[国会纪录卷163,第82(星期四,2017年5月11日)] [参议院] [第S2912]解释投票[...]格拉斯利先生。主席先生,我打算对象在与弗吉尼亚州的考特尼·埃尔伍德的提名是中央情报局法律总顾问本任何时间一致同意请求。我会反对,因为中情局仍未从2014年4月14日,回应我的信;和2017年4月5日,请求国会2周的通知,中枢神经系统,对举报人通信的解密。在2014年,该情报机构的监察长发布了关于举报人通信两个CN。第一,2014年3月28日发送的,有机密主题行``举报通信。“”第二,2014年3月31日发送的,有机密主题行``举报Communications--澄清。“”这两份文件分别为分类秘密/ NOFORN。我请求中枢神经系统可以尽快解密。因为我的初始请求超过3年已经过去了,我还没有收到文件或者,为什么文件没有被解密解释的解密版本。中包含的两个CN信息引起了严重的政策影响,以及潜在的宪法分离的 - 权力的问题。金博宝正规网址 The CNs do not appear to contain any information about sources or methods, and there is a strong public interest in their content. As a matter of respect, for a coequal branch of government, my declassification request should have been processed in a timely manner. Moreover, under the executive branch's own regulations, there are time limits that apply to processing declassification requests and classification challenges that the CIA has failed to meet. In addition, I have requested copies of the CIA's PPD-19 procedures and policies which allow CIA whistleblowers to seek relief from reprisal, but the CIA has refused, stating that the documents are classified and for CIA's internal use only. PPD-19 was largely codified by the Intelligence Authorization Act, and so the CIA is also required by law to implement such a policy. It is now at issue in a Federal lawsuit challenging the CIA's failure to adhere to its own procedures under the Administrative Procedures Act. My objection is not intended to question the credentials of Ms. Elwood in any way. However, the CIA must recognize that it has an ongoing obligation to respond to Congressional inquiries in a timely and reasonable manner. ____________________