[国会记录第159卷,第26号(2013年2月25日星期一)][参议院][第S812页]总统先生,今天我要感谢路易丝·克里斯汀·希利为国会和国家奉献的职业生涯和服务,在立法部门工作了近30年后,希利将于本周末退休。我很高兴有机会公开感谢她,并对她的敬业和有尊严的努力表示感谢。克里斯将作为参议院情报特别委员会的总顾问离开参议院,担任该委员会的最高法律顾问。在过去的8年里,作为委员会的法律顾问和总法律顾问,克里斯在辩论和起草过去十年中通过的每一项重要的情报立法,在某些情况下没有通过,都发挥了重要作用。她是2008年《外国情报监听法修正案》(FISA Amendments Act of 2008)的主要起草人,这是最近颁布的最复杂的法案之一,当然也是对我们国家安全最重要的法案之一。她和任何人一样,对一系列四项年度情报授权法案的通过负有责任,其中包括去年12月完成的2013财年法案。在SSCI任职期间,克里斯充分体现了委员会的专业精神和两党合作精神,与两党议员和工作人员密切合作。她致力于监督、起草法案、进行调查、审查和引导总统提名的议员进入参议院确认的职位,以及其他许多事情。她的态度一向是庄重而冷静的。 I am proud to be able to say that the rancor and divisiveness of the Senate over the past years has not infiltrated the work of the committee. Among the reasons we have been able to work together, review and debate serious issues, and come to bipartisan solutions is that we have people like Chris Healey who are more interested in getting the right results the right way rather than succeeding at the expense of someone else. Prior to working for the committee, Ms. Healey worked for the Government Affairs Committee on the landmark legislation that reformed the intelligence community and created the position of the Director of National Intelligence. She was a senior counsel and team leader on the 9/11 Commission. And prior to that, she spent a decade on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, including as staff director. Chris has been the institutional memory of intelligence in the Congress, and her expertise and experience will be sorely missed. But while a leading voice within these congressional committees and commissions and in interactions with the nonprofit community and executive branch, Chris has managed the rare feat of having a life as well. She married musician Ryan Brown in 1989 and had her first son, Nathaniel, in 1990. Nathaniel has begun following Chris' footsteps, exploring his own work in government and politics. Chris and Ryan had their second son, Gabriel, in 1994, and he, too, has now grown up and is nearing his graduation from Oberlin College. Chris has walked to work every day from her Capitol Hill home, while supporting in many ways Ryan Brown's Opera Lafayette. He notes that in addition to her dedication to public service, Chris is an avid reader and an enthusiastic theater and concert goer, and looks forward to exploring the wider world in the years to come. I wish her the very best as she now has the time to pursue those interests, rather than being stuck in a windowless office in front of multiple computers for long hours. Mr. President, I am one of many Members of Congress to have benefited from the advice and hard work of Chris Healey, starting with Barbara Kennelly, including Nancy Pelosi and Jane Harman, and ending with Jay Rockefeller and myself. On behalf of them, and the Senate Intelligence Committee, I thank Chris Healey and wish her the very best in what I know will be a long and productive retirement from the Congress. ____________________