsavings helps redress the conflict of interest and information asymmetry between government and healthcare payers and pharmaceutical companies, who are now incentivized to develop the most effective therapies for the lowest cost.

Financial and Health Impact of the IVPE + AMC Fund


  1. 仅支付成功
  2. Establish ambitious goals and shift technological and other risks to prize participants
  3. Increase the number and diversity of individuals, organizations, and teams tackling a problem, including those who have not previously received federal funding
  4. 提高成本效益,刺激私营部门的投资,并最大化纳税人的收益
  5. 激励和激发公众解决科学,技术和社会问题

There are additional reasons why implementing a self-sustaining IVPE + AMC Fund as a prize-like “pull” incentive to reward development of low-cost therapies is more efficient and scalable than providing grant funding or “push” incentives (although the approaches can be complementary and push incentives can be superior when likely outcomes are known to the grantor). First, IVPE RCTs de-risk sponsors if the payer cost savings are shared by ensuring payer reimbursement of the low-cost therapy is sufficient to cover the costs of the RCT. Under an AMC contract, there is a transfer of risk from payers to the market: payers are not willing to take on the risk and expense of large RCTs, the responsibility of marketing to patients and doctors, and managing adverse events or product recalls. In turn, the market is comfortable taking on this risk and expense, as long as investors can obtain a standard rate of return (e.g., 10-20% p/a). Second, payers and government agencies are often not as well-qualified or equipped as the pharmaceutical industry, which has access to the most experienced staff and latest technological advances, including artificial intelligence. Third, grant programshave high administration costs, both for grantors and grantees, while the latter are not incentivized to deliver successful outcomes. By comparison, the markets are incentivized to fail fast and efficiently allocate capital to those best able to deliver results for the lowest cost. Lastly, repurposed off-patent and unmonopolizable therapies could outcompete patented drugs by providing improved health outcomes for a lower cost to payers. Pharmaceutical companies may also benefit from IVPE RCTs and AMC contracts versus developing novel molecules, due to decreased risk, costs, and time to market.

IVPE + AMC基金创建了一个临床试验数据市场,该市场激励大规模临床试验的资金,例如低成本的仿制药,可能导致的低成本通用药物在数十亿美元(即使不是万亿美元)中在为健康保险公司和政府节省医疗保健方面,此外,还为患者提供了更好的治疗选择和结果。然后可以将节省这些成本的节省重新投资于额外的IVPE + AMC资金,以激发治疗方案的进一步制定。因此,IVPE + AMC模型不仅激发了对不可单位疗法的投资,还可以用于生成可持续且可扩展的业务模型,以对低成本疗法进行额外投资,从而有助于改善全球南部的医疗保健。


Use Case 1: Metastatic Cancer

Hundreds of non-cancer generic drugs在临床前和临床研究中,研究人员和医师已经对癌症进行了测试,其中一些是II期试验,并表现出了希望。例如,重新利用非专利NSAID Ketorolac作为预防治疗,导致乳腺癌降低10%recurrence would cost $5 million annually (100,000 cases at $50 per case for ketorolac and its administration). The savings could be over $1 billion annually (10,000 patients at approximately $100,000 per patient for the treatment of metastatic disease). These savings would be dwarfed by the cost savings available under anIVPE基金comparing low doses of expensive patented cancer drugs with their standard dose, which can result in fewer side-effects for patients, includingNivolumab, abiraterone, trastuzumab, ibrutinib, paclitaxel, and pembrolizumab. The latter (Keytruda) is the top-selling blockbuster drug, with annual salesin excess of $15B; dosing Keytruda by weightcould reduce use by 25% in approved indications such as lung cancers


Depression is the残疾的主要原因在美国,年龄在15至44岁之间890万成年人和280万had treatment-resistant depression (TRD). A growing body of evidence has shown that infusions ofgeneric ketaminecan be a viable and affordable therapy for both forms of depression, which cost the United States over$320 billion in 2018。自越南战争以来,通用氯胺酮已被用作全身麻醉,成本低于$ 2per dose。However generic ketamine is not authorized to treat any form of depression. The patented and FDA-approved s-ketamine or esketamine,价格为850美元每剂量,用于具有自杀意念的TRD和MDD。

迄今为止,许多临床试验表明generic ketamine is more effective。Moreover, a 2020 study indicated thatEsketamine不太可能具有成本效益除非其价格下跌超过40%,否则在美国的耐药抑郁症的管理。最近,英国付款人不错拒绝偿还埃斯酮胺。大约有900万美国成年人患有耐药性抑郁症,使用自我维持的IVPE + AMC基金成功地重新利用通用氯胺酮可以通过改善的访问和护理标准来挽救许多生命,并节省医疗保健付款人hundreds of millions of dollarsin monopoly prices.


The IVPE + AMC Fund can be established through the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-358),通过授权任何联邦机构的负责人进行一项有可能刺激创新并推进机构使命的竞赛的竞赛,从而鼓励奖金。2016年,《 21世纪治疗法》(P.L. 114-255) directed the director of the NIH to support prize competitions that would realize significant advancements in biomedical science or improve health outcomes, especially as they relate to human diseases or conditions. IVPE + AMC contracts can act like a “prize-like” incentive that is designed to address market failures but also lower healthcare treatment costs for federal agencies (e.g., CMS or VA) by incentivizing the discovery and validation of evidence that low-cost interventions such as repurposed generic drugs may be equivalent to or more effective than expensive interventions such as patented drugs.

简而言之,我们建议建立IVPE + AMC基金并运行如下:

The IVPE + AMC Fund is established through the美国竞争2010年的重新授权法(P.L. 111-358) to support backing of IVPE RCTs by payers as a self-funding mechanism and authorize outcome payments of up to $100 million under an AMC for successful clinical trials of a repurposed generic drug, nutraceutical, and/or other low-cost unmonopolizable therapy to treat a specific indication of high unmet medical need and cost burden (e.g. cancer, treatment resistant depression, glioblastoma, Crohn’s Disease, Alzheimer’s).

IVPE + AMC基金还得到了《 21世纪治疗法》(P.L. 114-255的A司)2002年的支持,该法案要求NIH的董事,该法律规定在美国法典第15届当局。§3719,支持以下一个或两个目标的奖品比赛:

  1. 确定和资助生物医学科学领域,可以通过奖项竞争实现重大进步;和
  2. 改善健康状况,特别是在严重的人类疾病和疾病方面,代表了美国的重大疾病负担。奖项竞争还可以针对人类疾病和条件,与联邦政府的预防和治疗活动支出以及那些通过减少联邦支出的疾病回报率相对于联邦政府的预防和治疗活动的支出以及那些疾病和条件的可能性不成比例。

The director of the NIH elects a Medical Evaluation Board, which oversees and manages the prize purpose held by the IVPE + AMC Fund as follows:

  1. Determining the minimum reimbursement price to sponsors for patients receiving a low-cost therapy under an IVPE RCT which is less than the price of an expensive patented drug or intervention that it substitutes. Then determine the minimum purchase order or outcome payments under an AMC contract relative to total QALY / DALY improvement or cost savings, subject to large Phase 3 RCTs resulting in FDA-approval of the low-cost therapy, and further subject to ongoing safety and efficacy shown in Phase 4 pharmacovigilance studies.
  2. The Medical Evaluation Board will be required to collect information on the effect of the IVPE + AMC Fund on advancing biomedical science or improving health outcomes and the effect of the innovations on federal expenditures.

最初,我们建议国会应向NIH提供200万美元的资金,以与NIH收购管理和计划和NCAT的NIH办公室合作建立IVPE + AMC基金计划。其中的重点是创建一个“脱离风险”的低成本疗法菜单,适合于IVPE + AMC基金下的报销,以及可行性研究,以显示为CMS和VA等付款人提供预计的成本节省,以及基于患者的访问福利。在现有的NCAT转化工作中,包括仿制药或剂量降低干预措施,通过将其与IVPE模型下的昂贵专利干预进行比较。例如,为了治疗与年龄相关的黄斑变性可以在10年内节省Medicare部分180亿新元compared with ranibizumab (Lucentis). Or compare the cost of prescribing the generic氟氟voxamine以每QALY $ 6000的价格与Molnupiravir $ 6000治疗Covid,每QALY $ 55,000, substituting sirolimus for nab-sirolumus to treat locally advanced unresectable or metastatic malignant perivascular epithelioid cell tumors (PEComa), or substituting sirolimus for everolimus in various cancers. Significant cost savings from IVPE RCT de-escalation studies comparing a lower dose of an expensive cancer drug to the standard treatment can fund the development of new unmonopolizable therapies. For example, this includes savings fromlow-dose nivolumab对于头颈癌,低剂量的阿比罗酮和曲妥珠单抗,ibrutinib,紫杉醇和pembrolizumab用于其他各种癌症,如上所述。该试点的关键将是一个足够的基于证据的评估过程,以生成低成本IVPE用例菜单。理想情况下,在规模上,IVPE + AMC基金将涵盖广泛的市场失败,但我们建议对专业肿瘤学药物的重新使用仿制药和剂量降低研究的低调果实,然后再扩展到包括其他类型的不可垄断疗法,包括其他类型的疗法医疗饮食,例如ketogenic diet, non-pharmaceutical, and lifestyle interventions that can reduce reliance on expensive therapies.


An IVPE + AMC Fund established under the America COMPETES Act can provide a more flexible, self-sustaining and cost-effective payment model for developing affordable and effective medical therapies, as opposed to the pharmaceutical industry’s traditional model of charging a monopoly price for new patented drugs. Establishing IVPE RCTs that compare low-cost treatments with expensive treatments generates immediate cost savings for payers from reduced reliance on monopoly-priced drugs as well as future cost savings if clinical guidelines are updated to recommend the low-cost treatment. AMC contracts incentivize FDA-approval and help correct misaligned incentives under the patent system by ensuring rewards are脱钩通过最大化一种垄断价格的药物的销售。

If our proposed self-sustaining IVPE + AMC Fund can be implemented, this will create new incentives to leverage the biotech innovations of the last 40 years and optimize the efficient delivery of healthcare, including genetic engineering, personalized medicine (informed by blood tests and low-cost DNA sequencing), artificial intelligence, decentralized clinical trials, and telemedicine. The pharmaceutical industry is not to blame if they can only rely on the patent system to obtain a return on investment for funding medical innovation. New outcomes-based payment models are needed to develop more affordable and effective treatments that can pull the practice of medicine into the 21st century and address significant health inequities.


IVPE RCT + AMC Financial Model Example

这种IVPE RCT + AMC财务模型使用通用的氯胺酮和专利的埃斯酮胺作为如何通过将低成本干预与昂贵的干预措施进行比较来利用即时和未来的成本节省的一个例子,以激励RCT为不可单位的疗法提供RCT的资金。


一年中抗治疗抑郁症患者的# 10000
x average dosage per patient in a year 25
X定价每埃斯氨胺剂量 $ 850
Annual treatment costs to payer $ 212,500,000
Year of esketamine patent expiration 2035
付款人的总治疗费用,直到埃斯凯胺专利到期 $ 2,762,500,000


Esketamine作为控制臂 Ketamine as control arm
# of treatment-resistant depression patients in RCT for a year 5000 5000
x一年的平均剂量持久剂量 25 25
x每剂量定价 $ 850 $ 2
Total treatment costs to payer $ 106,250,000 $ 250,000

进行IVPE RCT(超过1年)的总节省

进行IVPE RCT(超过1年)的总节省 $ 106,000,000
少:赞助商与合同研究组织合同进行RCT的费用 50,000,000
简单地进行IVPE RCT从付款人节省 $ 56,000,000
(1) Payer cost savings can be transferred to sponsor under IVPE RCT contract to help fund R&D to optimize treatment protocol and FDA approval
If IVPE RCT is successful and ketamine obtains FDA approval for treatment-resistant depression, AMC is triggered and total future savings to payers are as follows:
# of treatment-resistant depression patients in the U.S. a year 10,000
x average dosage per patient in a year 25
x pricing per dosage under AMC $100
Total annual treatment costs for payer $ 25,000,000
Annual future savings for payer $ 187,500,000
x remaining years of esketamine patent (assuming FDA approval in 2025) 10
Total future savings for payer $ 1,875,000,000
AMC下的氯胺酮赞助商的总收入总计为10年收入 $ 250,000,000

Advanced market commitments are a type ofpay-for-success合同guarantees a viable market for a product once it is successfully developed。哈佛经济学家迈克尔·克雷默(Michael Kremer)是第一个提议的人AMCSto stimulate private sector investment in innovations undersupplied by the market. In 2005, global foundations supported the creation of a detailed proposal by the全球发展中心这描述了AMC如何结构。2009年,第一届AMC启动了,为疫苗提供了15亿美元的资金,用于主要影响生活在贫困中的人们的疾病。此后,开发了三种疫苗,超过1.5亿儿童免疫,挽救了大约70万人的生命

Would your proposal involve price negotiations with payers that are specific to an indication?

Drug pricing can stay uniform if differential pricing is not permitted. Outcome payments under an AMC can be in the nature of a fixed annual “Netflix” subscription-style payment for the RCT data showing that the repurposed generic is safe and effective for the indication, and can be “de-linked” from sales of a drug. Alternatively, if differential pricing is permitted under applicable regulations and policy, then the repurposed generic drug could be priced higher in the new indication under an AMC.


Some of the most广泛使用的突出重新利用药物include the following (not exhaustive):

毒品名称 原始指示 Disease name
作为pirin Analgesia Colorectal cancer
Gemcitabine 抗病毒物质 癌症
Raloxifene 骨质疏松症 Breast cancer
西地那非 Angina Erectile dysfunction

Off-label drug useis when drugs are prescribed for a condition, a type of patient, or a dosage not officially approved by the FDA, which can be所有处方的20%。通常不受允许FDA批准的测试水平和数据水平的支持,因此患者没有来自FDA批准的标签的指南和警告。因此,医生和患者并不总是有足够的信息信息,即使用该药物的标签外的影响和危险来做出明智的决定。这可能会导致患者在不知不觉中面临危险,意外副作用的风险。这验证了大型3期RCT的需求,以证明可以为新的迹象开出规定的药物,并授予该迹象的新标签。此外,健康保险公司通常不会偿还标签之外的使用,这意味着患者被迫赚钱。

How will your AMC model work if a healthcare payer does not want to pay for cost savings or value generated by a repurposed generic drug, as opposed to the lowest market price for the active ingredient?

大型医疗保险公司,尤其是在美国States, often own hospitals and are not incentivized to reduce healthcare costs. This model will become unsustainable due to an aging baby boomer population and insurance premiums increasing faster than wages. To avoid this situation, payers have started to implement more outcomes-based contracts such as value-based pricing and bundled payments to incentivize innovation that reduces healthcare costs. Similarly, payers can agree to support IVPE RCTs to clinically validate a low-cost off-patent intervention by comparing it to an expensive patented intervention or paying an amount representing future cost savings or QALY gains for repurposing a generic drug under an AMC contract. Currently, payers do not put a price on the clinical trial data or treatment protocol information about which generic drug works in a new disease and the optimal dose, but only pay the marginal cost of the generic drug as a chemical. This is like only paying an electrician for the cost of a new $1 part, rather than for the knowledge of the specific part needed to fix an electrical fault, which is the valuable information that takes years of experience and would save your business thousands of dollars or more.

Why does repurposing generic drugs and nutraceuticals result in lower costs than making a novel patented drug?

再利用的通用药物和不可单位的疗法(如营养液)被脱离风险,因为它们具有多年的成功1阶段安全试验的疗效和安全性数据,而在通用药物的情况下,它们具有多年的疗效和上市后IV阶段数据,并且通常被认为是安全的(GRAS)(GRAS)在营养剂的情况下是化合物。IVPE RCTS脱离危险的早期临床试验,AMC将激励重新使用的通用药物的供应规模,并鼓励赞助商培训医生和患者,以确保更快地吸收这项创新。

Would some of the proposed schemes require the monitoring of uptake and/or patient outcomes, which imposes an administrative burden for payers?

Under an AMC, there can be a fixed annual payment or minimum sales commitment calculated with reference to determination of cost savings from substitution with expensive patented drugs and/or QALYs gained, similar to thesubscription-style payment model for antibioticsin the NHS. The AMC means that the sponsor would also benefit from additional sales of the “branded” generic drug, so they would be incentivized to monitor its use and conduct standard Phase IV pharmacovigilance (and can also be liable for adverse events and recalls). Moreover, payer cost savings from the IVPE + AMC Fund program would far exceed the cost of monitoring or administrative burden.


除了由于减少对昂贵专利药物的依赖而受益于立即节省成本的收益外,支持AMC的付款人可以协商良好的价格并保证从发起人那里提供“品牌”仿制药的供应,而其他付款人将被迫使用OFF-标记版本,并使医生和患者面临责任风险的增加。赞助商将从AMC下的结果支付和“品牌”通用的额外销售中受益。他们还可以利用数据排他性和传统专利权,例如为最佳治疗方案和重新制定的使用方法专利,以与其他付款人协商类似的AMC,并降低仿制标签竞争的风险。支持IVPE + AMC模型的付款人越多,可以与自由骑行共享的成本越多。有关通过基因检测和其他诊断信息告知的最佳治疗方案的RCT数据也可以作为临床决策支持工具和商业秘密商业化。作者的目的是支持建立公共善良药物作为慈善机构拥有的生物技术公司和临床试验数据市场人群资助的治疗方法,执行此商业模式。

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