Alexandria Division

[date stamped:] May 16, 2001

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ) CRIMINAL NO. 01-188-A ) v. ) Count 1: Conspiracy to Commit ) Espionage ROBERT PHILIP HANSSEN, ) 18 U.S.C. § 794(c) ) ) Count 2-20: Espionage ) 18 U.S.C. § 794(a) ) ) Count 21: Attempted Espionage ) 18 U.S.C. § 794(a) ) ) Forfeiture ) 18 U.S.C. § 794
2001年5月任期 - 在亚历山大(Alexandria)





1. The defendant ROBERT PHILIP HANSSEN was a Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), who entered on duty with the FBI on January 12, 1976, and served continuously until February 18, 2001. For most of his FBI career, defendant HANSSEN worked in the FBI's Intelligence Division, renamed the National Security Division. In that capacity, defendant HANSSEN worked with, and had access to, classified information relating to the foreign intelligence and counterintelligence activities of the FBI and other United States Intelligence Community agencies, including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the National Security Agency (NSA), and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).


3. Upon entering on duty with the FBI on January 12, 1976, defendant HANSSEN signed an Oath of Office in which he swore that: "I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God." That same day, he signed the FBI Pledge for Law Enforcement Officers, in which he pledged, in part: "I accept the obligation in connection with my assignments to . . . consider the information, coming into my knowledge by virtue of my position as a sacred trust, to be used solely for official purposes. . . . In the performance of my duties and assignments, I shall not engage in unlawful and unethical practices."


5.被告汉森绝密许可公司举行ntinuously from the time he joined the FBI in 1976, and was indoctrinated for access to a variety of SCI programs. Specifically:

6. TheKomitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosty, known as the KGB, was the intelligence service of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). In or about December 1991, theSluzhba Vneshney Razvedki Rossi, known as the SVR, assumed the foreign intelligence functions of the former KGB for the principal successor state of the USSR, the Russian Federation. In this indictment, term "KGB/SVR" refers to activities of either the KGB or the SVR.

7. As used by those who engage in espionage activities:


(18 U.S.C. � 794(a) and (c))



1. The Grand Jury realleges and incorporates by reference the GENERAL ALLEGATIONS of this Indictment.

2.从1985年10月1日左右或在2001年2月18日左右,在弗吉尼亚州东部和其他地方,被告罗伯特·菲利普·汉森(Robert Philip Hanssen)确实有意,非法地结合,同盟并同意其他人,他们都知道大陪审团不知道包括克格勃/SVR的官员,不得不理解和非法交流,交付和传输给外国政府,特别是苏联社会主义共和国联盟(苏联)及其继任者,俄罗斯联邦,俄罗斯联盟,及其俄罗斯联盟,外国政府的代表,官员和代理人直接和间接地,与美国国防有关的文件和信息,有意和理由相信,同样的文件将用于美国的伤害和优势苏联及其继任者俄罗斯联邦,此类交流,交付和传播导致外国权力的身份(根据1978年《外国情报监视法》第101(a)条的身份),该人是一个人作为代理人的个人在美国的死亡中,直接与卫星,预警系统,防御或报复大规模攻击,通讯情报和国防战略的主要要素有关,违反第18章,联合国家代码,第794(a)节。



2.这是一个进一步的德的阴谋的一部分fendant HANSSEN would and did secretly remove classified information relating to the national defense from United States Government facilities in order to provide such information to the KGB/SVR.

3. It was a further part of the conspiracy that defendant HANSSEN would and did write letters to the KGB/SVR conveying information of interest to the KGB/SVR, including classified information relating to the national defense, that he had learned or otherwise obtained in the course of his official FBI duties.

4. It was a further part of the conspiracy that defendant HANSSEN would and did write letters to the KGB/SVR proposing communications plans, locations for signal sites and dead drop exchange sites, and schedules for operational activity.


6. It was a further part of the conspiracy that in their communications to each other defendant HANSSEN and the KGB/SVR would and did use a code for dates and times of operational activity.

7. It was a further part of the conspiracy that defendant HANSSEN would and did mail letters and packages to the KGB/SVR through "accommodation addresses" in the Eastern District of Virginia and elsewhere.



10. It was a further part of the conspiracy that, in their communications regarding operational activity, defendant HANSSEN and the KGB/SVR would and did use code names including "PARK", "LEWIS", "ELLIS" and "V" to refer to established dead drop and signal sites.


12. It was a further part of the conspiracy that defendant HANSSEN would and did maintain and use apparently innocuous materials, such as adhesive tape, thumbtacks, colored chalk, and plastic garbage bags in conducting his operational activity with the KGB/SVR.


14. It was a further part of the conspiracy that defendant HANSSEN and the KGB/SVR would and did communicate by telephone, and would and did use a classified advertisement in order to make specific telephone call arrangements.



17. It was a further part of the conspiracy that the KGB/SVR would and did pay substantial amounts of money to defendant HANSSEN in the form of cash payments for his espionage-related activities.

18. It was a further part of the conspiracy that the KGB/SVR would and did place additional sums of money in escrow for defendant HANSSEN, representing additional payments for defendant HANSSEN's espionage-related activities.


20. It was a further part of the conspiracy that defendant HANSSEN would and did propose to the KGB/SVR that a Swiss bank account be used for the receipt of payments from the KGB/SVR.

21. It was a further part of the conspiracy that defendant HANSSEN would and did respond to specific requests for classified information which the KGB/SVR asked him to obtain or otherwise provide.

22. It was a further part of the conspiracy that defendant HANSSEN's espionage relationship with the USSR was converted into an espionage relationship with the Russian Federation after the USSR dissolved and the Russian Federation came into existence.

23. It was a further part of the conspiracy that the KGB/SVR would and did use codenames to refer to defendant HANSSEN in its internal files, and limited access to those files by KGB/SVR personnel, in order to protect the operation involving defendant HANSSEN.

24. It was a further part of the conspiracy that defendant HANSSEN would and did sign his letters to the KGB/SVR, if at all, with a name other than his true name.

25.这是一个进一步的德的阴谋的一部分fendant HANSSEN and the KGB/SVR would and did take steps to conceal and maintain the secrecy of his espionage activities in order to protect himself from prosecution and to permit him to engage in additional espionage activity.


阴谋的促进和影响objects thereof, defendant HANSSEN and unindicted co-conspirators did commit overt acts in the Eastern District of Virginia and elsewhere, including but not limited to the following:

1. On or about October 1, 1985, defendant HANSSEN mailed a letter to the KGB, addressed to the residence of a Soviet Embassy official in the Eastern District of Virginia, which letter contained classified information relating to the national defense, the transmission of a portion of which resulted in the identification by a foreign power (as defined in Section 101 (a) of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978) of two individuals acting as agents of the United States and consequently in the deaths of these individuals, and the transmission of another portion of which concerned communications intelligence.

2.On or about October 15, 1985, defendant HANSSEN mailed a package to the KGB, addressed to the residence of a Soviet Embassy official in the Eastern District of Virginia, which package contained classified documents.


4. Between on or about November 2 and November 8, 1985, defendant HANSSEN retrieved from a dead drop site in Nottoway Park in the Eastern District of Virginia a package from the KGB containing $50,000 cash and a message.

5.On or about November 8, 1985, defendant HANSSEN mailed a letter to the KGB, addressed to the residence of a Soviet Embassy official in the Eastern District of Virginia, which letter contained classified information relating to the national defense the transmission of a portion of which resulted in the identification by a foreign power (as defined in Section 101 (a) of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978) of an individual acting as an agent of the United States and consequently in the death of that individual, such individual also being one of the subjects of Overt Act 1.

6. On or about June 30, 1986, defendant HANSSEN mailed a letter to the KGB, addressed to the residence of a Soviet Embassy official in the Eastern District of Virginia, which letter contained classified information relating to the national defense a portion of which directly concerned satellites.

7. On or about June 30, 1986, defendant HANSSEN signed a letter to the KGB in the name of "Ramon."

8. From on or about July 14, 1986, to on or about July 18, 1986, the KGB placed the following advertisement inThe Washington Times:

9. On or about Monday, July 21, 1986, defendant HANSSEN placed a call to the telephone number given in the KGB'sWashington Timesadvertisement, and gave a phone number to a KGB officer with whom he spoke.

10. On or about Monday, July 21, 1986, about an hour after the conversation described in the foregoing paragraph, the KGB officer placed a call to the number defendant HANSSEN had given him, and informed defendant HANSSEN that the Nottoway Park dead drop site was being loaded for him.

11. On or about August 7, 1986, defendant HANSSEN mailed a letter to the KGB, addressed to the residence of a Soviet Embassy official in the Eastern District of Virginia.

12. On or about August 18, 1986, defendant HANSSEN placed a telephone call to the telephone number given in the KGB'sWashington Timesadvertisement, and spoke to a KGB officer.

13. On or about August 19, 1986, defendant HANSSEN retrieved from the Nottoway Park dead drop site in the Eastern District of Virginia a package from the KGB containing $10,000 cash and a letter.

14. On or about August 19, 1986, defendant HANSSEN mailed a note to the KGB, addressed and delivered to the residence of a Soviet Embassy official in the Eastern District of Virginia.

15. On or about September 8, 1987, defendant HANSSEN mailed a letter to the KGB, addressed and delivered to a Soviet accommodation address in the Eastern District of Virginia.

16. 1987年9月14日左右,被告汉森将包裹邮寄给包含机密文件的克格勃。

17. On or about September 15, 1987, defendant HANSSEN retrieved from the Nottoway Park dead drop site in the Eastern District of Virginia a package from the KGB containing $10,000 cash and a message.

18. On or about September 26, 1987, defendant HANSSEN placed at the Nottoway Park dead drop site in the Eastern District of Virginia a package for the KGB containing a letter and a classified document.

19. On or about September 29, 1987, the KGB deposited $100,000 in a Moscow bank account for defendant HANSSEN.


21. On or about November 17, 1987, defendant HANSSEN mailed a letter to the KGB.

22.在1987年11月23日左右,被告汉森位于弗吉尼亚州东区的Nottoway Park Dead Drop地点,一个包含与国防有关的机密文件的克格勃的包裹。


24. On or about November 23, 1987, the KGB informed defendant HANSSEN that $100,000 had been placed in a bank on his behalf.

25.1988年2月或3日,被告HANSSEN mailed a note to the KGB, addressed and delivered to a Soviet accommodation address in the Eastern District of Virginia.


27. On or about February 8, 1988, defendant HANSSEN retrieved from the Nottoway Park dead drop site in the Eastern District of Virginia a package from the KGB containing $25,000 cash and a letter.




31.在1988年3月28日左右,被告汉森位于弗吉尼亚州东区的Nottoway Park Dead Drop地点,一个包装包含与国防部和计算机拼写有关的机密文件的kgb包装。

32. On or about March 28, 1988, defendant HANSSEN retrieved from the Nottoway Park dead drop site in the Eastern District of Virginia a package from the KGB containing $25,000 cash and a letter.

33. On or about March 31, 1988, defendant HANSSEN mailed a note to the KGB, addressed and delivered to a Soviet accommodation address in the Eastern District of Virginia.

34. On or about April 5, 1988, in the Eastern District of Virginia, defendant HANSSEN mailed a computer diskette to the KGB, addressed and delivered to a Soviet accommodation address in the Eastern District of Virginia, which computer diskette contained classified information.

35. On or about April 5, 1988, in the Eastern District of Virginia, defendant HANSSEN asked the KGB for diamonds.

36. On or about May 17, 1988, in the Eastern District of Virginia, defendant HANSSEN mailed a computer diskette to the KGB, addressed and delivered to a Soviet accommodation address, which computer diskette contained classified information.

37. On or about July 13, 1988, defendant HANSSEN mailed a letter to the KGB, addressed and delivered to a Soviet accommodation address in the Eastern District of Virginia.

38. On or about July 18, 1988, defendant HANSSEN placed at the Nottoway Park dead drop site in the Eastern District of Virginia a package for the KGB containing classified documents relating to the national defense, including a document directly concerning early warning systems and other means of defense or retaliation against large-scale attack.

39. On or about July 18, 1988, defendant HANSSEN retrieved from the Nottoway Park dead drop site in the Eastern District of Virginia a package from the KGB containing $25,000 cash and a letter.

40. On or about July 29, 1988, defendant HANSSEN mailed a computer diskette to the KGB, addressed and delivered to a Soviet accommodation address in the Eastern District of Virginia, which computer diskette contained classified information.

41. On or about August 22, 1988, the KGB deposited $50,000 in a Moscow bank account for defendant HANSSEN.

42. 1988年9月20日或左右,被告汉森将纸条和计算机套装邮寄给克格勃,并交付并交付给弗吉尼亚州东部地区的苏联住宿地址,计算机软盘包含机密信息。


44. On or about September 26, 1988, defendant HANSSEN retrieved from a dead drop site in the Eastern District of Virginia a package from the KGB containing a diamond and a letter.

45. On or about September 26, 1988, the KGB advised defendant HANSSEN that $50,000 had been deposited in defendant HANSSEN's account.


47. On or about December 26, 1988, defendant HANSSEN placed at a dead drop site in the Eastern District o'f Virginia a package for the KGB containing documents and a computer diskette, which computer diskette contained classified information relating to the national defense and directly concerning communications intelligence.

48. On or about December 26, 1988, defendant HANSSEN retrieved from a dead drop site in the Eastern District of Virginia a package from the KGB containing $10,000 cash, a diamond, and a message.


50. On or about January 31, 1989, defendant HANSSEN placed an emergency call-out signal for the KGB at a pre-designated signal site.

51.1989年3月16日,在约,被告汉森placed a call-out signal for the KGB at a pre-designated signal site.

52. On or about March 20, 1989, defendant HANSSEN placed at a dead drop site in the Eastern District of Virginia two packages for the KGB containing classified documents relating to the national defense and a computer diskette which contained classified information.


54. On or about May 17, 1989, defendant HANSSEN placed a call-out signal for the KGB at a pre-designated signal site.

55. 1989年5月22日左右,被告汉森位于弗吉尼亚州东区的一个死滴现场,一个包含分类文件的克格勃的包裹,他以前从克格勃那里收到的三颗钻石中的两只返回现金,以及包含与国防部有关的机密信息,包括直接有关通信情报的信息。


57. 1989年5月22日或左右,被告汉森从弗吉尼亚州东区的一个死落地中检索了一个包裹,其中包含一封信和一份与汉森先前提供给KGB和KGB和国防的机密文件曾要求克格勃回到他身边。

58. On or about August 1, 1989, defendant HANSSEN placed two simultaneous call-out signals for the KGB at pre-designated signal sites.

59. 1989年8月7日或左右,被告汉森(Hanssen与国防有关的国防直接涉及对大规模核攻击和其他国防战略要素的防御或报复的手段。

60. On or about August 7. 1989, defendant HANSSEN retrieved from a dead drop site in the Eastern District of Virginia a package from the KGB containing $30,000 cash and a letter.

61.在大约1989年8月17日,克格勃沉积$50,000 in a Moscow bank account for defendant HANSSEN.

62. On or about September 22, 1989, defendant HANSSEN placed a call-out signal for the KGB at a pre-designated signal site.


64. On or about September 25, 1989, defendant HANSSEN retrieved from a dead drop site in the Eastern District of Virginia a package from the KGB containing $30,000 cash, a letter, and a KGB computer diskette.

65. On or about September 28, 1989, defendant HANSSEN mailed a letter to the KGB, addressed and delivered to a Soviet accommodation address in the Eastern District of Virginia.

66. On or about October 16, 1989, defendant HANSSEN mailed a computer diskette to the KGB, addressed and delivered to a Soviet accommodation address in the Eastern District of Virginia.

67. On or about October 23, 1989, defendant HANSSEN placed at a dead drop site in Foxstone Park in the Eastern District of Virginia a package for the KGB containing a computer diskette which contained classified information relating to the national defense, including information which directly concerned communications intelligence.


69. Between on or about October 31 and November 3, 1989, the KGB advised defendant HANSSEN that $50,000 had been deposited into his account in Moscow.



72. On or about December 25, 1989, defendant HANSSEN retrieved from a dead drop site in the Eastern District of Virginia a package from the KGB containing $38,000 cash and two KGB computer diskettes.



75. On or about March 5, 1990, defendant HANSSEN retrieved from a dead drop site in the Eastern District of Virginia a package from the KGB containing $40,000 cash and a KGB computer diskette.


77. On or about May 7, 1990, defendant HANSSEN placed at a dead drop site in the Eastern District of Virginia a package for the KGB containing classified documents and a computer diskette which contained classified information.



80. 1990年5月21日左右,被告汉森从弗吉尼亚州东部地区的福克斯通公园死落地中取回了一个包含两个kgb计算机磁盘的克格勃。

81. On or about August 20, 1990, defendant HANSSEN mailed a computer diskette to the KGB, addressed and delivered to a Soviet accommodation address in the Eastern District of Virginia, which computer diskette contained classified information.



84. On or about February 2, 1991, defendant HANSSEN placed at a dead drop site in the Eastern District of Virginia a package for the KGB containing a computer diskette which contained classified information relating to the national defense.


86. On or about April 10, 1991, defendant HANSSEN placed a call-out signal for the KGB at a pre-designated signal site.


88. On or about April 15, 1991, defendant HANSSEN retrieved from a dead drop site in the Eastern District of Virginia a package from the KGB containing $10,000 cash and a KGB computer diskette.


90. On or about July 15, 1991, defendant HANSSEN placed at the Foxstone Park dead drop site in the Eastern District of Virginia a package for the KGB containing classified documents and a computer diskette.

91. On or about July 15, 1991, defendant HANSSEN retrieved from the Foxstone Park dead 'drop site in the Eastern District of Virginia a package from the KGB containing $12,000 cash and a KGB computer diskette.


93.在大约1991年8月19日,被告汉森retrieved from a dead drop site in the Eastern District of Virginia a package from the KGB containing $20,000 cash and a message.

94. On or about October 1, 1991, defendant HANSSEN placed a call-out signal for the KGB at a pre-designated signal site.


96. On or about October 7, 1991, defendant HANSSEN retrieved from a dead drop site a package from the KGB containing $12,000 cash and a KGB computer diskette.

97. On or about December 12, 1991, defendant HANSSEN mailed a note to the KGB/SVR, addressed and delivered to a Soviet accommodation address in the Eastern District of Virginia, which note contained classified information relating to the national defense.

98. On or about December 16, 1991, defendant HANSSEN placed at a dead drop site in the Eastern District of Virginia a package for the KGB/SVR containing classified documents relating to the national defense and a computer diskette which contained classified information relating to the national defense, including information directly concerning communications intelligence.

99.在1991年12月16日左右,被告汉森从弗吉尼亚州东区的一个死落地中检索了一个包裹,kgb/svr包含$ 12,000现金和克格勃计算机磁盘。

100. On or about August 11, 1999, defendant HANSSEN conducted searches of the FBI's collected computerized databases of classified and unclassified investigative files and indices, called the Automated Case Support (ACS) System, for the purpose of determining whether the FBI was aware of operational activity at Foxstone Park.


102. On or about November 3, 1999, defendant HANSSEN conducted searches of the FBI's ACS System for the purpose of determining whether the FBI was aware of recent dead drops in Virginia or of operational activity at Foxstone Park.

103. On or about November 15, 1999, defendant HANSSEN conducted searches of the FBI's ACS System for the purpose of determining whether the FBI was aware of recent dead drops in Virginia or of operational activity at Foxstone Park.

104. On or about March 14, 2000, defendant HANSSEN created or last modified a letter to the KGB/SVR.

105. On or about March 31, 2000, defendant HANSSEN conducted searches of the FBI's ACS System for the purpose of determining whether the FBI was aware of recent dead drops involving Russia.

106. On or about June 8, 2000, defendant HANSSEN created or last modified a letter to the KGB/SVR.


108. On or about October 4, 2000, defendant HANSSEN conducted searches of the FBI's ACS System for the purpose of determining whether the FBI was aware of recent dead drops.

109. On or about November 13, 2000, defendant HANSSEN conducted searches of the FBI's ACS System for the purpose of determining whether the FBI was aware of recent dead drops.



112. In or about January 2001, defendant HANSSEN possessed a personal PALM III device which contained on it a record referring to "ELLIS" and the date February 18 and the time 8:00.


114. On or about January 19, 2001, defendant HANSSEN conducted searches of the FBI's ACS System for the purpose of determining whether the FBI was aware of recent dead drops.

115. On or about January 22, 2001, defendant HANSSEN conducted searches of the FBI's ACS System for the purpose of determining whether the FBI was aware of recent dead drops or of operational activity at Foxstone Park.

116. On or about January 30, 2001, defendant HANSSEN maintained in the glove compartment of his personal automobile a roll of white Johnson & Johnson medical adhesive tape and a box of Crayola colored chalk.

117. On or about January 30, 2001, defendant HANSSEN maintained in the trunk of his personal automobile a roll of Superior Performance Scotch clear mailing tape and a number of dark colored Hefty garbage bags.

118. On or about February 12, 2001, defendant HANSSEN maintained in the glove compartment of his personal automobile a box containing thumbtacks of various colors, including yellow and white.

119. On or about February 18, 2001, defendant HANSSEN possessed classified documents relating to the national defense in the trunk of his personal automobile.

120. On or about February 18, 2001, defendant HANSSEN wrapped classified documents relating to the national defense and a computer diskette in a plastic garbage bag secured with clear tape.

121. On or about February 18, 2001, defendant HANSSEN went to Foxstone Park in the Eastern District of Virginia.

122. On or about February 18, 2001, at Foxstone Park in the Eastern District of Virginia, defendant HANSSEN placed a piece of white adhesive tape on a pole.


(In violation of Title 18, United States Code, � 794(c).)


(18 U.S.C. � 794(a))


1. The Grand Jury realleges and incorporates by reference the GENERAL ALLEGATIONS of this Indictment.

2.在弗吉尼亚州东区和其他地方,被告罗伯特·菲利普·汉森(Robert Philip Hanssen)在以下指定的日期上,有意和理由相信他们将习惯美国的伤害,并有利于外国政府,特别是苏联社会主义共和国联合会(苏联),确实在有意和非法地交流,交付,传递,传输,尝试交流,交付和传输,并向外国政府的代表,尤其是苏联,尤其是代表,以及代表官员,代理人和雇员直接或间接地是与美国国防有关的文件和信息,特别是以下文件和信息:

2 October 1, 1985 (一)Valeriy、克格勃官员,had been recruited by the United States intelligence services, which information was classified SECRET, and the transmission of which information resulted in the identification by a foreign power (as defined in section 101 (a) of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978) of an individual acting as an agent of the United States and consequently in the death of that individual.

(b) The fact that Sergey Motorin, a KGB officer, had been recruited by the United States intelligence services, which information was classified SECRET, and the transmission of which information resulted in the identification by a foreign power (as defined in section 101 (a) of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978) of an individual acting as an agent of the United States and consequently in the death of that individual.

(c)美国情报部门招募了克格勃官员鲍里斯·尤辛(Boris Yuzhin),该信息被列为秘密。

(d) The existence of an FBI technical penetration of a particular Soviet establishment, as well as the specific location of the penetration device, and the methods and technology utilized, which information was classified TOP SECRET, and directly concerned communications intelligence.


3 November 8, 1985 (a) The fact that Valeriy Martynov used a particular and described concealment device, which information was classified SECRET, and the transmission of which information resulted in the identification by a foreign power (as defined in section 101 (a) of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978) of an individual acting as an agent of the United States and consequently in the death of that individual.



4 1986年6月30日 美国知道苏联卫星传输中的特定技术脆弱性,并且正在积极利用该脆弱性,该信息被归类为最高机密/SCI,并直接涉及卫星。 信件邮寄到弗吉尼亚州亚历山大市的地址。

5 November 23, 1987 A report about a recent FBI/CIA meeting with a Soviet intelligence officer who was an FBI/CIA recruitment target, which report was classified SECRET. Dead drop in Nottoway Park, in Fairfax County, Virginia.

6 February 8, 1988 (a) Specific information about a recruited KGB officer who had secretly defected to the United States, which information was classified SECRET.

(b) The identity, by KGB codename and recent specific assignment, of a KGB agent who was currently operating as an illegal in a particular United States city and who had been recruited by the FBI to serve as a double agent, which information was classified SECRET.

(c) A particular limitation of the National Security Agency's ability to read certain Soviet communications, which information was classified TOP SECRET/SCI, and directly concerned communications intelligence.

Dead drop in Nottoway Park, in Fairfax County, Virqinia.

7 March 28, 1988 A version of a TOP SECRET document entitled "The FBI's Double Agent Program", which contained a detailed evaluation of FBI double agent operations, including joint operations with other United States intelligence agencies, conducted worldwide over a ten-year period. Dead drop in Nottoway Park, in Fairfax County, Virginia.

8 1988年7月18日 (a) A TOP SECRET United States intelligence analysis of the effectiveness of Soviet intelligence collection efforts against certain United States nuclear weapons capabilities, which analysis directly concerned early warning systems and other means of defense or retaliation against large-scale attack.

(b) A TOP SECRET/SCI document entitled "Compendium of Future Intelligence Requirements: Volume II", dated September 1987, prepared for the Director of Central Intelligence by the Staff of the Intelligence Producers Council, containing a comprehensive listing of specific current intelligence information, including information about military capabilities and preparedness, sought by the United States regarding the Soviet Union and other nations.

(c) A TOP SECRET comprehensive historical FBI review of allegations from recruitments and detectors over a period of years that the Soviet intelligence services had penetrated the FBI, which identified Soviet recruitments and detectors with specificity, and described particular information they provided.


Dead drop in Nottoway Park, in Fairfax County, Virginia.

9 December 26, 1988 The fact that the United States was targeting a particular category of Soviet communications, which information was classified TOP SECRET/SCI, and directly concerned communications intelligence. 弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯县的Eakin社区公园的死亡人数。

10 1989年3月20日 由测量和签名情报委员会(MASINT)委员会编写的最高机密/SCI文件,题为“国家Masint Intelligence计划的DCI指南(20091-FY2000)”,日期为1988年11月,代表了美国情报界的特定共识MASINT目标和研究导致了所需的能力,并且其内容是高度具体和技术性的,哪些文件被告汉森要求将其退还给他。 Dead drop in Eakin Community Park in Fairfax County, Virginia

11 1989年5月22日 (a) The existence, and details of, an ongoing FBI espionage investigation of United States Department of State officer Felix Bloch, which information was classified SECRET, and which transmission led the Soviet Union to warn Bloch of the investigation and thereby prevent the FBI from concluding its investigation.

(b) The fact that the United States was targeting a particular category of Soviet communications, which information was classified TOP SECRET/SCI and directly concerned communications intelligence.

弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯县的伊德伍德公园(Idylwood Park)死亡。

12 August 7, 1989 A highly-restricted TOP SECRET/SCI analysis, dated May 1987, of the Soviet intelligence threat to a specific and named highly-compartmented United States Government program to ensure the continuity of government in the event of a Soviet nuclear attack, which analysis directly concerned means of defense or retaliation against large-scale nuclear attack and other elements of defense strategy. 弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯县的Eakin社区公园的死亡人数。

13 September 25, 1989 (a) Documentary material containing details of a United States program of technical penetration of a particular Soviet establishment, which information was classified TOP SECRET/SCI and directly concerned communications intelligence.


Dead drop in Canterbury Woods Park in Fairfax County, Virginia.

14 October 23, 1989 美国有能力阅读某些苏联通信的事实,哪些信息被归类为“最高机密/SCI”,并且直接涉及通信情报。 Dead drop in Foxstone Park in Fairfax County, Virginia.

15 December 25, 1989 (a) Documentary material containing details of a United States program of technical penetration of a particular Soviet establishment, which information was classified TOP SECRET/SCI and directly concerned communications intelligence.

(b) A Director of Central Intelligence National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) entitled "The Soviet System in Crisis: Prospects for the Next Two Years", dated November 1989 and classified SECRET.

弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯县的伊德伍德公园(Idylwood Park)死亡。

16 March 5, 1990 (a) Confirmation that a particular Soviet person was a recruited intelligence asset of the FBI, which information was classified SECRET.

(b) The fact that a particular named Soviet Embassy employee in the United States was a recruited intelligence asset of the FBI, which information was classified SECRET.


17 February 2, 1991 (a)确认在美国作为联邦调查局招聘的苏联人的真实身份,该信息被归类为秘密。



18 1991年8月19日 (a)国家安全局正在阅读特定外国的通信,以及用于这样做的特定方法的事实,哪些信息被归类为“顶级机密/SCI”,并且直接关注通信情报。


(c) The fact that the FBI was initiating a "dangle" operation against the Soviets at a particular named United States military facility, which information was classified SECRET

Dead drop in Lewinsville Park in Fairfax County, Virginia.

19 1991年12月12日 The fact that approval had been given for a device the FBI was to implant in a technical surveillance operation against a Soviet person in the United States, about which defendant HANSSEN had first reported to the KGB on August 19, 1991, which information was classified SECRET. Note mailed to an address in the City of Alexandria, Virginia.

20 December 16, 1991 (a) The fact that the United States Intelligence Community was obtaining especially sensitive material derived from the communications of a specific foreign country, which fact was classified TOP SECRET/SCI and directly concerned communications intelligence.


(c) A SECRET document entitled "Director of Central Intelligence FY 1992 Congressional Budget Justification, Volume X: Federal Bureau of Investigation Foreign Counterintelligence Program."

Dead drop in Idylwood Park in Fairfax County, Virginia

(In violation of Title 18, United States Code, � 794 (a).)



1. The Grand Jury realleges and incorporates by reference the GENERAL ALLEGATIONS of this Indictment.

2.On or about February 18, 2001, in the Eastern District of Virginia, defendant ROBERT PHILIP HANSSEN, with the intent and reason to believe that they were to be used to the injury of the United States and to the advantage of a foreign government, specifically the Russian Federation, did knowingly and unlawfully attempt to communicate, deliver, and transmit, to representatives of a foreign government, that is the Russian Federation, and to representatives, officer, agents, and employees thereof, directly and indirectly, the following documents relating to the national defense of the United States:


(In violation of Title 18, United States Code, � 794 (a).)


Defendant ROBERT PHILIP HANSSEN, if convicted of any of the violations charged in this Indictment, shall forfeit to the United States any property constituting, or derived from, any proceeds he obtained, directly or indirectly, as the result of such violation; and any of the defendant's property used, or intended to be used, in any manner or part, to commit, or to facilitate the commission of, such violation. This property includes, but is not limited to $1,437,000 received from the Soviets and/or Russians, directly or indirectly, in proceeds of the charged espionage and espionage conspiracy of which he is charged, which $1,437,000 itself includes, but is not limited to:


United States Attorney

Randy I. Bellows
Assistant United States Attorney

Justin W. Williams
Assistant United States Attorney

Gordon D. Kromberg
Assistant United States Attorney

Laura A. Ingersoll
Criminal Division
United States Department of Justice

Transcription and HTML bySteven Aftergood