[国会议事录:2011年7月19日(扩展)][页面E1359]在国防工业安全调查办公室的认可……尊敬的俄亥俄州的丹尼斯·库在众议院星期二,2011年7月19日库钦奇先生。议长先生,我起立向设在俄亥俄州哥伦布市的国防工业安全审查办公室(DISCO)的男男女女们表示感谢,自1965年该办公室成立以来,他们一直在为该办公室服务。由于2005年基地调整和关闭委员会的决定,迪斯科必须在2011年9月搬迁到Ft. Meade,马里兰州。160名雇员和承包商中的大多数计划留在俄亥俄州,而不是搬迁到马里兰州,寻求退休或其他工作。2011年7月20日星期三上午11点。在美国,哥伦布市将举行仪式,以表彰他们以及他们的前辈在过去46年里所取得的成就。位于俄亥俄州哥伦布市的DISCO根据国家工业安全计划(NISP)为工业承包商处理人员和设施安全许可的要求。NISP是联邦政府和私营企业保护机密信息的伙伴关系。它是通过乔治·h·w·布什总统1993年签署的一项行政命令建立的,影响所有的行政分支机构。该计划的主要签署人是能源部、核管理委员会、国防部和中央情报局。 There are over one million cleared personnel and approximately 13,000 cleared facilities under the NISP. DISCO is a Central Adjudication Facility responsible, on behalf of the Department of Defense and 23 other departments and agencies, for determining the facility and personnel clearance eligibility of contractors and their employees for access to classified information, foreign or domestic. It is responsible for maintenance of facility and personnel clearance records and processing security assurances, clearances and visits involving the United States and foreign countries. To demonstrate the volume of work processed by each employee at DISCO on a daily basis, the 160 employees and contractors at DISCO rendered nearly 250,000 clearance decisions in Fiscal Year 2010. The men and women who do this work have a major impact on individuals who seek clearances, the private companies who employ them, and the government agencies which contract for the work. All of this has a major and lasting impact on our national security. Mr. Speaker and colleagues, please join me in recognizing and appreciating the important work which has been done in Ohio since 1965 to help ensure national security through the issuance of security clearances for those working with some of the most sensitive information in the nation. We thank these individuals for their service and wish them much success as this important agency makes its transition. ____________________