
How Unmet Desire Surveys Can Advance Learning Agendas and Strengthen Evidence-Based Policymaking

10.24.22 | 7 min read | 文字亚当·莱文(Adam Levine)


2018年基于循证决策法的基础(证据法)promotes a culture of evidence within federal agencies. A central part of that culture entails new collaboration between decision-makers and those with diverse forms of expertise inside and outside of the federal government. Federal chief evaluation officers lead these efforts, yet they face challenges getting buy-in from agency staff and in obtaining sufficient resources. One tool to overcome these challenges is an “unmet desire survey,” which prompts agency staff to reflect on how the success of their programs relates to what is happening in other agencies and outside government, as well as consider what information about these other programs and organizations would help their work be more effective. The unmet desire survey is an important data-gathering mechanism and also encourages evaluation officers to engage in matchmaking between agency staff and people who have the information they desire. Using existing authorities and resources, agencies can pilot unmet desire surveys as a concrete mechanism for advancing federal learning agendas in a way that builds buy-in by directly meeting the needs of agency staff.

Challenge and Opportunity

A core mission of the Evidence Act is to foster a culture of evidence-based decision-making within federal agencies. Since the problems agencies tackle are multidimensional, with the success of one government program often depending on the performance of others, new collaborative relationships between decision-makers in the federal government and those in other agencies and in organizations outside the federal government are essential to realizing the Evidence Act’s vision. Indeed, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) implementation guidance stresses that learning agendas are “an opportunity to align efforts and promote interagency collaboration in areas of joint focus or shared populations or goals” (OMB M-19-23),并且一种证据文化“不能仅在顶部或孤立的分析办公室发生,而必须嵌入每个机构中……并由代表美国人民服务的勤奋公务员采用”(OMB M-21-27).

联邦机构的首席评估官是培养证据文化的主要人物。然而,他们和他们的评估人员面临许多挑战,包括从代理人员那里获得买入,了解超出这些办公室组织界限的计划和运营办公室的需求以及资源有限。确实,OMB指导承认that many agency staff may view learning agendas as just another compliance exercise.

This memo proposes a flexible tool that evaluation officers can use to generate buy-in among agency staff and leadership while also promoting collaboration as emphasized in OMB guidance and in the Evidence Act. The tool, which has already proven valuable in地方政府and in the非营利部门,称为“未满足的欲望调查”。该调查通过促使员工考虑以下内容来衡量对协作的愿望:


未满足的欲望调查还合法化了非正式的协作关系。常常要求在政策领域进行新的合作,立即将其结构化的会议纳入过度结构化的会议,而这些会议未能揭示有希望的联合学习和解决问题的领域。各个政府机构的会议通常是关于每个组织活动的脚本演讲,几乎没有洞察他们可以搭档以取得更好成果的方式。与外部研究专家的政策讨论倾向于专注于正式的评估和长期研究项目,这些项目不会在短期内浮出水面加速学习。相比之下,未满足的欲望显式调查使多样化思想家可能只想进行非正式知识交流而不是正式事件或伙伴关系的思想合法化。确实,即使是单一的对话可以极大地影响决策者, and, of course, so can更密集的关系

同时为促进新collaborat在线平台ive relationships have been先前提出的, they have not achieved uptake at scale among federal policymakers. One reason for this is that the problem that needs to be solved is both factual and relational. In other words, the issue isn’t simply that strangers do not知道彼此 - 陌生人并不总是知道如何讲话彼此。人们关心别人与他们的关系以及他们是否可以成功与他人建立联系。关系不确定性通常停止people from interacting with others they do not know. This is why unmet desire surveys also include questions that directly measure hesitations about interacting with people from other agencies and organizations.

进行调查后,评估人员可以使用调查数据进行对接:具有相似目标但专业知识的人之间的经纪联系,并帮助克服对关系的不确定性,以便新的跨机构和跨部门的协作关系可以扎根。总而言之,通过故意询问与具有各种相关专业形式的其他人的联系,然后重新建立这些联系 - 评估人员可以在可能不考虑评估和证据建设作为其核心责任的一部分的人们中产生更大的热情和所有权。


Using existing authorities and resources, federal evaluation officers can take three steps to position unmet desire surveys as a standard component of the government’s evidence toolbox.

Step 1. Design and implement pilot unmet desire surveys.


Step 2. Meet unmet desires by matchmaking.





一项未满足的欲望调查是一种适应性的工具,可以揭示连接和协作的富有成果的途径。确实,未满足的欲望调查利用了scienceof collaboration by ensuring that efforts to broker connections among strangers consider both substantive goals and uncertainty about relationality. Chief evaluation officers can pilot unmet desire surveys using existing authorities and resources, and then use the information gathered to identify opportunities for productive matchmaking. Ultimately, positioning the survey as a standard component of the government’s evidence toolbox has great potential to support agency staff in advancing federal learning agendas and building a robust culture of evidence across the U.S. government.

Frequently Asked Questions
Who should unmet desire surveys be administered to?


Who should conduct an unmet desire survey?



The bulleted list in the body of the memo illustrates the types of questions that an unmet desire survey might ask. Yet survey content is meant to be tailored and agency-specific. For instance, the first suggested question about information that would help increase program effectiveness can be left entirely open-ended or be focused on programs related to learning-agenda priorities. Similarly, the second suggested question may invite responses related to either informal or formal collaboration, or instead may only ask about knowledge exchange (a relatively lower commitment that may be more palatable to agency leadership). The third and fourth questions should refer to specific types of hesitancy that survey administrators believe are most likely (e.g., ask about a few hesitancies that seem most likely to arise, such as lack of explicit permission, concerns about saying something inappropriate, or concerns about lack of trustworthy information). The final question about why these collaborations don’t exist can similarly be left broad or include a few examples to help spark ideas.

Who should conduct matchmaking in response to an unmet desire survey?






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