[国会纪录:2010年12月17日(参议院)] [PageS10518-S10519]关于引入Feinstein夫人(为自己和Leahhher先生)引入的账单和联合决议的陈述:S. 4048.一项延长到期的条例2005年美国爱国者改善和重新授权法案,2004年智力改革与恐怖主义预防法案,以及2008年12月31日至2013年12月31日的FISA修正案,以及其他目的;向司法委员会委员会。菲因斯坦太太。主席先生,我今天推出了司法机构和我自己委员会主席参议员莱姆介绍了2010年的FISA Sunsets推广法案。自本国会早些时候,我一直在与莱姆主席合作作为情报委员会主席和司法委员会的成员,向颁布立法,即将到期的当局汇集外国情报,反对恐怖分子,增殖者,外国权力和间谍,同时确保保护足够的保障保障措施美国人的公民自由与隐私。为此,司法委员会报告,2009年10月,第1692号,一项旨在实现两个主要目标的法案。一个是在2009年12月31日延长到FISA下的三个当局的生命,其中包括粗纱,孤狼和商业录制收集,所有这些都以前在较早的考虑期间向参议院描述过扩展。 Through two short-term measures, those sunsets have been extended to February 28, 2010. The other main objective was to secure several amendments to statutes on intelligence collection that would improve the balance they strike between protecting national security and protecting civil liberties and privacy. In the course of this Congress, this second objective has been largely achieved through actions that have been taken by the Department of Justice and the FBI under administrative actions. On reviewing those actions, which have been described in a letter from the Attorney General to Chairman Leahy on [[Page S10519]] December 9, 2010, Chairman Leahy and I have determined that the one remaining action that we need to take legislatively this Congress is to extend the three important authorities that are now due to sunset on February 28, 2010. The Feinstein-Leahy bill will extend these sunsets to the same date as proposed in S. 1692, December 31, 2013. The Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence have asked the Congress to extend these authorities. Additionally, the authority established by the FISA Amendments Act of 2008, regarding collection of foreign intelligence against persons reasonably believed to be outside of the United States, is scheduled to sunset on December 31, 2012. The Feinstein-Leahy bill would extend that authority for one year, to December 31, 2013, so that all of the sunsets of authority under FISA occur on the same date. This will allow the Congress to consider all of the temporary authorities in conjunction. By acting now on these approaching sunsets, Congress will ensure stability in the foreign intelligence collection system at a time of heightened threat levels and guarantee there are no inadvertent gaps in FISA collection at the beginning of next year. I urge my colleagues to support this legislation so we can achieve enactment this session. ____________________