[国会记录第162卷,第36号(2016年3月7日星期一)] [参议院] [第S1302-S1303]呼吁任命康宁先生的特别律师。主席女士,我已经以几次来到地板谈论前任国务卿希拉里克林顿的私人电子邮件服务器正在进行的调查。在作为美国的顶级外交官的同时,她明白地相信她可以通过自己的一组规则来玩。克林顿秘书秘书克林顿秘书秘书秘书不可思议,而不是使用来自网络攻击和智力收集的政府服务器,而不是使用来自网络攻击和智力的人。员工致电[[页S1303]]在新的新闻约克。因此,它非常清楚,根据已发表的报道,克林顿秘书通过向自己的口袋支付资金来避免国会通过ReportsReports的重要法律,以保证美国人民实际上知道他们的政府正在做什么。我特别谈论信息法案的自由。我没有听说过联邦政府中有人的任何其他例子 - 对美国人民负责 - 建立一个单独的私人电子邮件服务器只是为了开展正式业务,更不用说国家秘书。它只是前所未有的。由于据报道,她的行动也将我们的国家冒着风险,因为她的私人电子邮件服务器是不安全的。 We have heard time and again from those in the intelligence community that her use of an unsecure, private email server left her emails--some highly classified--vulnerable to hacking and cyber attack from our Nation's enemies. We may never know the full extent to which her irresponsible actions have affected our military endeavors, our diplomatic efforts, our overall national security or the lives and safety of those who serve in the intelligence community or are in harm's way trying to keep our country safe. We don't know to what extent her recklessness and irresponsibility have jeopardized the lives of people who are engaged in keeping our country safe. We do know that it has jeopardized the security of our country at large. To this day, Secretary Clinton refuses to accept full responsibility for her actions and denies the serious nature of the FBI's ongoing investigation, calling it only a ``security review.'' Well, it is pretty clear that the Justice Department is doing an investigation. Just this last week, it was reported that the Justice Department granted immunity to the staffer who set up Secretary Clinton's server. So this further confirms that Secretary Clinton is misrepresenting to the public when this inquiry is dismissed as some routine ``security review.'' We don't grant immunity from criminal prosecution to someone in order to gain their cooperation to testify in a case where they otherwise would claim the Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. That is why immunity is granted--so they no longer can claim a belief that they might be prosecuted for being a witness against themselves. That is why immunity is granted. So this indicates what I have said all along, which is that this is a serious investigation that may determine that classified information has been mishandled--a serious crime. The Justice Department should pursue this case as aggressively as it would any other case involving any other person where there has been concern about the mishandling of classified information because the American people deserve nothing less. Secretary Clinton is not just some random citizen or former government employee; she was a member of this President's Cabinet and Secretary of State. In light of this extraordinary case and the unavoidable myriad of conflicts of interest, I have called repeatedly on the Attorney General to appoint a special counsel to fully and fairly conduct the investigation. It is not just important that a thorough and independent investigation be conducted; it is important that the American people have confidence and believe that a fair and independent investigation is being conducted. One simply can't reach that conclusion, given the fact that the Attorney General, who is the political appointee of this President and who serves at his pleasure, is loathe to have this investigation proceed, and I will get to that in a moment. The President has inappropriately made comments while this investigation is ongoing. I asked the Attorney General last fall--she is the only one who can make this decision--to appoint a special counsel to give some semblance of independence from the political operation at the Department of Justice and the White House. Unfortunately, almost 6 months later, no independent counsel has been appointed. I think the necessity for such a person to be appointed is even more critical than ever. ____________________