

01.01.23 | 7分钟阅读

传统上,运输并不是一个研究和发展领导的领域,less than0.7% of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) annual budget dedicated to R&D activities. The majority of DOT’s R&D funds are disbursed by modal operating administrators mandated to execute on distinct funding priorities rather than a collective, integrated vision of transforming the nation’s infrastructure across 50 states and localities.

Historically, a small percentage of these R&D funds have supported and developed promising, cross-cutting initiatives, such as the Federal Highway Administration’s Exploratory Advanced Research programs部署人工智能以更好地了解驾驶员行为应用新颖的数据集成技术来增强货运物流。然而,这些计划的范围并未旨在将发现扩展到广泛的部署,从而限制了创新和技术在改变美国运输和基础设施方面的影响。

结果,运输和基础设施保留了很多未解决的机会 - 从减少40,000年年度与车辆相关的死亡人数,到通过港口,高速公路和铁路改善货运物流,到实现零碳运输系统,再到建筑基础设施的基础设施,到齐利分到及格到及格到及格到及格的基础设施,到固定的碳运输系统到固定型碳运输系统,气候变化和恶劣天气的影响。造成这些持续挑战的原因是很多:联邦研发支出的低水平,各州和地方政府的分裂,规避风险的采购实践,迟钝的商业市场等等。当创新确实在这一领域中出现时,他们遭受了两个死亡山谷的困扰:一个是将新想法从实验室中带入商业化,第二个是将这些技术成功地扩展到扩展的第二个。

美国需要一条共同的国家创新管道,旨在填补这一空白,探索早期,月球研究的研究,同时培养从概念到部署的突破。先进的研究项目机构基础设施将执行此任务。以国防高级研究项目局(DARPA)和高级研究计划机构 - 能源(ARPA-E)为基础,高级研究项目机构基础设施(ARPA-I)将在启动,并具有严格的计划管理和深厚的技术专业知识,以实现灵活的技术专业知识应对最大的基础设施挑战并克服根深蒂固的市场失败。解决方案将跨越传统的运输模式(例如高速公路,铁路,航空,海上,管道等),并包括创新的新基础设施技术,材料,系统,功能或流程。

The list of domain areas below reflects priorities for DOT as well as areas where there is significant opportunity for breakthrough innovation:



Despite progress made since 1975, dramatic reductions in roadway fatalities remain a core, persistent challenge. In 2021, an estimated 42,915 people were killed in motor vehicle crashes, with an估计的31,785 people killed in the first nine months of 2022. The magnitude of this challenge is articulated in DOT’s most recentNational Roadway Safety Strategy,一份文件以纽约州秘书的声明开头:“现状是不可接受的,并且可以预防……零是我们道路上唯一可接受的死亡人数和严重伤害。”

Example topical areas include but are not limited to: urban roadway safety; advanced vehicle driver assistance systems; driver alcohol detection systems; vehicle design; street design; speeding and speed limits; and V2X (vehicle-to-everything) communications and networking technology.



农村社区拥有自己独特的安全挑战stemming from road design and signage, speed limits, and other factors; anddata从联邦公路管理局(Federal Highway Administration)表明:“尽管只有19%的美国人口居住在农村地区,但有43%的道路死亡发生在农村道路上,而农村道路上的死亡率几乎是城市道路上的2倍。”




Modern roads, bridges, and transportation are设计to withstand storms that, at the time of their construction, had a probability of occurring once in 100 years; today, climate change has made extreme weather events commonplace. In 2020 alone, the U.S. suffered 22 high-impact weather disasters that each成本超过10亿美元的损失。当桑迪飓风以14英尺的风暴潮袭击纽约市和新泽西州的地铁时,数以百万计的人没有主要的运输方式。同时,海平面上升可能会影响海洋和航空运输,因为美国47个最大的机场中有13个至少在当前海平面12英尺以内的一条跑道。此外,野火的持续存在 - 平均燃烧700万英亩每年在美国,在1990年代,平均水平的两倍以上,以急性方式重塑运输网络,并通过滑坡,洪水和其他自然事件造成下游破坏。




Digital Infrastructure

促进数字基础架构的系统,工具和能力来反映和管理建筑环境的能力,有能力在大规模的所有政府中改善资产维护和运营。该领域的进步将使我们的基础设施更加无缝用于运输,货运,行人等。例如,增加了来自或关于车辆移动的数据收集,例如,可以实现用户友好和需求响应的交通管理,个人车辆的动态遏制管理,运输和交付运输模式,拥堵定价,安全映射和有针对性的干预措施以及铁路和港口物流。当地方运输和市政当局可以访问数据时,可以利用它来改善运输操作和通过崩溃检测以及开发公共安全Smart Cities and Communitiesthat utilize user-focused mobility services; connected and automated vehicles; electrification across transportation modes, and intelligent, sensor-based infrastructure to measure and manage age-old problems like potholes, air pollution, traffic, parking, and safety.

Example topical areas include but are not limited to: traffic management; curb management; congestion pricing; accessibility; mapping for safety; rail management; port logistics; and transportation system/electric grid coordination.



基础设施项目充满了昂贵的延迟和超支预算。在美国,三分之一的承包商报告按时并在预算之内完成项目,其中70%的原因是建筑工地的协调是主要原因。用一个industry executive,“ [美国的所有主要项目都有成本和时间表问题……事实是,这些都是非常高风险和困难的项目。金博宝正规网址条件改变。不可能准确地估算它。”但是,流程改进和其他创新是否可以使构造更便宜,更好,更快,更容易?

Example topical areas include but are not limited to: augmented forecasting and modeling techniques; prefabricated or advanced robotic fabrication, modular, and adaptable structures and systems such as bridge sub- and superstructures; real-time quality control and assurance technologies for accelerated construction, materials innovation; new pavement technologies; bioretention; tunneling; underground infrastructure mapping; novel methods for bridge engineering, building information modeling (BIM), coastal, wind, and offshore engineering; stormwater systems; and computational methods in structural engineering, structural sensing, control, and asset management.



我们国家的经济实力和生活质量depend on the safe and efficient movement of goods throughout our nation’s borders and beyond. Logistic systems—the interconnected webs of businesses, workers, infrastructure processes, and practices that underlie the sorting, transportation, and distribution of goods must operate with efficiency and resilience. . When logistics systems are disrupted by events such as public health crises, extreme weather, workforce challenges, or cyberattacks, goods are delayed, costs increase, and Americans’ daily lives are affected. The Biden Administration issued行政命令14017呼吁对运输和物流工业基础进行审查。点发布了Freight and Logistics Supply Chain Assessment2022年2月,聚焦了一系列动作,这些行动将设想支持美国的21世纪货运和物流供应链。

