Nuclear Weapons


01.09.23 | 3 min read | Text byHans Kristensen

C-17As of the 62nd Airlift Wing at Joint Base Lewis-McChord near Seattle have been cleared to transport new B61-12 nuclear bomb.

2022年11月,空军更新了其安全规则为了空运核武器,允许C-17A Globemaster III飞机运输新的B61-12核弹。


An updated USAF Instruction in November 2022 removed restrictions for C-17A transport of the new B61-12 nuclear bomb to bases in the United States and Europe.

The C-17As of the 62ndAirlift Wing at Joint Base Lewis-McChord serve as the Prime Nuclear Airlift Force (PNAF), the only airlift wing that is authorized to transport the Air Force’s nuclear warheads.

更新的空军操作说明不,因为inaccurately suggested by some, confirm that shipping of the weapons began in December. But it documents some of the preparations needed to do so.


But a senior Pentagon official subsequently被解雇the Politico report, saying “nothing has changed on the timeline. There is no speeding up because of any Ukraine crisis, the B61-12 is on the same schedule it’s always been on.”

Although the DOD official denied there had been a change in the schedule, he did not deny that transport would begin in December.

2021年4月,在联合基地Lewis-McChord AFB练习期间,在C-17A上装载了两名无武装的B61-12培训师。图片:美国空军。

预定的B61-12产量反复滑倒。最初,该计划是在2019年初开始全面生产。到2022年9月,国家核安全管理局(NNSA)是still awaiting批准开始全面生产。最终,在2022年10月,NNSA向FAS确认B61-12是全面生产。

B61-12旨在作为当前所有核重力炸弹(包括B61-3,-4,-7)的升级和最终替代品,最终也可能最终替换了B61-11和B83-1。为此,它结合了现有炸弹的各个方面并改进:它使用了B61-4弹头的修改版本,具有几种低层和中等选择的选件(0.3-50千吨)。它通过包括指导的尾袋来提高准确性以及有限的地球 - 渗透能力来补偿其较小的爆炸产量(相对于B61-7和-11的最大产量)。


There are currently six active bases in five European countries with about 100 B61 bombs present in underground Weapons Storage and Security Systems (WS3) inside aircraft shelters. A seventh site in Germany (Ramstein Air Base) is active without weapons present and an eighth site –RAF Lakenheath– has recently been added to the list of WS3 sites being modernized. The revitalization of Lakenheath’s nuclear storage bunkers does not necessarily indicate that US nuclear weapons will return to UK soil, especially since as recently as December 2021, NATO’s Secretary General陈述“我们没有计划在其他国家 /地区驻扎任何核武器的计划。。。”但是,升级可能旨在提高北约在紧张局势加剧时重新分配B61炸弹的能力,或者将来有可能将其移出土耳其。此外,其他四个站点具有无活动(可能是封存的)穹顶(请参见下图)。

这项研究以慷慨的贡献进行来自John D.和Catherine T. MacArthur基金会,新地基金会,Plowshares Fund,Prospect Hill Foundation,Longview慈善基金会,Stewart R. Mott Foundation,Life Institute的未来,开放慈善机构和个人捐助者。

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