[国会记录160卷,第95(星期三6月18日,2014)] [房屋] [页数H5454,H5487《2015年国防部拨款法案》[…[英语背诵文选相关机构中央情报局退休和伤残制度基金支付给中央情报局退休和伤残制度基金,以维持适当的资金水平,使中央情报局退休和伤残制度继续运作,5.14亿美元。情报系统管理账户用于情报系统管理账户的必要开支501,194,000美元。霍尔特先生提出的修正案霍尔特先生。主席先生,我桌上有个修正案。代理主席。书记官将报告修改情况。办事员读了如下内容:第39页,第12行,在美元金额之后插入‘’(减少$2,000,000)(增加$2,000,000)”。代理主席。根据众议院第628号决议,来自新泽西的先生和一名反对的议员每人控制5分钟。 The Chair recognizes the gentleman from New Jersey. Mr. HOLT. Mr. Chairman, let me begin by thanking Chairman Frelinghuysen and Ranking Member Visclosky for their cooperation in preparing this commonsense amendment. My amendment would carve out $2 million within the $504 million intelligence community management account and allocate it to the intelligence community whistleblowing and source protection directorate, which is a component of the Office of the Inspector General of the intelligence community. Currently, this directorate is literally a one-man operation. Now, the intelligence community is a closed, secretive community. It is different from almost all other agencies this Congress deals with. Only from workers within these programs are we likely to learn about improprieties. Given the fact [[Page H5467]] that there are tens of thousands of Federal employees and contractors who work for the intelligence community elements, it is not realistic to expect the IC inspector general to be able to receive and investigate effectively any and all valid complaints from conscientious internal whistleblowers through a single investigator, no matter how talented that investigator may be. This $2 million reallocation of funds will help the community whistleblowing and source protection directorate hire more needed additional investigators and support staff and will fund outreach and education efforts across the intelligence community. For our system of oversight of the intelligence community to work properly, it is vital that all employees and contractors know where and how they can report lawfully potential incidents of waste, fraud, abuse, criminal conduct, or whistleblower retaliation. So this directorate can truly become that place only if it has sufficient resources. I see this as a step in that direction. This amendment will ensure that they have resources to respond to legitimate concerns. Mr. VISCLOSKY. Will the gentleman yield? Mr. HOLT. I yield to the gentleman from Indiana. Mr. VISCLOSKY. I am always cautious about people who have suggested in the past that we would balance the budget if we eliminated waste, fraud, and abuse. But the gentleman is correct; there are occurrences of waste, fraud, abuse, or inefficiencies. The investment the gentleman is talking about I think is a wise one, to make sure that we do protect the taxpayer's dollar, ferret out those monies that are ill spent to make sure it doesn't happen again, and to make sure that those who are doing the right thing are protected in the performance of their duty on behalf of the Government of the United States. So I appreciate the gentleman's amendment. Mr. HOLT. I thank the gentleman. If I may make one comment in response to the ranking member and then yield to the chairman, there has been a lot of concern in this House about people going public with concerns about activities in the intelligence community, and we should want them to have a reliable channel through which they can lawfully express their concerns about criminal activity, about whistleblower retaliation or waste, fraud, and abuse. This office, underfunded as it currently is, is the official place for them to go, and we should make it more accessible. Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Will the gentleman yield? Mr. HOLT. I would be pleased to yield to the gentleman from New Jersey. Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Thank you for yielding. Our committee has long supported whistleblower protections. May I commend you on your two amendments today. You have got two in the win column and none in the loss column. Mr. HOLT. I thank the gentleman, and 2 and 0 in this soccer day is probably a pretty good score. So with that, I yield back the balance of my time with thanks to the chair and ranking member. The Acting CHAIR. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. Frelinghuysen). The amendment was agreed to. [...]