[国会记录第161卷第22号(2015年2月10日星期二)][众议院][H869-H870页]解密28页的9/11袭击联合调查报告临时议长。主席表彰来自北卡罗来纳州的先生(琼斯先生)5分钟。[[第H870页]]琼斯先生。议长先生,在过去的几周里,解密28页关于9/11袭击的联合调查报告的努力受到了媒体的广泛关注,主要是因为扎卡里亚斯·穆萨维最近的言论揭露了沙特王室和基地组织之间的财务联系。2002年,参议员鲍勃·格雷厄姆(Bob Graham)领导的参议院情报特别委员会(Senate Select Committee on Intelligence)和众议员波特·戈斯(Porter Goss)领导的众议院情报委员会(House Committee on Intelligence)发布了针对9/ 11袭击的联合调查报告。在一项政治行动中,布什政府随后将28页的报告列为机密,尽管这28页的内容对美国的国家安全没有构成威胁。相反,这28页的内容可能会让布什政府感到尴尬。因此,格雷厄姆参议员多次呼吁解密这28页文件。我已经阅读了28页,不能透露其中的内容,但我可以说,内容涉及关系。格雷厄姆参议员曾公开表示,这份28页的文件涉及布什政府与沙特阿拉伯的关系。 My colleagues Congressman Stephen Lynch from Massachusetts and Congressman Thomas Massie from Kentucky, who have also read the 28 pages, have joined me in introducing H. Res. 14, to urge the President to keep his word to the 9/11 families and declassify the 28 pages, which he could do with a stroke of a pen. The movement to declassify the 28 pages is picking up momentum. Just last week, former Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich tweeted his support for declassifying the 28 pages to 1.5 million of his followers. All of the principal players in producing the reports on the 9/11 attacks have called for the declassification of the 28 pages-- Senator Bob Graham, Senator Richard Shelby, Congressman Porter Goss, Congressman Tom Kean, and Congressman Lee Hamilton. I urge my colleagues to submit to the House Intelligence Committee a request to read the 28 pages and to join me, Congressman Lynch, and Congressman Massie in supporting H. Res. 14 as a cosponsor. Mr. Speaker, it is time that the 28 pages are declassified. The 9/11 families have a right to this information in the 28 pages, and the American people deserve to know the truth about what caused the 9/11 attacks. For more information on this effort to declassify the 28 pages, visit28日pages.org.愿上帝继续保佑美国,愿上帝继续保佑我们的军人。____________________