[2015年5月14日星期四,国会记录第161卷第74号][参议院][Page S2898]总统先生,昨天众议院以大约330票的压倒性优势投票结束了大量收集美国人电话记录的行为。上周,联邦第二巡回上诉法院裁定,联邦政府的大规模收集项目是非法的。这位多数党领袖似乎准备领导参议院重新批准一项非法计划。他在这里就这方面作了发言。那么如何才能重新授权非法的东西呢?这不是一个党派问题。民主党人和共和党人一致支持改革国家安全局(National Security Agency)以及他们收集数据的方式。正如我刚才提到的,众议院昨天以压倒性多数投票支持改革,但参议院的共和党人希望在不做出任何改变的情况下推进改革。我不这么想。 The Republican leader is isolated in his desire for a clean extension of illegal spying programs. For example, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee in the House of Representatives, Mr. Goodlatte, said yesterday that if the House gets an extension of FISA--the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act--it will go nowhere. It is dead, according to the chairman. Republicans and Democrats have vowed to filibuster a clean extension if the Republican leader brings one to the floor. That is what is going to happen here in the Senate. I have heard extended statements by the junior Senator from Kentucky, who said that. There are others who feel the same way. Even if my friend plows forward in the face of what the bipartisan opposition is to this matter, it will take at least a week to secure the vote. And maybe that isn't even possible. We have a chance to take bipartisan action that protects Americans' civil liberties. It would be irresponsible for us to squander this opportunity. ____________________