[国会记录第161卷,第12卷(2015年1月26日星期一)] [参议院] [第S462]向洛伦佐·戈卡夫夫人致敬。主席先生,我致力于致敬,感谢敬业和有能力的个人Lorenzo Goco,于周五在经过20年的专家服务后从参议院退休。在过去的6年里,洛伦佐曾担任参议院智力,SSCI委员会委员会副工作人员。他于1995年以来,他曾在委员会上致力于参议员Bob Kerrey带来。他已经看到了参议院生活的高度和低点,并向参议院和美国国家安全作出了尊敬的贡献。自2009年委员会主席开始以来,Lorenzo一直是民主工作人员的核心。如果没有注意自己,他已经完成了事情 - 无论是意味着设置时间表和争吵代理证人在短时间内出席,协助情报界看委员会的智慧,或弥合大多数人之间的鸿沟少数群体在罕见的分歧,洛伦佐将委员会保持在轨道上,并朝着正确的方向前进。作为副工作人员,Lorenzo负责一切,而是没有得到任何信贷。他在民主工作人员董事的每周会议上代表了SSCI,比实际的工作人员更常见,他已经充分信心代表委员会和我无数次。 Often, a line of committee staffers will build in front of his door as people seek his advice on how to handle an issue or ask a question about a program. Classification prevents me from relating on the Senate floor most of the projects that Lorenzo has contributed to or overseen in his time on the committee staff. But they include numerous reviews of CIA covert actions, reviews of acquisition programs by the National Security Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office, and the budget review of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Due to CIA's declassification of the underlying information, I can say that Lorenzo was part of the committee's excellent work in investigating CIA's role in a shootdown of a missionary plane in Peru. He was instrumental in the committee's report on the prewar intelligence assessments of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, and a constant force behind the staff's work on the Study of CIA's Detention and Interrogation Program. The committee's success in enacting six intelligence authorization bills in the past 6 years is in good measure a result of Lorenzo's work in drafting the legislation and the classified annexes the contain, working with other committees in the Senate and the House, and negotiating provisions with the executive branch. There are plenty of congressional staff that are passionate advocates for aggressive action for this cause or that. Other staff focus on protecting their boss and as a result are more judicious and deliberate. Some are experts on process; some are experts on substance. Lorenzo is all of the above. His depth of experience on intelligence matters is unparalleled today in the Senate. He fights strongly for what he believes in, and has at times pushed me to be stronger on a cause than I might otherwise be. But he is always cool, calm, and collected, and manages to navigate the buffeting winds and tempestuous times that we face all too often. I am sorry to see a key part of my team go, but I wish Lorenzo the best of luck. I have no doubt that he will have more time to spend with his wonderful wife Audrey and his three boys, whom I know are the source of unending pride, and perhaps the occasional bout of parental frustration. With any luck, they'll grow up like their father. Thank you, Lorenzo, for your steadfast service. ____________________