“ Seyyed Hasan Nasrallah的自传”

Ya Lesarat Ol-Hoseyn(Tehran)

August 10, 2006


My father Abdulkarim used to sell fruit and vegetables; my brothers would help him. When my father's financial status improved, he opened a small grocery store in the neighborhood, and I would go there to help him usually. We had a picture of Imam Musa al-Sadr hanging on the wall of the store. I would sit on a chair in front of the picture and stare at it. I wished that I would become like him one day.

我们在附近没有被称为Kortina的清真寺,所以我会去圣al-Fil,Borj Jamud或Nob'eh Mosques祈祷。我会阅读我发现的任何阅读材料,尤其是伊斯兰书籍。我无法理解的任何书,我都会抛开读书。


早些时候,当我们住在科蒂纳(Kortina)社区时,我的家人都不是任何政党。同时,一些政治组织(其中一些是巴勒斯坦人)活跃于该地区。但是,后来,当我们搬回Bazuyeh时,我加入了Amal运动的行列。这是我非常热切地做出的选择,因为我深深地钦佩Imam Musa al-Sadr。当时,我只有15岁,被称为Amal运动,被称为弱势运动的运动。我对Bazuyeh村的兴趣较小,因为那个村庄正在成为知识分子,马克思主义者,尤其是黎巴嫩共产党的支持者的舞台。无论如何,我的兄弟Seyyed Hoseyn和我成为了Amal运动的成员,尽管我很小,但我很快就成为了我们村庄的代表。

几个月后,我决定去伊拉克的纳贾夫·阿什拉夫(Najaf Ashraf)。那时,我几乎还不到16岁,我面临着许多限制。但是,由于我的依赖是对上帝的,所以有一天在苏尔市的清真寺遇到了一位宗教学者,其名字叫塞耶·穆罕默德·加拉维(Mohammad Gharavi)。他代表伊玛目·穆萨·萨德(Imam Musa Sadr)担任老师。当他听到我想去纳贾夫·阿什拉夫(Najaf Ashraf)接受教育时,他就写了一封信,并给了我。Seyyed Mohammad Gharavi是Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Muhammad Baqr al-Sadr的亲密朋友。他给我的信是我进入那个贵族班的建议。

With the help of friends and my father, and by selling some belongings, I gathered some money and flew to Baghdad; from there I took a bus to Al-Najaf. When I arrived in Al-Najaf, I had no money left in my pockets. But, there are more than a few strangers and lonely people in Al-Najaf. More important, of course, is the fact that a scholar must learn how to live a respectable life with empty hands. My food was bread and water, and my bed was a rectangular piece of sponge mattress. As soon as I arrived, I asked the other Lebanese scholars living there how I could get my letter of recommendation to Ayatollah Al-Sadr, who was considered as a pillar of the religious seminary. They told me that Seyyed Abbas Musavi could do that for me.

When I met with Seyyed Abbas Musavi, because he was a little bit dark-skinned, I assumed he was Iraqi. Hence, I spoke to him in plain Arabic. But in response, Seyyed Abbas told me: "Do not bother; I am also Lebanese and I have come here from the Nabi Sheys area!" That was how our acquaintance and close friendship began. Musa was a friend, brother, mentor, and companion for me. We were separated from each other when the Israelis fired missiles at his vehicle from a helicopter and martyred Seyyed Abbas, along with his wife and little child. This incident happened 16 years after the sweet start of our friendship in the city of Al-Najaf.

Ayatollah Al-Sadr, after accepting me and reading my letter of recommendation from Seyyed Mohammad Gharavi, asked me: "Do you have any money?" I said: "Not a penny!" The Ayatollah then turned to Musavi and stated: "First, get him a room, then you be his tutor and take care of him." After that, he gave me some money to buy me some clothes and books, as well as some spending money for a month. Musavi got me a room at the seminary near his own house.

At that time Seyyed Abbas Musavi had just got married, and married couples were allowed to have separate houses for themselves. But the single scholars had chambers, and sometimes two or even three of them would live together in one chamber. There was also a small monthly tuition of five dinars for each scholar.

已经通过了初步课程并进入了下一阶段的塞伊·阿巴斯·穆萨维(Seyyed Abbas Musavi)有许多学生。我是其中之一。Musavi非常严重。由于他的深入教学,我们在短短两年内就完成了五年的课程。即使在假期,我们也会一直学习斋月和朝j季节的假期,而无需休息。我们甚至在星期四和星期五学习,这是宗教学院通常的周末假期。


During that time, Saddam's forces raided the religious seminary. Seyyed Abbas Musavi was in Lebanon on that particular day, but his family was still in Al-Najaf. His students notified him not to return to Iraq, because he was wanted there. A short while after that, his students were also expelled from Iraq. I was lucky that time, because I was not there when the police raided the religious seminary. As soon as I found out what had happened, I left Al-Najaf immediately. Since my arrest warrant was only issued for the District of Al-Najaf, and not the whole country, I did not have any problem at the border checkpoint. I was able to leave Iraq easily and return to Lebanon eventually.


1982年6月,以色列开始全面入侵黎巴嫩。当以色列人占领贝鲁特时,建立了一个名为“国家救世战线”的阵线。阿马尔(Amal)领导人纳比·比里(Nabih Birri)对加入阿马尔运动(Amal)运动非常兴趣,但是阿马尔运动的宗教原则主义者(奥索尔加兰人)反对这一点。从那时起,差异开始升级,原理群体与运动分开。这个问题是显而易见的,可以预见的,因为从早期的阶段,一些意见差异,尤其是关于他们的意见和版本的意见和版本。宗教力量意识到阿玛尔正在误入歧途。他们注意到,救世战线正计划成为黎巴嫩的巴希尔·盖耶尔(Bashir Gemayel)总统,这是阿玛尔(Amal)的宗教联队根本不接受的决定。宗教力量认为,法务辅助团体的领导人非常愿意与以色列人达成协议。但是,从他们的角度来看,达成协议是违背了前线利益的,就像与他握手一样。

The principle-ists left Amal and entered into coalition with other groups outside that movement, in order to establish and found Hizballah. When I left Amal, my brother Hoseyn did not do the same thing; he has stayed with Amal to date. For a short while, he represented the movement in the Shiyah region, but he resigned from that post later due to his health condition (because he got sick).


All of my sisters are active members of Hizballah. But, as for the brothers, they were all in the Amal movement first. Now, all of them, except for Hoseyn, have left it. Muhammad is basically not interested in politics; even though he is not a member of Hizballah, he approves of it. However, Ja'far is politically undecided at the present time; we have been discussing and exchanging views with each other for some time now.

今天,真主党和chang取得良好进展ing for the better. Its goal is to move in the right direction with the necessities of the time and to uphold its Shiite principles. It is wrong to think that any one person, no matter how exalted his standing might be, can accumulate and monopolize all of the intellectual, religious, theological, and political knowledge in the world for himself. The Hizballah members believe that the greatest, most dignified, and undisputed personality of the century (the twentieth century) was Imam Khomeyni. After Imam Khomeyni's departure, naturally Imam Khamene'i was the most righteous successor to Khomeyni. In our opinion, the previous views and thoughts are still valuable.

真主党成立时,我22岁a member of the Basij resistance force. Later, I became the party's director in the Ba'albak district. After that, I became the party's director for the whole Biqa region. After a while, I was appointed as the assistant and deputy to Seyyed Ebrahim Ayman al-Seyyed, who was the party's director in Beirut. Shortly afterward, the party decided to separate its political affairs from its operational and organizational activities. Seyyed Ebrahim picked the political branch, and I became the director for the Beirut District after him. Then the post of general executive director was created, the responsibility of which was to implement the orders of the Consultative Council. I was appointed to that post.

尽管我在聚会中承担了所有的责任,但我也决定继续学习,但我也决定继续学习。但是,在全面的以色列入侵之后,我不得不将学业放在一边。七年后的1989年,这种情况变得适合再次学习。因此,经党的允许,我去了QOM完成教育。当然,即使那样,谣言也没有停止工作。他们说,塞耶德·纳斯拉拉(Seyed Nasrallah)因与真主党领导人的纠纷而离开了黎巴嫩。

Following the escalation of the differences with the Amal movement and the outbreak of armed conflicts in the Biqa region, I considered it my duty to return to Lebanon. Of course, that was also what the party wanted me to do. Hence, again I was not able to use the opportunity and continue my studies to the point where I wanted. Today, my greatest wish is that my brothers will lighten my workload and excuse me as general secretary of the party, so that I can return to the seminary and continue my studies as a scholar.

在以色列人被阿巴斯·穆萨(Abbas Musa)暗杀之后,我成为真主党的领导人和该党秘书长。在此之前,在我在QOM居住的时候,他们在党的高级议会中给我的行政责任给我的助理Sheikh Na'im Qasem。因此,当我返回时,我只是担任指挥干部的成员,而没有任何特别的责任。但是,当Seyyed Abbas Musa被选为Hizballah秘书长时,他任命Na'im Qasem为他的代理人,然后我再次回到了上一篇文章。

1992年,以色列人被暗杀的塞耶·阿巴斯·穆萨(Abbas Musa)。因此,咨询委员会的成员安排了一次会议,以选择他的继任者,事实证明这是我。当我被咨询委员会选中的那一天,我有很多恐惧和焦虑,因为那时我还年轻得多。到那时,我一直在负责党的内部安排,我没有该党的外交经验。但是,理事会坚持认为我从事这项工作。起初,我拒绝了,但是后来,当专家再次坚持时,我最终接受了这一责任。

In 1978, I married Ms. Fatemeh Yasin from the Abbasiyeh neighborhood of the city of Sur. Besides my son Hadi, who was martyred at the age of 18, I have three other children: Muhammad Javad; Zeynab; and Muhammad Ali. When I set foot in my house, I leave all of my work and difficulties at the door, in order to become a caring husband and father at home. I try to value my private life and my faith. I read a lot, especially about the adventures of politicians. I have been reading Sharon's biography for a while now, and I am going to read the book again.

我认为,真主党不仅意味着抵抗。如今,真主党也是基于伊斯兰教的政治学说和意识形态。简而言之,对我们来说,伊斯兰教不仅是一种仅限于崇拜和宗教遵守的简单宗教。伊斯兰教是所有人类的特殊责任,是对人类所有一般和具体关注的答案。伊斯兰教是任何想彻底改变和建立政府的社会的宗教。伊斯兰教是您可以根据其原则建立政府的宗教。我不会否认真主党的愿望是有一天建立伊斯兰共和国制度,因为真主党认为建立伊斯兰政府是将稳定带入社会的唯一途径,也是解决社会差异的唯一途径,即使在一个社会中,也是如此由许多少数民族组成。然而,建立一个伊斯兰共和国是不可能的。它需要全国全民公决。 A referendum that wins 51 percent of the vote is still not the solution. What it needs is a referendum for which 90 percent of the people vote. Hence, with this assumption, and in view of the status quo, establishing an Islamic Republic system in Lebanon is not possible at the present time.

Death is nothing but a gateway between the two worlds. Some people pass through this gateway with difficulty and agony, and some do it with ease and willingness. Martyrdom is the best way of passing to the eternal world, because martyrdom is one of the glorious gifts of god almighty. When a martyr dies (moves from one place to another), it is like a person who goes to the heavens with precious gifts. This is why martyrdom is so valuable to other people (Muslims). Even in those nations that do not believe in god, when people dedicate their lives for their homeland, their nation, and a goal in which they believe, it is laudable and admirable. As a father who has lost his son, I have no worries; I am sure that my son is in paradise with god almighty.

Before his martyrdom, Hadi's picture was only found in our house. However, today his picture is found everywhere and in every house. It is true that my family and I have lost our dear and beloved son, but we are confident that we will meet him in the eternal life some day.

As for the charisma that you say people see in me, this is not something about which I should talk. It is something about which the people talk, but charisma in general means the influence that a person has over others. This is, in fact, a godly blessing that one can improve further with knowledge and experience, although knowledge, expertise, and experience is not sufficient to make a person charismatic. It also needs god's blessing and attention.

(来源的描述:波斯语中的Tehran Ya Lesarat Ol-Hoseyn-非常保守的Tehran周刊。