Science Policy


04.19.22 | 7 min read | 文字Katerina Graf




  1. 启动职业CCS培训计划,以增加具有安装,操作和维护CCS基础架构技能的工人库。
  2. Develop an accelerator to develop and commercialize modular CCS for the industrial sector.
  3. Create a private-facing CCS Innovation Connector (CIC) to increase stability and investment.



Carbon dioxide (CO2)是人类引起的气候变化的最大驱动力。应对气候危机需要美国显着脱碳。但是,CCS和CCU仍然太昂贵了。CCUS的成本必须降至每吨$ 100 co2被捕获激励industry uptake. U.S. policymakers have paved the way for CCUS byfunding突破性研究,增加demand for captured CO2through market-shaping,改进点源CCS的技术和建筑大型植物可直接捕获(DAC)。DAC对补救公司有很大的希望2尽管成本较高,但在气氛中(最多$ 600/吨Co2sequestered), so the Biden Administration and DOE have recently focused on DAC via policies such as the碳负镜头(CNS)和2021年基础设施投资和就业法案(IIJA)。By comparison, point-source CCS has beendescribed由于最近缺乏创新,作为“孤儿技术”。

的一部分问题是很少有长期机制使CC经济。工业公司2需求正在上升,但没有设定的碳价格,排放标准或国家碳市场,碳捕获技术的成本超过了需求。这拜登给药通过政府的购买和市场形成对被捕获的碳的需求不断提高,但是此过程很慢,无法解决高科技和基础设施成本的根源问题。因此,针对创新方面的问题是改善行业吸收的最大希望。DOE赠款用于技术研究和演示常见的, while public opinion and the45Q税收抵免导致增加资助CCS from companies like埃克森美孚。这些努力使大规模项目10亿美元佩特拉·诺瓦植物要开发;但是,对碳捕获的担忧管道, 这高成本高风险technology, and允许允许大规模项目所需的所需。现在,只有26operating CCUS plants globally. Therefore, a solution is to pursue smaller-scale technologies to fill this gap and provide lower-cost and smaller-scale — but much more widespread — CCS installations.

Modular CCS技术,就像初创公司创建的碳清洁andCarbon Capture, have shown promise for industrial plants. Carbon Clean has serviced 44 facilities that have collectively captured over 1.4 million metric tons of carbon. Mitsubishi is also试验smaller CCS plants based on successful larger facilities likeOrcaor佩特拉·诺瓦(Petra Nova)。Increasing federal support for modular innovation with lower risks and installation costs could attract additional entrants to the CCS market. Most research focuses on breakthrough innovation to significantly decrease carbon capture costs. However, there are many existing CCS技术- 例如基于胺的溶剂或多孔膜 - 可以改进和专门降低成本。特别是,模块化CCS系统可以有效地针对美国工业部门,鉴于钢铁或塑料制造等工业小节所承受的压力较小,脱碳选择较少,而脱碳选择却少于石油和天然气企业。工业部门通过各种小点源占美国温室气体排放的30%,这使其成为较小规模CCS技术的主要领域。

Plan of Action

DOE应发起一项旨在在美国的小规模模块化CC的旨在促进技术选择和使用的计划。该程序将包括三个主要支柱Table 1.

Table 1.
Pillar 目的 Champion Cost 资金 大体时间
职业培训 增加CCS劳动力 母鹿 500万美元 iija 2 - 4年
Modular CSS Innovation Program 为行业子行业开发模块化CCS技术 母鹿or FECM 1000万美元 iija,斗士赠款 1 year
CCS Innovator Connector Encourage private CCS investment 母鹿 $ 750,000/年 iija 2年

DOE should leverage IIJA and the new DOE Office of Clean Energy Demonstration (OCED) to create a vocational CCS training program. DOE has in the past supported — and is currently supporting — a suite of regional carbon capture training. However, DOE’s 2012程序面向CCS Field的科学家和工人及其2022年程序专门针对20-30个特定的科学家和项目。DOE应该通过新的职业CCS培训计划以这项工作为基础,该计划将:



这DOE Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) or OCED should continue to lead global innovation by creating the Modular CCS Innovation Program(MCIP)。该加速器将为美国研发(R&D)初创公司提供财务和技术支持,从事工业工厂(例如散装化学,水泥和钢铁制造工厂)的较小规模,灵活的CC。MCIP应优先考虑可以通过较低的安装和维护成本来广泛实施的技术。例如,MCIP项目可以专注于改善基于胺的系统对特种化学品的阻力,或者开发像这样的模块化系统碳清洁that can be adopted by different industrial plants. Projects like these have been proposed by different U.S. companies and laboratories, yet to date they have received comparatively less support from government loans or tax credits.



如图1所示,MCIP将通过提案请求(RFP)启动,每人将最初的100万美元授予收到的前十名提案。在获得资金后的头100天内,每个参与的初创公司都必须为其拟议产品提交最终设计和市场分析。然后,该初创公司将额外有200天的时间来生产产品的工作原型。然后,这家初创公司将进入实施和商业化阶段,其目标是在明年内准备好产品市场。因此,可以通过大约1000万美元的赠款以及额外的资金来启动MCIP,以支付行政费用和间接费用 - 与最近的DOE相称fundingfor large-scale CCUS projects. This funding could come from the$96 million最近由DOE分配以推进碳捕获技术和/或从分配中分配的资金。实施资金可以部分或从私人投资者或其他外部行业合作伙伴中获得。




公司2emissions will continue to rise as U.S. energy demand grows. Many existing federal policies target these emissions through clean energy or DAC projects, but more can and should be done to incentivize U.S. innovation in point-source CCS. In particular, increased federal support is needed for small-scale and modular carbon capture technologies that target complex areas of U.S. industry and avoid the high costs and risks of large-scale infrastructure installations. This federal support should involve improving CCS education and training, accelerating the development and commercialization of modular CCS technologies for the industrial sector, and connecting startup CCS projects to private funding. Biden Administration policies — coupled with growing public and industrial support for climate action — make this the ideal time to expand the reach of our climate strategy into an “all of the above” solution that includes CCS as a core component.