第160卷第117号(2014年7月24日星期四)WARNER女士密库尔斯基先生Burr夫人费因斯坦先生尚布利斯先生洛克菲勒先生金先生白屋先生Rubio先生Udall科罗拉多州Kaine提交下方解析转呈司法委员会解析1908年7月26日 司法部长Charles Bonapate命令新聘联邦调查员 向司法部首席考试官办公室报告1947年7月26日 杜鲁门总统签署了1947年国家安全法建立国防部、国家安全委员会、中央情报局和总参谋长联席会议,为今日情报界打下基础1947年国家安全法见于《美国法典》第50章,它规范美国情报界的定义、组成、职责、权限和监督情报界由1947年《国家安全法》(50 U.S.C.3003(4))        to include the Office of the Director of National        Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National        Security Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the        National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, the National        Reconnaissance Office, other offices within the Department of        Defense for the collection of specialized national        intelligence through reconnaissance programs, the        intelligence elements of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force,        the Marine Corps, the Coast Guard, the Federal Bureau of        Investigation, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and the        Department of Energy, the Bureau of Intelligence and Research        of the Department of State, the Office of Intelligence and        Analysis of the Department of the Treasury, the elements of        the Department of Homeland Security concerned with the        analysis of intelligence information, and other elements as        may be designated!7月26日是1947年国家安全法签署65周年3001等)2004年情报改革和防止恐怖主义法(公共法108-458118Stat创建国家情报厅长职位,担任情报界主管,并确保国家情报及时客观,独立于政治考量[S4910页]并基于所有可用源国会先前通过由总统签名的联合决议, 指定5月15日和平官纪念日、911爱国者日以及其他纪念日,美国自2001年9月11日攻击以来的十年中日益依赖情报界的男女来保护和维护美国安全情报界的男女从2001年9月11日起越来越多地被要求部署到伊拉克、阿富汗和其他地方战场数名情报界人员因公受伤或阵亡Whereas intelligence officers of the United States are        routinely called upon to accept personal hardship and        sacrifice in the furtherance of their mission to protect the        United States, to undertake dangerous assignments in the        defense of the interests of the United States, to collect        reliable information within prescribed legal authorities upon        which the leaders of the United States rely in life-and-death        situations, and to ``speak truth to power.'' by providing        their best assessments to decision makers, regardless of        political and policy considerations!情报界的男女多次成功防止攻击美国和美国盟国,拯救无数无辜生命美国情报官必须经常不为人知, 不承认他们的重大成就和成功:现在解决吧, 参院-(1)指定2014年7月26日为'美国情报专业人员日'!承认美国情报界男男女女的勇气、忠诚度、牺牲和敬业精神和(3)鼓励美国人民以适当的礼仪和活动纪念今日____________________