



Scope Note


North Korea

Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Terrorism:


North Korea
Western Countries


Scope Note

中央情报(DCI)主任在此提交该报告,以回应《 97财政授权法》第721条的国会指示行动,该法案要求:

"(a) Not later than 6 months after the date of the enactment of this Act, and every 6 months thereafter, the Director of Central Intelligence shall submit to Congress a report on


(2) trends in the acquisition of such technology by such countries."






Despite Iran's status in the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), the United States is convinced Tehran is pursuing a nuclear weapons program. To bolster its efforts to establish domestic nuclear fuel-cycle capabilities, Iran has sought assorted foreign fissile materials and technology. Such capabilities also can support fissile material production for Tehran's overall nuclear weapons program.


Iran has attempted to use its civilian nuclear energy program, which is quite modest in scope, to justify its efforts to establish domestically or otherwise acquire assorted nuclear fuel—cycle capabilities. Such capabilities, however, are well suited to support fissile material production for a weapons program, and we believe it is this objective that drives Iran's efforts to acquire relevant facilities. For example, Iran has sought to obtain turnkey facilities, such as a uranium conversion facility (UCF), that ostensibly would be used to support fuel production for the Bushehr power plant. But the UCF could be used in any number of ways to support fissile material production needed for a nuclear weapon—specifically, production of uranium hexafluoride for use as a feedstock for uranium enrichment operations and production of uranium compounds suitable for use as fuel in a plutonium production reactor. In addition, we suspect that Tehran is interested in acquiring foreign fissile material and technology for weapons development as part of its overall nuclear weapons program.


中国is completing assistance on two Iranian nuclear projects: a small research reactor and a zirconium production facility at Esfahan that will enable Iran to produce cladding for reactor fuel.[1]As a party to the NPT, Iran is required to accept IAEA safeguards on its nuclear material. The IAEA's Additional Protocol requires states to declare production of zirconium fuel cladding and gives the IAEA the right of access to resolve questions or inconsistencies related to the declarations, but Iran has made no moves to bring the Additional Protocol into force. Zirconium production, other than production of fuel cladding, is not subject to declaration or inspection.

Ballistic missile–related cooperation from entities in the former Soviet Union, North Korea, and China over the years has helped Iran move toward its goal of becoming self-sufficient in the production of ballistic missiles. Such assistance during the reporting period has included equipment, technology, and expertise. Iran, already producing Scud short-range ballistic missiles (SRBMs), is in the late stages of developing the Shahab-3 medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM). In addition, Iran publicly has acknowledged the development of follow-on versions of the Shahab-3. It originally said that another version, the Shahab-4, is a more capable ballistic missile than its predecessor but later characterized it as solely a space launch vehicle with no military applications. Iran's Defense Minister has also publicly mentioned a "Shahab-5." Such statements strongly suggest that Tehran intends to develop a longer-range ballistic missile capability.

伊朗是《化学武器公约》(CWC)的一方。然而,在报告期间,它继续寻求俄罗斯和中国实体的化学药品,生产技术,培训和专业知识,这些实体可以进一步努力实现生产神经毒剂的土著能力。伊朗已经有库存的水泡,血液和窒息剂,以及炸弹和炮弹来运送它们 - 它以前已经制造了。它可能也成为了一些神经毒剂。

Foreign dual-use biotechnical materials, equipment, and expertise, primarily, but not exclusively, from entities in Russia and Eastern Europe, continued to feature prominently in Iran's procurement efforts. Such materials have legitimate uses, but Iran's biological warfare (BW) program also could benefit from them.

Iran continues to seek and acquire conventional weapons and production technologies, primarily from Russia, China, and North Korea. Since Russia announced in November 2000 that it was abrogating the Gore-Chernomyrdin Agreement, the Russian and Iranian Governments and firms have engaged in high-level discussions on a wide variety of military services and equipment — including air defense, naval, air and ground weapons, and technologies. In October 2001, Tehran and Moscow signed a new military-technical cooperation agreement, which laid the groundwork for negotiations and created a commission for future arms sales, but did not itself include sales contracts.


To facilitate new arms agreements, Russian oil enterprises entered an agreement with the Russian state arms trading firm Rosoboronexport to promote arms exports. Russian and Iranian arms dealers are to include such firms as Lukoil to coordinate "commercial conditions" and participate in projects proposed by the customer.



Baghdad has refused since December 1998 to allow UN inspectors into Iraq as required by Security Council Resolution 687 and subsequent Council resolutions, and no UN inspections have occurred during this reporting period. Moreover, the automated video monitoring systems installed by the UN at known and suspect WMD facilities in Iraq are not operating. Furthermore, Iraq has engaged in extensive concealment efforts and has probably used the period since it refused inspections to attempt to reconstitute prohibited programs. Without UN-mandated inspectors in Iraq, assessing the current state of Iraq's WMD and missile programs is difficult.


伊拉克继续开发联合国未禁止的短程弹道导弹(SRBM)系统,并正在扩展到更长的系统。追求未渗透的弹道导弹允许巴格达改善可以应用于长期导弹计划的技术和基础设施。2000年12月31日,AL AQSA游行的四个AL SAMOUD SRBM Transporter-Erector-Launchers(Tels)带有机身,这表明该液态螺旋桨导弹计划正在接近部署。Al-Mamoun工厂的两座新的固体促销剂“混合”建筑物最初旨在生产Badr-2000(即秃鹰)固体螺旋桨导弹 - 特别适合容纳大型,未经禁令的混合器对于BADR-2000计划。实际上,除了伊拉克人开发更长范围,禁止的导弹(即,将固体推进剂专门用于此类导弹)之外,我们无法找到这些混合建筑物的大小和配置的逻辑解释。此外,伊拉克已经开始重建Al-Mamoun的“铸造和治疗”建筑,该建筑物包含大型和深铸坑,这些坑是专门设计用于生产现有的导弹电动机的。


UNSCOM reported to the Security Council in December 1998 that Iraq also continued to withhold information related to its CW program. For example, Baghdad seized from UNSCOM inspectors an Iraqi Air Force document discovered by UNSCOM that indicated that Iraq had not consumed as many CW munitions during the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s as had been declared by Baghdad. This discrepancy indicates that Iraq may have hidden an additional 6,000 CW munitions.

During this reporting period, Baghdad continued to pursue a BW program. Iraq in 1995 admitted to having an offensive BW program, but UNSCOM was unable to verify the full scope and nature of Iraq's efforts. UNSCOM assessed that Iraq was maintaining a knowledge base and industrial infrastructure that could be used to produce quickly a large amount of BW agents at any time. In addition, Iraq has continued dual-use research that could improve BW agent R&D capabilities. In light of Iraq's growing industrial self-sufficiency and the likely availability of mobile or covert facilities, we are concerned that Iraq may again be producing BW agents.

伊拉克正在寻求一个无人机(UAV)program that converts L‑29 jet trainer aircraft originally acquired from Eastern Europe. In the past, Iraq has conducted flights of the L-29, possibly to test system improvements or to train new pilots. We suspect that these refurbished trainer aircraft have been modified for delivery of chemical or, more likely, biological warfare agents.

Iraq aggressively continues to seek advanced conventional warfare (ACW) equipment and technology. A thriving gray arms market and porous borders have allowed Baghdad to acquire smaller arms and components for larger arms, such as spare parts for aircraft, air defense systems, and armored vehicles. Iraq also acquires some dual-use and production items that have applications in the ACW arena through the Oil-For-Food program.

North Korea

During this time frame, P'yongyang has continued attempts to procure technology worldwide that could have applications in its nuclear program. The North has been seeking centrifuge-related materials in large quantities to support a uranium enrichment program. It also obtained equipment suitable for use in uranium feed and withdrawal systems.

North Korea probably has produced enough plutonium for at least one, and possibly two, nuclear weapons. Spent fuel rods canned in accordance with the 1994 Agreed Framework contain enough plutonium for several more weapons.

North Korea also has continued procurement of raw materials and components for its ballistic missile programs from various foreign sources, especially through North Korean firms based in China. North Korea continues to abide by its voluntary moratorium on flight tests, which it has said it would observe until at least 2003.




The suspension of UN sanctions in 1999 has allowed Libya to expand its efforts to obtain ballistic missile–related equipment, materials, technology, and expertise from foreign sources. Outside assistance—particularly from Serbian, Indian, Iranian, North Korean, and Chinese entities—has been critical to its ballistic missile development programs. Libya's capability probably remains limited to its Scud B missiles but with continued foreign assistance it will probably achieve an MRBM capability—a long-desired goal—or extended-range Scud capability.


Following the suspension of UN sanctions, Libyan and Russian firms have completed contracts for conventional weapons, munitions, and upgrades and refurbishment for Libya's existing inventory of Soviet-era weapons.


叙利亚 - 一家具有全尺寸IAEA保障措施的NPT签署者 - 是Dayr Al Hajar的核研究中心。俄罗斯和叙利亚批准了一项关于公民核电合作的合作计划草案。在本金中,如果决定追求核武器,则更广泛地获得俄罗斯专业知识为叙利亚提供了扩大土著能力的机会。在2001年下半年,大马士革继续从国外获得帮助,以建立固定的火箭运动能力和生产能力。叙利亚的液体促程导弹计划已经并且将继续依赖基本的外国设备和援助,这主要来自朝鲜实体和俄罗斯公司。大马士革还继续努力组装(可能是在朝鲜大量援助的情况下)燃烧的Scud C导弹。

在保证化武销毁得到叙利亚寻找前体和专业知识前提下from foreign sources during the reporting period. Damascus already holds a stockpile of the nerve agent sarin but apparently is trying to develop more toxic and persistent nerve agents. Syria remains dependent on foreign sources for key elements of its CW program, including precursor chemicals and key production equipment. It is highly probable that Syria also is developing an offensive BW capability.




报告期内,苏丹寻求活动re a variety of military equipment from various sources. In the long-running civil war, Khartoum is seeking older, less expensive ACW and conventional weapons that nonetheless offer more advanced capabilities than the weapons of its opponents and their supporters in neighboring countries. We remain concerned that Sudan may seek a ballistic missile capability in the future.


The underground nuclear tests in May 1998 were a significant milestone in India's continuing nuclear weapons development program. Since the 1998 tests, New Delhi has continued efforts intended to lead to the development of more sophisticated nuclear weapons. During this reporting period, India continued to obtain foreign assistance for its civilian nuclear power program, primarily from Russia.


主要来自俄罗斯的ACW收购继续在印度的武装部队全面现代化中发挥重要作用。延误困扰着许多关键计划,但新德里获得了两架Mig-21-93战斗机,印度斯坦航空公司有限,开始了有执照的升级123架飞机。2001年,新德里与俄罗斯达成了8亿美元的合同,涉及310 T-90年代的主要战车,而KA-31直升机的合同较小。印度正在与俄罗斯关于核潜艇和航母的谈判。印度还继续探索租赁或购买几种空降预警系统的选择。除了从以色列购买绿松木雷达外,新德里还与特拉维夫(Tel Aviv)签订了2.7亿美元的合同,以实现Barak-1导弹防御系统。印度空军重新开放了Jet Trainer飞机的竞争,并正在考虑来自捷克共和国,法国,意大利,俄罗斯和英国的竞标。

Israel is also seeking to expand its defense cooperation with India. In recent months, India and Israel have engaged in negotiations for the sale of the Arrow-2 anti-tactical-ballistic missile. Negotiations are also underway regarding the proposed sale of the three PHALCON airborne early warning (AEW) aircraft for approximately $1 billion. India has already taken delivery of the Israeli Greenpine radar for installation at a ground site for use as an early warning platform. The Greenpine radar is a component of the PHALCON AEW aircraft. Israel has also reportedly sold the Harpy unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to India.



在报告期间,巴基斯坦的弹道导弹计划继续受益于中国实体援助。借助中国实体的援助,巴基斯坦正在朝着固定促进剂SRBM(例如Shaheen-I和Haider-I)的连续生产迈进。尽管巴基斯坦上次在1999年进行了弹道导弹飞行测试,但它计划在2002年进行测试Haider-I弹道导弹。成功开发了两阶段的Shaheen-II MRBM将需要中国实体或其他潜在来源的持续帮助。

巴基斯坦继续依靠中国和法国的ACW要求。伊斯兰堡从法国收到了升级的Mirage IIIS,并进行了谈判,从中国购买了40名F-7战斗机。

Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Terrorism




Although the September 11 attacks suggest that al-Qa'ida and other terrorists will continue to use conventional weapons, one of our highest concerns is their stated readiness to attempt unconventional attacks against us. As early as 1998, Bin Ladin publicly declared that acquiring unconventional weapons was "a religious duty."

全球恐怖组织可以及时访问有关化学和生物学的信息,在某种程度上,甚至通过互联网,公开可用的科学文学和科学会议,我们都知道Al-Qa'ida正在努力获得一些最危险的化学剂和毒素。1999年在埃及的一名高级本·拉丁(Bin Ladin)副手声称,他的团体具有化学和生物武器。从阿富汗的基地组织设施中回收的文件和设备表明,本·拉丁的生物武器研究计划比以前发现的更复杂的生物武器研究计划。

我们还知道,基地组织有雄心勃勃的核武器,并且已经接受了任何可能可用的外部核援助。2001年2月,在对美国大使馆在坦桑尼亚和肯尼亚大使馆的爆炸中进行的审判期间,政府证人 - 贾马尔·艾哈迈德·法德尔(Jamal Ahmad Fadl)检验了al-qa'ida追求出售一定数量的富有浓郁的铀(这是瓦尔 - Qa'ide)实际上,可能是1990年代初在苏丹的骗局材料。





俄罗斯has played a key role in supporting civilian nuclear programs in Iran, primarily the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant project. Even though the ostensible purpose of Russian assistance to Iran's nuclear infrastructure is for civilian applications, we assess that such support enhances Tehran's ability to support a nuclear weapons development effort. The Intelligence Community closely monitors Moscow's nuclear cooperation with Tehran for any direct assistance in support of nuclear weapons efforts.


俄罗斯n entities during the reporting period continued to supply a variety of ballistic missile-related goods and technical know-how to countries such as Iran, India, and China. Iran's earlier success in gaining technology and materials from Russian entities has helped to accelerate Iranian development of the Shahab-3 MRBM, and continuing Russian entity assistance most likely supports Iranian efforts to develop new missiles and increase Tehran's self-sufficiency in missile production.


俄罗斯仍然是常规武器的主要供应商。在莫斯科于2000年11月废除了戈尔 - 切尔诺米尔丁协议之后,俄罗斯官员表示,他们认为伊朗是武器销售中潜在收入的重要收入来源,并相信德黑兰可以成为俄罗斯仅次于中国和印度的俄罗斯第三大传统武器客户。2001年,俄罗斯是中国,伊朗,利比亚和苏丹的主要ACW来源,也是印度最大的来源之一。

俄罗斯continues to be the main supplier of technology and equipment to India's and China's naval nuclear propulsion programs. In addition, Russia has discussed leasing nuclear-powered attack submarines to India.

The Duma enacted new export control legislation in 1999, and Putin in 2000 reorganized the export control bureaucracy. In August 2001, Putin signed into effect several of the new law's implementing decrees, which updated export control lists for biological pathogens, chemicals, missiles, and related dual-use technologies and equipment.

Despite progress in creating a legal and bureaucratic framework for Russia's export controls, lax enforcement and insufficient penalties for violations remain a serious concern. To reduce the outward flow of WMD and missile-related materials, technology, and expertise, top officials must make a sustained effort to convince exporting entities—as well as the bureaucracy whose job it is to oversee them—that nonproliferation is a top priority and that those who violate the law will be prosecuted.

North Korea



During this reporting period, Beijing continued to narrowly interpret its bilateral nonproliferation commitments with the United States. In the nuclear area, China has made bilateral pledges to the United States that go beyond its 1992 NPT commitment not to assist any country in the acquisition or development of nuclear weapons. For example, in May 1996, Beijing pledged that it would not provide assistance to unsafeguarded nuclear facilities. We cannot rule out, however, some continued contacts subsequent to the pledge between Chinese entities, perhaps acting without Beijing's knowledge or permission, and entities associated with Pakistan's nuclear weapons program.


In the missile-related area, Beijing on several occasions has pledged not to sell Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) Category I systems but has not recognized the regime's key technology annex. China is not a member of the MTCR.

2000年11月,中国承诺不以任何方式协助任何可以用来运送核武器的弹道导弹的国家,并在早期制定与导弹相关的全面出口控制系统。中国实体在报告期间为巴基斯坦提供了与导弹相关的技术援助。巴基斯坦一直在朝着中国实体帮助的固定促进剂SRBMS的国内连续生产迈进。巴基斯坦还需要持续的中国实体援助,以支持开发两阶段的Shaheen-II MRBM。此外,中国的公司还向其他几个扩散关注的国家(例如伊朗,朝鲜和利比亚)提供了与导弹相关的物品,原材料和/或援助。


中国is a primary supplier of advanced conventional weapons to Pakistan and Iran, among others. Beijing and Islamabad also have negotiated the sale of an additional 40 F-7 fighters for delivery to Pakistan.

Western Countries




Some key WMD and missile programs are becoming more advanced and effective as they mature and as countries of concern become more aggressive in pursuing a range of technologies.


此外,many WMD and missile proliferators are becoming more adept at denial and deception efforts, including hiding transactions and using dual-use technology and underground facilities in indigenous developments. For example, they are pursuing dual-use materials and technologies with WMD as well as legitimate applications that can be incorporated into commercial facilities and converted to WMD uses fairly quickly.

在经济压力下,有利可图的外国销售的需求是为实体提供的强大动力,尤其是在双重使用物品和技术的情况下。在某些国家(例如俄罗斯和中国)的出口控制执行薄弱,鼓励了这一趋势。此外,一些traditional recipients of WMD and missile-related technology, particularly maturing state-sponsored programs, are beginning to supply technology and expertise to other proliferators. Such "secondary proliferators" as India, Iran, North Korea, and Pakistan are not members of control regimes like the Nuclear Suppliers Group, Australia Group, and Missile Technology Control Regime and do not adhere to their export constraints.

Nuclear, chemical, biological, and ballistic missile-applicable technology and expertise continues to gradually disperse worldwide. Nuclear fuel-cycle and weapons-related technologies have spread to the point that from a technical standpoint, additional proliferators may be able to produce sufficient fissile material for a weapon and to develop the capability to weaponize it. On the other hand, important political disincentives to nuclear weapon development will remain in place for most countries. As developing countries expand their chemical industries into pesticide production, they also are advancing toward at least latent chemical warfare capability. Likewise, additional nonstate actors are becoming more interested in the potential of using biological warfare as a relatively inexpensive way to inflict serious damage. The proliferation of increasingly capable ballistic missile designs and technology poses the threat of more countries of concern eventually breaching the 1,000-km range of SRBMs and posing greater risks to regional stability.


[1]See pages 13 and 14 for a further discussion of possible interaction between Chinese and Iranian entities with regard to China's pledge to halt assistance to Iran's nuclear programs after these projects are complete.
