
(FuerzaA�readeChile - Fach)

世界上最古老的独立军用军,智利空军(FuerzaA�readeChile - Fach)在十七年内将其与美国同行预测到,成为三个智利武装部队的美国最多面向的。通过12,800人员和120架战斗机的总实力,将FACH组织进入作战指挥,人员指挥和物流指令。Fach飞机在四个空中旅中部署,共有五个翅膀(ALAS)和12个群体(Grupos deAviaci�n)或Squadrons。空中旅(BrigadaA�rea)是主要的运营形成,机翼是一般一般集中在单个底翼(ALA基地)的行政单位。

The Second Air Brigade, based in Los Cerrillos, Santiago, covers the region southward from the R�o Huasco to the R�o B�o-B�o and consists of the Second Wing (Ala 2), which combines the Second Group (Grupo 2) with the existing Tenth Group (Grupo 10) and Eleventh Group (Grupo 11). The Second Wing includes GAA 31 and GCE 32. The Second Group in Los Cerrillos is a special unit operating Canberra PR-9s in the Reconnaissance Squadron (Escuadrilla de Reconocimiento) and Beech 99As in the Electronic War Squadron (Escuadrilla de Guerra Electr�nica). The Second Group's inventory includes the two Gates Learjet 35As of the Aerial Photogrammetric Service (Servicio A�reo de Fotogrametr�a--SAF) that are based at Los Cerrillos.



由John Pike创建

Updated 1998年9月11日星期五6:07:55