[联邦纪事卷78,第17(周五,2013年1月25日)] [公告] [页5504-5505] ======================================================================= -----------------------------------------------------------------------的国家情报机构的信息收集活动办公室主任:信息收集的扩展;评论要求机构:国家情报总监(ODNI)的办公室。药理作用:通知和评论。-----------------------------------------------------------------------摘要:2011年12月,该ODNI接受维修标准表格312从信息安全监督办公室(ISOO)责任:分类信息保密协议;标准表格713:同意访问记录;与标准型714:财务披露报告,这是直接关系到分配到国家情报总监(DNI)作为安全执行代理的责任。因此,ODNI是给出了关于目前批准的信息收集,财务披露报表,标准格式714,这对于国家安全审查的考生必须提交尽可能获得具有有利裁决人员的安全背景以及特别指定的分类信息的条件延长公告 investigation or reinvestigation that results in the granting or updating of a security clearance. ODNI is proposing no changes to the Standard Form 714 and its instructions at this time. The public is invited to comment on the information collection pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. DATES: Written comments must be received on or before March 26, 2013 to be assured of consideration. ADDRESSES: Comments should be sent to:[电子邮件保护]欲了解更多信息,请联系:了解更多信息或信息集合中的副本和支持声明的要求,应直接向约翰·哈克特先生,首席信息官,信息和数据管理集团,国家情报,华盛顿办公室主任办公室,DC 20511.补充信息:根据1995年的文书削减法,ODNI邀请广大市民和其他联邦机构的标准格式评论714的意见和建议应当解决的一个或多个(酒吧L. 104-13)。以下几点:(1)无论是体现在标准格式714所提出的信息采集符合意图二段。1.3(``财务披露 '')行政命令12968的(``接触机密信息 '');(二)提出的信息收集标准型714的估计负担的准确性;(c)中的方法来提高质量,实用性,和在标准表格714要收集的信息的清晰度;(d)的方法,包括利用信息技术,以尽量减少对所有受访者的标准表格714收集资料的负担;(五)是否小企业受此影响集合。所提出的意见进行总结,并列入管理和预算办公室(OMB)批准ODNI请求。所有评论将成为公共记录的问题。 Abstract: The National Security Act of 1947, as amended by the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, and Executive Order 13467, ``Reforming Processes Related to Suitability for Government Employment, Fitness for Contractor Employees, and Eligibility for Access to Classified National Security Information,'' authorizes the DNI as the Security Executive Agent to develop standard forms that promote uniformity and consistency in the implementation [[Page 5505]] of the Government's security clearance program. The Financial Disclosure Report contains information that is used to assist in making eligibility determinations for access to specifically designated classified information pursuant to Executive Order 12968, ``Access to Classified Information.'' The data may later be used as part of a review process to evaluate continued eligibility for access to such specifically designated classified information or as evidence in legal proceedings. In addition, law enforcement entities may use this data where pertinent to appropriate investigatory activity. Respondent burden data follows below: Title: Financial Disclosure Report. OMB number: 3440-0001. Agency form number: Standard Form 714. Type of review: Regular. Affected public: Business or other for-profit. Estimated number of respondents: 86,000. Estimated time per response: 2 hours. Frequency of response: Annually. Estimated total annual burden hours: 172,000 hours. Dated: January 11, 2013. Mark W. Ewing, Chief Management Officer. [FR Doc. 2013-01544 Filed 1-24-13; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE P