10816 1953年11月5日10501年10501号执行令的修订,涉及保障官方信息,以签署美国辩护的利益:1959年5月7日联邦登记页面和日期:24 FR 3777,1959年5月12日修正案:EO 10501,1953年11月5日:1951年9月24日EO 10290;EO 10865,1960年2月20日;EO 11652,1972年3月8日----------------------------------------------------------------------行政订单号10816执行订单号修订。1953年11月5日的10501 [FN1],凭借美国宪法和法规归属于美国的权力,凭借美国的宪法和法规,以及美国总统,有助于保护官方信息。并认为在国家安全的最佳利益中所需的这种行动,特此命令如下:1953年11月5日的10501号行政命令,与保护官方信息有关美国辩护的利益,是特此修改如下:1。第4节通过在其最后添加新的分段,如下:'(i)没有原始分类的部门和机构。与国防材料的解放有关的本条规定应适用于在本令的条款下的部门或机构,有权对材料进行原始分类,但依据执行令第10290号执行令1951年9月24日的[FN2]。2.通过在其最后添加新的分段,如下修改第15节:'历史研究。 As an exception to the standard for access prescribed in the first sentence of section 7, but subject to all other provisions of this order, the head of an agency may permit persons outside the executive branch performing functions in connection with historical research projects to have access to classified defense information originated within his agency if he determines that: (a) access to the information will be clearly consistent with the interests of national defense, and (b) the person to be granted access is trustworthy: Provided, that the head of the agency shall take appropriate steps to assure that classified information is not published or otherwise compromised.' 3. The first sentence of subparagraph (d) of section 8 is amended to read as follows: 'Confidential defense material shall be transmitted within the continental United States by one of the means established for higher classifications, by registered, certified or first-class mail, or by express or freight under such conditions as may be prescribed by the head of the department or agency concerned.' DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER THE WHITE HOUSE, May 7, 1959. FN1 18 F.R. 7049; 3 CFR, 1949-1953 Comp., p. 979. FN2 3 CFR, 1949-1953 Comp., p. 789. Exec. Order No. 10816, 24 FR 3777, 1959 WL 7209 (Pres.) ....................................................................