[国会记录第160卷,第140号(2014年11月17日星期一)] [备注] [Page E1601] John Kiriakou ______ HON的总统赦免。弗吉尼亚州詹姆斯·莫兰在2014年11月17日星期一的代表房子莫兰先生。扬声器先生,我今天上升,要求为约翰基里亚庄的总统赦免。Kiriakou先生是美国英雄。一年的CIA老将,他被装饰,并在危险的中东邮政中举办了众多苛刻的情报世界的杰出工作,并帮助领导巴基斯坦的球队,捕获了我们的第一家高价值Al Qaeda目标在代理反恐历史上最大的协调运作期间。John Kiriakou也是他的妻子和五个孩子的忠诚的家庭人,是一名希腊美洲社区的教会成员,一个畅销的作者和一个认真的前国会外交政策助理。John Kiriakou是一个举报人。第一个正式和记录的美国情报官揭示了美国在布什总统下的白宫政策的酷刑业务。在确认美国媒体和政策制定者听到低声说的是 - 水涡流和其他增强的审讯技术是标准军事和情报程序的问题 - 他帮助开始激烈,逾期争论是否遭受酷刑侵犯国际法,玷污了我们更高的美国人 principles and undermined the critical need for reliable, actionable information. And John Kiriakou is a convicted felon, serving a 2\1/2\ year plea bargained sentence in a Pennsylvania federal prison. The charge against him is violating the Intelligence Identities Protection Act, whereby John answered a question from a U.S. reporter who was duplicitously fronting for lawyers defending Al Qaeda prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay and in the process unintentionally confirmed the classified identity of a CIA colleague. A colleague who, by the way, was being erroneously labeled as an enhanced interrogation techniques torturer. All four of these realities about John are intertwined. He is not a spy nor a turncoat, he did not sell secrets to an enemy or act to hurt U.S. national security. But John did shine a critical spotlight on a CIA practice that many wanted kept in the shadows and he did challenge the authority of those who authorized, oversaw, and encouraged the use of waterboarding and other acts of torture. And he did this with the moral authority of someone who served inside the intelligence world, refused an invitation to be trained in waterboarding and other like methods, knew and loved the rank-and-file men and women who sacrifice family life, safety, and prosperity for the mission of gathering and assessing secrets that might threaten American interests and lives. The real issue here is the extremely selective prosecution of John and the ongoing efforts to intimidate him from talking about our intelligence community's misfires. Even former CIA Director Leon Panetta now concedes he accidentally revealed classified information to the writer of Zero Dark Thirty, but faces no legal ramifications. Jose Rodriguez, the CIA's former head of the Clandestine Service, admits to deciding without any legal authorization to erase videotapes of torture sessions so they could never be used in U.S. courts, but has never been forced to answer for this destruction of evidence. Whatever John's misdeeds--and he admits that answering that reporter's questions was ill-advised and naive--he has more than paid for them. After fifteen years of service to his country, the personal risks and costs of a life in the intelligence world, the legal double- standard applied, and now two years in prison John Kiriakou deserves a Presidential pardon so his record can be cleared, just as this country is trying to heal from a dark chapter in its history. ____________________