

05.25.23 | 9分钟阅读 | Text by埃文·阿布斯&梅利莎·罗伯茨·查普曼(Melissa Roberts Chapman)



To help entrepreneurs better and more reliably access capital no matter where in the country they are, the Small Business Administration (SBA) should work with the otherInteragency Community Investment Committee (ICIC)agencies to expand the SBA’s secondary market capacity. The SBA’s secondary market allows lenders to sell the guaranteed portion of a loan backed by the SBA. This provides additional liquidity to lenders, which in turn expands the availability of commercial credit for small businesses. However, there is no large standardized secondary market for debt serviced by other federal agencies, so the benefits of a secondary market are limited to only a portion of federal lending programs that support entrepreneurship. Expanding SBA’s secondary market authority would increase access to large pools of private capital for a larger proportion of entrepreneurs and innovative small businesses.

As a first step towards this goal, one or several agencies should enter into a pilot partnership with SBA to use SBA’s existing administrative authority and基础设施to enable private lenders to sell other forms of federally securitized loans. Once proven, the secondary market could be expanded further and permanently established as a government-sponsored enterprise (GSE). This GSE would provide accessible capital for entrepreneurs and small businesses in much the same way that the GSEs Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac provide accessible capital, as mortgages, for prospective homeowners.

With the 118th Congress considering the reauthorization of SBA for the first time in 22 years, there is an opportunity to seize on this reauthorization to modernize the SBA. Piloting the SBA’s secondary market capacity is a crucial piece of modernization to increase access to capital for entrepreneurs.


获得资本改变了个人和社区的经济轨迹。例如,批准的小企业贷款申请人报告平均收入增加贷款批准后五年后超过10%。不幸的是,崭露头角的企业家资本是稀缺和不公平的分配。大约83%的萌芽企业家neveraccess adequate capital to start or grow their business. Success rates are evenlower人群少数群体。当企业家无法获得资本为了开始自己的业务,周围的社区遭受了苦难,这证明了每三个中的两个新工作over the past 25 years has been generated by small businesses.

这vast majority of new businesses in the United States are funded by personal or family savings, business loans from banks or financial institutions, or personal credit cards. Venture capital使用only 0.5% of entrepreneurs because most entrepreneurs’ businesses are not candidates for it. Public and mission-driven lending efforts are valiant but can’t come close to matching the scale of this untapped potential. Outside of the COVID-19 emergency response, the SBAannually appropriates贷款计划的1-2亿美元。这Urban Institutefound that between 2011 and 2017, Chicago alone received $4 billion of mission-driven lending that predominantly went toward communities of color and high-poverty communities. But during the same time period, Chicago also received over $67 billion of market investment—most of which flowed to white and affluent neighborhoods.



这re is a clear rationale for federal intervention to improve capital access for entrepreneurship-support programs. Successful investment in marginalized communities serves the public interest by generating积极的外部性例如增加工作,财富和所有权。政府可以通过降低投资者的风险并通过扩大SBA的二级市场权力以及最终创建GSE来创造永久性,提高问责制和进一步的资本访问灵活性来降低资本成本,从而增强这些外部性。随着SBA对立法案卷的重新授权,这是解决企业家资本访问核心挑战的主要机会。

Plan of Action

Federal government should create standardized, straightforward mechanisms for entrepreneurs and small businesses across the country to tap into vast pools of private capital at scale. A first step is launching an administrative pilot that extends the SBA’s current secondary market capacity to interested agencies in the ICIC. An initial pilot partner could be the Department of the Treasury in order to recapitalize its Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund. If the pilot proves successful, the secondary market could be expanded further and permanently established as a government-sponsored enterprise.


这SBA’s secondary market can already serve small business debt and debt-like instruments for small businesses and community development. The SBA现在underwrites, guarantees, securitizes, and sells pools of 7(a) and 504 loans, unsecured SBA loans in Development Company Participation Certificates, and Small Business Investment Company Debentures. Much like Federal Housing Administration and Veterans Affairs home loans offer guaranteed debt to homeowners, there are programs that offer guaranteed debt for entrepreneurs. However, there is no large standardized secondary market for the debt that extends across agencies.

感兴趣的ICIC机构之间理解的跨机构备忘录可以迅速将SBA的二级市场基础设施开放给其他形式的小型企业债务。这将使ICIC能够在风险有限的情况下探索Federally Seceriatization债务产品扩大的二级市场的程度,使企业家和小型企业更容易获得低成本的资本。ICIC机构提供的其他形式的小型企业贷款的例子包括农业部农村业务发展赠款,住房和城市发展部社区发展块赠款以及财政部小型企业贷款基金等。



Recommendation 2. Create a government-sponsored enterprise (GSE).

Upon successful completion of the administrative pilot, the ICIC should explore creating a GSE that decreases the cost of capital for entrepreneurs and small businesses and expands capital access for underserved communities. This separate entity would be a more independent body than an expanded secondary market created through SBA’s existing infrastructure. Benefits of creating a GSE include providing more flexibility and allowing the agency to function more independently and with greater authority while being subject to more rigorous reporting and oversight requirements to ensure accountability.

After the 2008 housing-market crash and subsequent recession, the concept of a GSE was批评and reforms wereproposed。毫无疑问,GSE在住房市场上犯了错误,但它们也帮助标准化和发展了现在为美国家庭65%的抵押贷款市场。联邦政府将需要实施周到,创新的治理结构,以实现GSE可以为企业家和小型企业提供的好处,同时避免重复以抵押贷款为中心的GSES Fannie Mae和Freddie Mac造成的错误。

一个潜在的所有权结构是永久目的信任(ppt)。PPT通过将所有权的治理权与财务回报权分开并将其授予不同各方的所有权来发挥作用。迄今为止,PPT的最著名示例可能是一个已确立的伊冯·乔纳德(Yvon Chouinard)接管了他家人在巴塔哥尼亚的所有权。在PPT中,受托人(在信托管理员委员会(TSC)中组织)受到信托义务的约束,以保持专注于信托的既定目的。TSC内的利益无权获得财务回报;相反,财务回报的权利持有不拥有治理权利的独立实体(公司受托人)。由信托执行者支持的这种结构,确保TSC不能迫使公司做一些有益于利润的事情,但对目的不利。

模仿以资本为中心的GSE的这种基本结构可以规避困扰抵押贷款的GSE的道德危害。TSC,Trust Enforcer和Corporate Truste在联邦背景下的作用可以填补如下:


这ICIC agencies support and create many creative solutions that blend private and public dollars to increase entrepreneurship and community development. Yet the federal government stops short of providing the most important benefit: standardization and scale. The ICIC agencies should therefore create an entity that unlocks standardization and scale for the programs they help create, with the overall goals of:


If the pilot proves successful, the next step is to expand the secondary market and establish it for the long term through a GSE modeled on those that have effectively supported the mortgage industry—but with a creative structure that proactively addresses GSE weaknesses unveiled by the 2008 housing-market crash. The result is a stable, permanent institution that enables all communities to realize the benefits of robust entrepreneurship by ensuring that budding entrepreneurs and small-business owners across the country can easily tap into the capital they need to get started.

Frequently Asked Questions

Precedents for this type of federal intervention can be found in the mortgage industry. Homeownership is a major driver of wealth creation. The federal government supports homeownership through mortgage guarantees by federal agencies like the Federal Housing Authority and Veterans Affairs. In addition, the federal government increases liquidity in the mortgage industry by enabling insured mortgages and market-rate mortgages to be securitized, sold, and purchased on secondary markets through government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, or wholly owned agencies like Ginnie Mae. These structures have created a reliable stream of capital to originate loans for homeownership and lower the cost of borrowing.

这mortgage GSEs are engaging in innovation to increase access to housing credit. Fannie Mae, for example, is taking a number of steps to extend credit and homeownership to historically disadvantaged communities, including by using documented rental payments to help individuals build their credit scores and using special-purpose credit programs to develop new solutions for down payment assistance, underwriting, and credit enhancement. These changes will have an outsize effect on the mortgage industry because of the central role a GSE like Fannie Mae plays in connecting private markets to potential homeowners.

COVID-19 relief efforts provide an application of this model specific to small businesses. TheCalifornia Rebuild Fund(Carf)是一家私人信贷基金,用于利用州,联邦,慈善和私人投资的混合体。卡夫使用政府债务保证将资本成本降低给社区发展金融机构,这些机构最能确定源自Covid-19的最负面影响的小型企业。





Any privileges extended to the new entity, such as exemption from securities registration or state and local taxation, that results in measurable decrease in cost of lending should be passed on to the final borrower, as much as possible.



SBA最近宣布a change in the interest rates that lenders can charge for 7(a) loans. While it is understandable that the SBA does not want the guarantee to run up the profit margin for lenders, the tradeoff is that some entrepreneurs will go without capital because lenders cannot justify the risk at the formulated interest rate. The授权法规,CFR 120.213,仅要求利率合理。这应该使SBA空间可以尝试如何向借款人提供低成本资本。例如,如果将高利贷帽用于某些贷款,SBA是否需要使用超额收益率来降低其他贷款的借贷成本?


跨部门社区投资委员会(ICIC) focuses on the operations and execution of federal programs that facilitate the flow of capital and the provision of financial resources into historically underserved communities, including communities of color, rural communities, and Tribal nations. The ICIC is composed of representatives from the Treasury, Small Business Administration, Department of Commerce, Department of Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Department of Agriculture.