[Congressional Record Volume 160, Number 122 (Thursday, July 31, 2014)] [Senate] [Pages S5237-S5275] TEXT OF AMENDMENTS SA 3732. Mrs. SHAHEEN submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by her to the bill H.R. 1233, to amend chapter 22 of title 44, United States Code, popularly known as the Presidential Records Act, to establish procedures for the consideration of claims of constitutionally based privilege against disclosure of Presidential records, and for other purposes; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows: On page 33, after the matter following line 7, add the following: SEC. 11. ENHANCEMENT OF THE NATIONAL DECLASSIFICATION CENTER. (a) In General.--The President shall take appropriate actions to enhance the authority and capacity of the National Declassification Center under Executive Order No. 13526, or any successor Executive order, in order to facilitate, enhance, and advance a government-wide strategy for the declassification of information. (b) Required Actions.--The actions taken under subsection (a) shall include the following: (1) A requirement that Federal agencies complete the review of Presidential and Federal records proposed for declassification, in accordance with priorities established by the National Declassification Center, within one year of the start of the declassification process, except that agencies may complete such review within two years of the start of the declassification process upon the written approval of the Director of the National Declassification Center. (2) A requirement that Federal agencies with authority to classify information share their declassification guidance with other such Federal agencies and with the National Declassification Center. SEC. 12. PUBLIC CONSULTATION WITH ADVISORY PANEL TO THE NATIONAL DECLASSIFICATION CENTER. (a) In General.--The Director of the National Declassification Center shall provide for consultation between the advisory panel to the National Declassification Center and the public. (b) Frequency.--Consultations under subsection (a) shall occur not less frequently than the frequency of the regular meetings of the advisory panel to the National Declassification Center and, to the extent practicable, shall occur concurrently with the meetings of the advisory panel. SEC. 13. EXTENSION OF PUBLIC INTEREST DECLASSIFICATION BOARD. Section 710(b) of the Public Interest Declassification Act of 2000 (50 U.S.C. 3161 note) is amended by striking ``2014'' and inserting ``2018''. SEC. 14. PRESERVATION AND ACCESS TO HISTORICALLY VALUABLE RECORDS. Federal agencies shall take appropriate actions to identify and designate historically valuable records as soon as possible after their creation in order to ensure the preservation and future accessibility of such documents and records. ______