[国会记录第162卷,第93号(2016年6月13日星期一)] [参议院] [第S3824-S3825]向杰克利文斯顿博士致敬。主席先生,今天我谨向杰克利文斯顿特别致敬,参议院智力人员参议院委员会的主要成员12年以上。杰克的终身终身致力于我们的国家安全开始,当他只是一个年轻人并在加入民用空气巡逻时听到了服务的呼吁。几年后,他加入了海军,随后在联邦调查局局长杰出服务超过7年。他在9月11日之后在FBI的战略信息和运营中心在地板上的记忆,当时华盛顿特区的其他许多其他人急于安全,每天都在和他身上留下来,成为他的司机,反过来,一个年轻人的动机。杰克随后加入了参议院选择智力委员会,他在过去13年担任过。作为大多数和少数民族的普遍律师,杰克不仅帮助塑造了国家对关键情报的政策,但他曾担任过大道双方的个人和专业的员工,致力于几十个委员会和国会员工。从夜总会开始,审查修正案和写作和[[页S3825]]校对无数套谈话点,以某种方式总是将自己分配更大的“等于”的工作份额,杰克已经引导了。他一丝不苟的性质和合理的推理是委员会向伊拉克WMD审问和拘留的报告或大多数关于国家安全重要事项的报告或多数或少数群体意见。ReportsReports It did not matter how busy Jack was because he would always find time to talk through an intelligence issue with a colleague, proofread a floor statement, or just listen. Many staff knocked on his open door and were greeted without hesitation by a kind word or invitation to sit down and discuss a question more in-depth. Many of Jack's colleagues have had the privilege of working with him for years. Ask them what words describe Jack best, and you will likely hear ``integrity,'' ``honesty,'' ``impeccable character,'' ``devoted family man,'' and ``all-around good guy''--and unique: while an ardent Indiana University and Bobby Knight fan, his California roots easily showed themselves as he called his colleagues ``dude'' during debates. Jack was often kidded about catching a joke; the deadpan expression on his face was usually belied by a twinkle in his eye that said the joke was really on you. Jack is loyal to the core, and he understood well the importance of providing accurate information and sound advice to members of the committee, a point on which I am sure my predecessors, Senators Chambliss, Bond, and Roberts, would agree. Jack had the ability, all too rare in Congress, to put politics aside and focus on the mission and on what was best for the Nation. His colleagues knew they could engage in spirited but never personal debates. Jack always stuck to the facts and his arguments were based on logic, not emotion. As a result, members of the committee--Republican, Democrat, and Independent--sought his counsel on a wide range of issues. As the minority and majority general counsel, Jack enjoyed some major successes in national security legislation. From the Protect America Act to the FISA Amendments Act, Jack worked tirelessly to secure the best result for our terrorist surveillance capabilities. Jack was passionate about this issue and understood it better than pretty much anyone else. The committee's FISA audit was a hallmark of Jack's early tenure on the committee and provided the impetus for many improvements in the conduct of national security investigations and for later legislation in which Jack played significant roles. Jack led the committee's passage of the Cyber Information Sharing Act of 2015, the product of years of bipartisan work and compromise on an issue that has taken on new urgency with the increase in cyber threats, and of numerous intelligence authorization acts that secured critical authorities and capabilities for our intelligence professionals. It is often said that behind every great man, there is a greater woman, and in Jack's case, that is certainly true--and I have no doubt Jack would agree. Jack's tireless service was made possible, not just because of his own character, but because he was confident in the love and support of his wife, Julie, and their children, John, James, and Sarah. For their own sacrifices and for their willingness to share Jack with the committee, we are indebted to them. Jack has earned our respect and admiration, and we will miss his sound counsel and friendship, but his legacy will remain a part of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence for years to come. ____________________