
Ten years later, on Saturday, 15 January 1994, technicians in satellite earth stations around the Pacific were busy tuning their equipment to a new satellite. The first of the new generation of Intelsat 7 series satellites, it had been launched several weeks before, from the European Kourou air base in French Guyana, and then manoeuvred into position far out in space above the Equator at 174 degrees east, due north of New Zealand above Kiribati.

20个Intelsat(国际电信卫星组织)的卫星,赤道上方的世界充满了世界大部分卫星释放的国际电话和信息,例如传真,电子邮件和电信。新的卫星Intelsat 701在同一位置取代了10岁的Intelsat 510。转换发生在那个夏天晚上新西兰时间的晚上10点。


There have been various guesses and hints over the years about what the Waihopai station was set up to monitor -- "sources" in one newspaper said foreign warship movements; a "senior Telecom executive" told another newspaper it was most likely "other countries" military communications" -- but, outside a small group of intelligence staff, no one could do more than theorise. Waihopai was established specifically to target the international satellite traffic carried by Intelsat satellites in the Pacific region and its target in the mid-1990s is the Intelsat 701 that came into service in January 1994, and is the primary satellite for the Pacific region.

Intelsat卫星将感兴趣的大部分卫星交通运输到南太平洋的情报组织:使馆与其家庭首都之间的外交通讯,各种政府和军事通讯,广泛的商业通讯,国际组织和政治组织以及政治组织以及政治组织的通信居住在整个太平洋的人们的个人交流。Intelsat 7卫星可以同时进行大量通信。以前的Intelsat 5s可以一次携带12,000个单独的电话或传真电路,Intelsat 7s可以携带90,000。GCSB当前利用所有“书面”消息。其他UKUSA机构也监视电话。


直到Intelsat 701卫星取代了较旧的5系列,Waihopai截获的所有通讯都可以从两个现有的UKUSA电台获得,涵盖了太平洋。但是,与他们的前任不同,这一新一代的Intelsat 7s具有更精确的光束,将通信传输到南半球。现有的北半球电台不再能够接收所有南部通信,这就是为什么需要新的电台的原因。

Eleven months later, on 3 December 1994, the other old Intelsat satellite above the Pacific was replaced by Intelsat 703. Since then Waihopai and its sister station in Australia constructed at the same time have been the main source of southern hemisphere Pacific satellite communications for the UKUSA network.

许多人模糊地意识到很多间谍发生了,甚至可能在他们身上发生,但是我们如何判断这是无处不在还是根本不担心?每次我们接电话时有人在听吗?我们所有的Internet或传真消息是否都被无窗建筑物中某个地方的Shadowy Vigures连续填写?几乎从来没有任何可靠的信息可以判断什么是现实的关注和什么是愚蠢的偏执狂。



All the different computers in the network are known, within the UKUSA agencies, as the ECHELON Dictionaries. Computers that can search for keywords have existed since at least the 1970s, but the ECHELON system has been designed to interconnect all these computers and allow the stations to function as components of an integrated whole. Before this, the UKUSA allies did intelligence collection operations for each other, but each agency usually processed and analysed the intercept from its own stations. Mostly, finished reports rather than raw intercept were exchanged.

Under the ECHELON system, a particular station's Dictionary computer contains not only its parent agency's chosen keywords, but also a list for each of the other four agencies. For example, the Waihopai computer has separate search lists for the NSA, GCHQ, DSD and CSE in addition to its own. So each station collects all the telephone calls, faxes, telexes, Internet messages and other electronic communications that its computers have been pre-programmed to select for all the allies and automatically sends this intelligence to them. This means that the New Zealand stations are used by the overseas agencies for their automatic collecting -- while New Zealand does not even know what is being intercepted from the New Zealand sites for the allies. In return, New Zealand gets tightly controlled access to a few parts of the system.

When analysts at the agency headquarters in Washington, Ottawa, Cheltenham and Canberra look through the mass of intercepted satellite communications produced by this system, it is only in the technical data recorded at the top of each intercept that they can see whether it was intercepted at Waihopai or at one of the other stations in the network. Likewise, GCSB staff talk of the other agencies' stations merely as the various "satellite links" into the integrated system. The GCSB computers, the stations, the headquarters operations and, indeed, the GCSB itself function almost entirely as components of this integrated system.


Interception of international satellite communications began in the early 1970s, only a few years after the first civilian communications satellites were launched. At this time the Intelsat satellites, located over the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, simply beamed all their messages down to the entire hemisphere within their view.

在整个1970年代,只需要两个车站来监视世界上所有的Intelsat通信:英格兰西南部的一个GCHQ站有两道菜,一个菜有两道菜,一个用于大西洋和印度洋的Intelsats,以及一个位于United Western United的NSA站各州的一道菜覆盖了太平洋英特尔萨特。

英国车站位于康沃尔(Cornwall)Sharpnose Point的海上高悬崖边缘的Morwenstow。Morwenstow站于1972 - 73年开放,在引入新的Intelsat 4卫星后不久,Morwenstow Station是一家英国联合风险,使用美国支持的计算机和通信设备成立,距合法英国电信仅110公里南部Goonhilly的卫星站。在1970年代,Goonhilly菜肴倾向于相同的大西洋和印度洋卫星。< 2 >

The Pacific Intelsat satellite was targeted by an NSA station built on a high basalt tableland inside the 100,000-hectare United States Army Yakima Firing Centre, in Washington State in the north-west United States, 200 kilometres south-west of Seattle. Also established in the early 1970s, the Yakima Research Station initially consisted of a long operations building and the single large dish. In 1982, a visiting journalist noted that the dish was pointing west, out above the Pacific to the third of the three Intelsat positions.<3>


面向西方的两种菜肴针对的是太平洋英特尔萨特卫星。自开放以来,Yakima车站一直在监视NSA的Pacific Intelsat Communications。两种面向东方的菜肴的方向表明,它们可能是针对大西洋的Intelsats,拦截了通向北美和南美的通讯。一个或两个可以提供车站和华盛顿NSA总部之间的联系。车站的第五盘比其余的小,向西面。鉴于其大小和方向,它似乎是监视Inmarsat-2卫星的UKUSA站点,该卫星在太平洋地区提供移动卫星通信。如果是这样的话,例如,这将是在1995年在莫罗阿环礁周围的水域进行核测试抗议期间一直在监视绿色和平方面的通信。


Between them, the Morwenstow and Yakima stations covered all Intelsat interception during the 1970s. But a new generation of Intelsat satellites launched from the late 1970s required a new configuration of spy stations. The Intelsat 4A and 5 series satellites differed from earlier ones in that they did not transmit only to the whole of the side of the world within their view; they now also had "east and west hemispheric" beams that transmitted separately.< 4 >例如,国际电信卫星510年运营th之上e Pacific until its replacement in December 1994, had one "global" beam covering the whole region, but all the other transmissions went either to the east or to the west Pacific. Yakima was not within the "footprint" of any hemispheric beams covering Australasia, South East Asia and East Asia, making interception of these signals difficult or impossible.

对Intelsat设计的这些更改意味着UKUSA联盟需要至少两个新的电台来维持其全球覆盖范围。GCHQ再次提供了一个和NSA。美国东海岸的一个新的NSA车站将涵盖大西洋的Intelsat交通,向北美和南美(Morwenstow覆盖了东大西洋),香港的GCHQ站将覆盖太平洋Intelsats和Pacific Intelsats和Pacific Intelsats的西半球印度洋intelsats的东半球。

为新的NSA车站选择的地点隐藏在西弗吉尼亚州山区的森林南叉谷,距离华盛顿特区西南约250公里,位于乔治华盛顿国家森林边缘,附近的Sugar Grove附近。该遗址已在1950年代和1960年代初用于通过月球的反射来监视俄罗斯无线电通信和雷达的尝试失败。当前的卫星拦截站是在1970年代后期开发的,当时新的卫星菜肴(直径为10到45米),并建造了新的无窗Raymond E. Linn Operations大楼。它还在现场融合了一栋两层楼的地下作业大楼。它开始了大约1980年的全面操作。<5>

像Morwenstow和Yakima一样,Sugar Grove距离国际卫星通信地球站仅100公里,因此可以轻松拦截任何针对合法车站的“斑点”横梁。在这种情况下,它是埃塔姆(Etam Earth Station),这是美国与大西洋上方的Intelsat卫星的主要联系。

香港的另一个新车站是由GCHQ在1970年代后期建造的。此后被拆除的车站被栖息在香港岛南侧的大海上方,从英国史丹利堡军事基地穿过斯坦利湾,就在高层公寓和豪华住房旁边。在拥挤的香港中,该车站的匿名性仅仅是因为岛上散布着太多卫星菜肴。有助于放弃这一点的原因是,在海湾独家住房飞地的入口处说,严格禁止拍照。当大门上的一名印度警卫被问及为什么禁止为住房区拍照时,他指着海湾,并以严肃的音调说:“通信设施 - 非常非常秘密”。

香港车站设有几座卫星菜肴和建筑物,包括一栋大型的无窗混凝土建筑(类似于亚基马和糖林的建筑),以及一系列的管理和运营建筑物,从山上沿着山上延伸到基地。惠灵顿的GCSB运营人员定期看到该车站截获的英特尔塔特通讯。< 6 >

When visited in August 1994, the station fitted the requirements of the Intelsat monitoring network. It had one dish pointing up east towards the Pacific Intelsats, another towards the Indian Ocean Intelsats and a third, for the station's own communications, pointing up to a United States Defence Satellite Communications System satellite above the Pacific. Other dishes had perhaps already been removed. Dismantling of the station began in 1994 -- to ensure it was removed well before the 1997 changeover to Chinese control of Hong Kong -- and the station's staff left in November that year. News reports said that the antennae and equipment were being shipped to the DSD-run Shoal Bay station in Northern Australia, where they would be used for intercepting Chinese communications.

It is not known how the Hong Kong station has been replaced in the global network. One of the Australian DSD stations -- either Geraldton or Shoal Bay -- may have taken over some of its work, or it is possible that another north-east Asian UKUSA station moved into the role. For example, there were developments at the NSA's Misawa station in northern Japan in the 1980s that would fit well with the need for expanded Intelsat monitoring.<7>


Morwenstow,Yakima,Sugar Grove和香港电台能够在整个1980年代对Intelsat进行的国际通信进行全世界的拦截。UKUSA联盟内部的安排是,尽管NSA和GCHQ运行了四个站点,但五个盟友(包括GCSB)中的每个车站都负责分析在这些电台截获的某些特定类型的交通。


Two UKUSA countries were available to provide southern hemisphere coverage: Australia and New Zealand. One of the new southern hemisphere stations would be the GCSB's Waihopai station and the other would be at Geraldton in West Australia. (Both stations are described in detail later.) The new stations were operating by 1994 when the new Intelsat 7s began to be introduced. Waihopai had opened in 1989, with a single dish, initially covering one of the older generation of Intelsat satellites.

The positioning of the Geraldton station on Australia's extreme west coast was clearly to allow it to cover the Indian Ocean Intelsats (they all lie within 60 degrees of the station, which allows good reception). Geraldton opened in 1993, with four dishes, covering the two main Indian Ocean Intelsats (at 60 degrees and 63 degrees) and possibly a new Asia-Pacific Intelsat introduced in 1992. It also covers the second of the two Pacific Intelsats, Intelsat 703.

The logic of the system suggests that, at the same time as the Waihopai and Geraldton stations were added to the network, a seventh, as yet undiscovered, station may have been installed in the South Atlantic. This station, probably located on Ascension Island, would complete the 1990s network by intercepting the Atlantic Intelsats' southern hemisphere communications.< 8 >

新的GCSB运营人员参加涵盖梯队系统的培训课程,展示了GCSB如何适合系统,并包括显示世界各地UKUSA站网络的地图。会议包括有关Intelsat和海事Inmarsat卫星的简报 - 他们的位置,工作方式,他们进行的沟通方式以及他们脆弱性间谍活动的技术方面。这是因为这些是太平洋乌克萨斯联盟的主要目标。




A recent new radio interception station is the Australian DSD station near Bamaga in northern Queensland, at the tip of Cape York. It was set up in 1988 particularly to monitor radio communications associated with the conflict between Papua New Guinea and the secessionist movement in Bougainville.<9>GCSB staff are also aware of Australian intercept staff posted in the early 1990s to the recently opened Tindal Air Force base in northern Australia, suggesting that an even newer -- as yet undisclosed -- DSD intercept station may have been established there.

该电台网络的大多数针对远程高频(HF)无线电。强大的HF无线电发射器可以在世界各地传输,这就是为什么HF广播是国际通信的主要手段,并且仍然被军队,船只和飞机广泛使用。其他电台的目标是短期通信 - 非常高的频率和超高频无线电(VHF和UHF) - 除其他外,它被广泛用于一个国家 /地区的战术军事通信。

There is a wide variety of these radio interception operations. Some are very large, with hundreds of staff; others are small -- a few staff hidden inside a foreign embassy bristling with radio aerials on the roof; others (like the Bamaga station) are unstaffed, with the signals automatically relayed to other stations. Because of the peculiarities of radio waves, sometimes stations far from the target can pick up communications that closer ones cannot.

该网络中的每个电台(包括GCSB的Tangimoana站)都有一台字典计算机,就像卫星拦截站中的词典一样。这些搜索并从截获的通信中,特别是电视电视,这些电信仍被广泛使用,并通过梯队系统将其用于Ukusa Allies。

高频的UKUSA网络电台在太平洋cludes the GCSB's Tangimoana station (and before it one at Waiouru), five or more DSD stations in Australia, a CSE station in British Columbia, and NSA stations in Hawaii, Alaska, California, Japan, Guam, Kwajalein and the Philippines. The NSA is currently contracting its network of overseas HF stations as part of post-Cold War rationalisation. This contraction process includes, in Britain, the closure of the major Chicksands and Edzell stations.


United States spy satellites, designed to intercept communications from orbit above the earth, are also likely to be connected into the ECHELON system. These satellites either move in orbits that criss-cross the earth or, like the Intelsats, sit above the Equator in geostationary orbit. They have antennae that can scoop up very large quantities of radio communications from the areas below.

这些卫星的主要地面站,在那里他们收集到的全球网络的信息是松散的,是由澳大利亚中部爱丽丝泉附近的中央情报局运营的松散,以及NSA指导的Menwith Menwith Menwith Menwith Hill和Bad Aibling Stations,英格兰和德国分别。<10>这些卫星可以拦截微波躯干线条和短距离通信,例如军事收音机和对讲机。这两者都只会传播视线,因此与HF无线电不同,不能从遥远的地面站拦截。

The final element of the ECHELON system are facilities that tap directly into land-based telecommunications systems, completing a near total coverage of the world's communications. Besides satellite and radio, the other main method of transmitting large quantities of public, business and government communications is a combination of undersea cables across the oceans and microwave networks over land. Heavy cables, laid across the seabed between countries, account for a large proportion of the world's international communications. After they emerge from the water and join land-based microwave networks, they are very vulnerable to interception.

The microwave networks are made up of chains of microwave towers relaying messages from hilltop to hilltop (always in line of sight) across the countryside. These networks shunt large quantities of communications across a country. Intercepting them gives access to international undersea communications (once they surface) and to international communication trunk lines across continents. They are also an obvious target for large-scale interception of domestic communications.

因为所需的设施拦截收音机and satellite communications -- large aerials and dishes -- are difficult to hide for too long, that network is reasonably well documented. But all that is required to intercept land-based communication networks is a building situated along the microwave route or a hidden cable running underground from the legitimate network. For this reason the worldwide network of facilities to intercept these communications is still mostly undocumented.

微波通信通过两种方式截获:通过地面站,位于微波路线附近并通过卫星驶入。由于地球的曲率,信号智能卫星在太空中甚至可以直接位于微波传输的线路中。尽管在技术上听起来很困难,但确实发生了美国间谍卫星的微波截距。< 11 >

1994年加拿大Ukusa机构的博览会称为间谍世界,<12>由以前的工作人员迈克·弗罗斯特(Mike Frost)合着,对完成了多少微波拦截进行了第一个见解。它描述了UKUSA“大使馆收集”行动,在该行动中,复杂的接收者和处理器被秘密地运送到其国家的外交袋中的海外大使馆,并用于监视外国首都的各种交流。

由于大多数国家的微波网络都在首都汇合,因此使馆建筑是微波拦截的理想场所。受外交特权保护,使馆允许拦截从目标国家内部发生。< 13 >Frost said the operations particularly target microwave communications, but also other communications including car telephones and short-range radio transmissions.

According to Frost, Canadian embassy collection began in 1971 following pressure from the NSA. The NSA provided the equipment (on indefinite loan), trained the staff, told them what types of transmissions to look for on particular frequencies and at particular times of day and gave them a search list of NSA keywords. All the intelligence collected was sent to the NSA for analysis. The Canadian embassy collection was requested by the NSA to fill gaps in the United States and British embassy collection operations, which were still occurring in many capitals around the world when Frost left the CSE in 1990.

澳大利亚的单独消息来源显示,DSD还参与了使馆的收藏。1980年代的泄漏描述了安装“非常复杂的截距设备,称为缓刑in Australia's High Commission in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea and in the embassies in Indonesia and Thailand. The operations are said to take a whole room of the embassy buildings and to be able to listen to local telephone calls at will.<14>There is good reason to assume that these operations, too, were prompted by and supported with equipment and technical advice from the NSA and GCHQ.

Of course, when the microwave route is across one of the UKUSA countries' territory it is much easier to arrange interception. For example, it is likely that there is a GCHQ operation intercepting, and feeding through Dictionary computers, all the trans-Atlantic undersea cable communications that come ashore in Cornwall.

There are also definitely United States and possibly Canadian facilities for this type of interception. By far the most important of these is the NSA-directed Menwith Hill station in Britain. With its 22 satellite terminals and over 2 hectares of buildings, Menwith Hill is undoubtedly the largest station in the UKUSA network. In 1992 some 1200 United States personnel were based there.<15>英国研究员邓肯·坎贝尔(Duncan Campbell)描述了Menwith Hill Taps如何直接进入英国电信微波网络,该网络实际上是通过在地下连接到该车站的孤立塔上的几个主要微波链路设计的。<16>该电台还拦截了卫星和无线电通信,是电子窃听卫星的地面站。Menwith Hill强大的拦截和加工系统的每一个大概都有自己的词典计算机连接到梯队系统中。

Menwith Hill, sitting in northern England, several thousand kilometres from the Persian Gulf, was awarded the NSA's Station of the Year prize for 1991 following its role in the Gulf War. It is a station which affects people throughout the world.

在1980年代初期米德堡的NSA总部。在平台中包括的是英国Sigint组织GCHQ。< 17 >


The worldwide developments, of which construction of the Waihopai station was part, were co-ordinated by the NSA as Project P415. Although most of the details remained hidden, the existence of this highly secret project targeting civilian communications was publicised in August 1988 in an article by Duncan Campbell. He described how the UKUSA countries were "soon to embark on a massive, billion-dollar expansion of their global electronic surveillance system', with "new stations and monitoring centres ... to be built around the world and a chain of new satellites launched'.

据报道涉及P415的卫星拦截站包括NSA的Menwith Hill站,GCHQ的Morwenstow和香港车站,以及南太平洋的Waihopai和Waihopai和Geraldton车站。据称,其他参与的国家据说是日本,西德,令人惊讶的是中华人民共和国。

"Both new and existing surveillance systems are highly computerised," Campbell explained. "They rely on near total interception of international commercial and satellite communications in order to locate the telephone and other target messages of target individuals....<18>

There were two components to the P415 development, the first being the new stations required to maintain worldwide interception. More striking, though, was the expansion of the NSA's ECHELON system, which now links all the Dictionary computers of all the participating countries.

The ECHELON system has created an awesome spying capacity for the United States, allowing it to monitor continuously most of the world's communications. It is an important component of its power and influence in the post-Cold War world order, and advances in computer processing technology continue to increase this capacity.


由于Echelon系统在1980年代后期扩展到新西兰,因此GCSB的Waihopai和Tangimoana Stations(实际上也是所有英国,加拿大和澳大利亚车站)可以看作是美国系统的要素,并作为服务于该元素。系统。GCSB电台为新西兰政府机构提供了一些信息,但是这些电台的主要逻辑是全球网络的一部分。

1987年12月2日,当首相大卫·朗e announced plans to build the Waihopai station, he issued a press statement explaining that the station would provide greater independence in intelligence matters: "For years there has been concern about our dependence on others for intelligence -- being hooked up to the network of others and all that implies. This government is committed to standing on its own two feet."

Lange believed the statement. Even as Prime Minister, no one had told him about the ECHELON Dictionary system and the way that the Waihopai station would fit into it. The government was not being told the truth by officials about New Zealand's most important intelligence facility and was not being told at all about ECHELON, New Zealand's most important tie into the United States intelligence system. The Waihopai station could hardly have been more "hooked up to the network of others", and to all that is implied by that connection.


2.邓肯·坎贝尔(Duncan Campbell),难以置信的航空母舰, Michael Joseph Ltd, London, 1984, p.167.

3。Rick Anderson,西雅图时代,1982年9月19日,第1页。

4。M. Long,世界卫星年鉴,第二版,Howard W. Sams&Company,印第安纳波利斯,1987年,第206-208页,第457-460页。

5。詹姆斯·班福德(James Bamford),拼图宫, Sidgwick & Guildford, London, 1983, pp.167-171.

6.The station may not have been initially targeted on Intelsat. Some photos of the station taken by Des Ball in June 1983 show the two interception dishes facing directly skywards, meaning either that they were temporarily not being used or that they were targeted at that time on satellites above East Asia (in the early 1980s there were no Intelsats there).


8。升天岛是一个20平方公里的英国领土,位于南大西洋中部的巴西和安哥拉之间的一半。它有一个主要的无线电拦截站,配备了联合GCHQ/NSA人员配备,美国反贵族猎户座飞机的基础,六个独立的雷达和用于美国战略导弹测试的光学跟踪站及其大型美国建造机场是用于的主要支持基础。福克兰战争(Richelson和Ball),绑定的纽带,Allen&Unwin,波士顿,1985年,第194、201和220页;邓肯·坎贝尔(Duncan Campbell),新政治家, "Report reveals island base, 21 May 1985).

9.Mary Louise O'Callaghan,Melbourne Age,“调查澳大利亚间谍主张的PNG”,1991年11月26日,第1页。

10。For a full description of these "overhead" systems, see Jeffrey T. Richelson,美国情报界, Ballinger, Cambridge, 1989.

11.杰弗里·里希尔森(Jeffrey Richelson)的信息。

12.Mike Frost and Michel Gratton,间谍世界, 1994, Doubleday, Toronto. The book describes in detail how and where these operations occurred.

13.迈克·弗罗斯特(Mike Frost)帮助安排了一系列行动,包括通过一些城市调查微波路线,同时评估当地加拿大大使馆的适用性。

14。Brian Toohey and Marion Wilkinson,The Book of Leaks,安格斯和罗伯逊,悉尼,1987年,第139页。

15。Archie Hamilton, Minister of State for the Armed Forces, Written Answers to Questions, British Parliament record for 9 June 1992, p.97.

16.邓肯·坎贝尔(Duncan Campbell),op. cit。, p.168.

17。詹姆斯·班福德(James Bamford),op. cit。,第1​​02页。内部Menwith Hill Station论文1990年代初期仍提到了一个名为Platform的基于计算机的通信系统。

18。邓肯·坎贝尔(Duncan Campbell),新政治家, "They've got it taped', 12 August 1988, pp.10-12.

Captions Chapter 2

1. The Waihopai station - part of a super-secret global system called ECHELON - automatically intercepts satellite communications for the foreign allies. The Labour government that approved the station was not told about these links. (Photo: Marlborough Express)

2. One of two dishes at a British spy station in Cornwall that between them intercepted all Atlantic and Indian Ocean satellite phone and telex until the early 1980s. (Photo: Duncan Campbell)

3。Six UKUSA stations target the Intelsat satellites used to relay most satellite phone calls, internet, e-mail, faxes and telexes around the world. They are part of a network of secret stations and spy satellites which, between them, intercept most of the communications on the planet.

4。The controversial Pine Gap base in central Australia is a major ground station for United States electronic spy satellites. It has kept expanding after the Cold War; today there are 12 "golf balls". It plays a key roll in United States military strategies.
