[国会记录第160卷,第32号(2014年2月26日星期三)][参议院][页码S1170-S1171]主席先生,我要特别向我在情报特别委员会的重要工作人员理查德·s·格文致敬。里奇在参议院和美国陆军总共服役了33年。他不久将离开我们,加入兰德公司的华盛顿办公室,在那里他将担任国家安全研究部门的情报政策中心的副主任。我很荣幸有机会公开感谢Rich,并感谢他在过去5年半里为情报特别委员会所做的杰出工作。自2011年成为该委员会副主席以来,我经常依靠里奇令人印象深刻的分析能力和在广泛的情报问题上的团队合作。金博宝正规网址作为委员会的分析主任,他经常指导我们的高级工作人员执行他们的实质性和区域性业务组合。里奇在国会和情报界都很有名,他是亚洲和中东问题,特别是南亚和东南亚问题的主要专家。金博宝正规网址他还对与分析质量、情报界的语言学家、人类情报、技术、教育和培训、情报当局和改革相关的问题进行了最高级的监督工作。金博宝正规网址他进行并参与了许多委员会研究,涉及分析、分析谍报技术和分析技术。 Rich even has a ``superpower''--he reads faster than anyone I have ever met. I have been told by reliable sources that he can read at least 1,600 words per minute. This sometimes worked to his personal disadvantage, because he was frequently tasked with reading very large bills, some in excess of 1,000 pages, to assess whether any provisions could negatively impact intelligence authorities and operations. Rich's inexhaustible work ethic and sound judgment have made him an indispensable member of the committee staff and an invaluable resource to other congressional committees. His quick wit and good humor make him a pleasure to work with. He is the consummate team player who improves the performance of everyone around him. My colleagues and I trust Rich's judgment implicitly. His example of dedicated public service and exceptional day-to-day performance on the job has earned our respect, admiration, and it inspired a generation of staff who had the privilege to work alongside him. There is no doubt that Rich has a bright future at the Rand Corporation; however, should the right opportunity present itself, I would hope that he will consider another stint in public service. We will miss Rich deeply, but his legacy will remain a part of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence for years to come. ____________________