[国会议事录:2011年9月22日(扩展)][页面E1694-E1695]对国防情报局的50周年马里兰______阁下罗斯科·巴莱特在众议院星期四,2011年9月22日BARTLETT先生。议长先生,国防情报局50周年之际,我今天站起来向它致敬。美国国防情报局创建于1961年,是我国关于外国军事意图和能力的首要情报提供者。国防部的超过16500名军事和民用情报专业人员进行全源分析、人力和技术情报收集、反情报工作,并为全球军事指挥官、作战人员和决策者提供安全信息技术支持。[[页面E1695]] DIA负责国防武官系统、国防反间谍与人工情报中心、国防情报学院,国家媒体开发中心、国家信誉评估中心和几个专业情报中心:地下设施分析中心、导弹和空间情报中心和联合情报任务小组,打击恐怖主义。除了这些部件,我特别高兴的是,美国国防情报局的国家医学情报中心(NCMI)位于我的国会选区德特里克堡。NCMI的150名民用和军事情报分析员和科学家负责准备和协调有关外国健康威胁和医疗问题的情报,以保护美国在全世界的利益。金博宝正规网址作为众议院军事委员会的成员,我经常访问国防情报局和德特里克堡,我收到了来自国防情报局和国防情报局人员的大量简报。每次我听取国防情报局分析人员的汇报时,我都对该机构确定对美国军队和我们的盟友的医疗威胁的专业知识,以及这些情报专业人员对外国军事意图和能力的洞察力印象深刻。在国防情报局成立的50年里,该机构在面对不断演变的国家安全威胁时一直保持灵活。 From the Cold War, to the Vietnam War, to the first Gulf War, DIA's early efforts focused on understanding and, if necessary, defeating state-sponsored militaries and providing strategic warning. Since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, DIA has responded to the asymmetric threat posed by transnational terrorist groups such as al-Qaida by pushing more analytic and collection capabilities forward in direct support of our military forces in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. Today intelligence professionals from across DIA, including personnel from NCMI are forward deployed alongside our troops to provide the best and most timely military intelligence possible. Mr. Speaker, I congratulate the men and women of DIA on 50 years of service. Guided by their Agency motto ``Committed to Excellence in Defense of the Nation'', I am confident that DIA will be standing watch to defeat the threats we face today and to indentify and meet the national security challenges of the next 50 years and beyond. ____________________