[国会议事录:2011年9月15日(扩展)][页面E1648]纪念国家侦察局的50周年……尊敬的佛罗里达漫画比尔年轻周四在众议院,2011年9月15日,杨先生的佛罗里达。议长先生,我谨值此国家侦察办公室成立50周年纪念日。1961年,为了应对苏联发射人造卫星“斯普特尼克”(Sputnik),美国秘密成立了国家侦察办公室(National Reconnaissance Office),其目的是监督所有公开或秘密的卫星和飞越侦察项目。这一信息在1992年被解密。如今,NRO负责设计、建造、发射和维护美国的情报卫星。在人类无法到达的关键地区,无论是在最崎岖的地形还是最具敌意的领土上,当美国需要眼睛和耳朵时,我们求助于国家侦察办公室。我们自豪地赞扬国家侦察局最近完成了自其成立以来最积极的发射活动之一,仅在7个月内就发射了6个复杂的卫星系统。用更少的人和更少的基础设施比在过去的几年里,这个伟大的成就证明了勤奋的国家侦察局项目团队和必要的协作与美国空军发射努力和才华横溢的劳动力吸引来自国防部和情报机构。无论是创造最新的卫星技术创新,与最具成本效益的工业供应商签订合同,执行严格的发射时间表,还是向我们的客户提供最高质量的产品,这些成功的发射证明了国家侦察办公室对保护我们的国家及其公民的永不停止的承诺。作为16个情报机构之一,国家侦察办公室是一个混合组织,由大约3000名人员组成,由武装部队、中央情报局和国防部文职人员组成。国家侦察办公室总部设在弗吉尼亚州尚蒂伊,从佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角和加利福尼亚州范登堡空军基地发射,同时维持弗吉尼亚州、科罗拉多州、新墨西哥州、英国和澳大利亚的地面站运行。 This unique composition and placement of the National Reconnaissance Office workforce allows for launching and operating the most technically- capable systems to continued operations of legacy satellites in order for the United States to remain the premier space reconnaissance organization in the world. Together with other Defense Department satellites, National Reconnaissance Office systems play a crucial role in providing: global communications, precision navigation, early warning of missile launches and potential military aggression, signals intelligence, and near real- time imagery to United States forces in support of the war on terrorism and other contingency operations. Additionally, National Reconnaissance Office satellites have played an ever increasing role in supporting civil customers, assess crop production, map habitats of endangered species, track oil spills, and study wetlands. Through continued vigilance from above, the National Reconnaissance Office provides America's policymakers, intelligence analysts, warfighters and homeland security specialists the critical information they need to keep America safe, secure, and free. For these many achievements, I join my colleagues in congratulating the men and women who support the National Reconnaissance Office on 50 years of outstanding service to our nation and may they continue on this path to reach even greater milestones in space reconnaissance for years to come. ____________________