[国会纪录:2010年5月6日(参议院)] [第S3355]向Kathleen Mcghee先生致敬。主席先生,今天我崛起向参议院的最广泛尊敬的专业工作人员致敬 -  Kathleen Mcghee。她最近与参议院选择智慧委员会标志着她30周年,并且在这里一直在这里服务于我作为美国参议员的服务。凯瑟琳于1980年4月7日加入委员会工作人员,以协助委员会的军备控制专家。她随后向委员会的预算董事,少数民族顾问和少数民族工作人员提供行政支持。1987年,David L. Boren董事长被任命为凯瑟琳作为情报委员会的首席职员,这是她从此举行的一个职位。她曾在加入工作人员以来担任11名董事长,12名副主席和278名副工作人员。Kathleen是委员会历史上最长的服务人员和最长的服务职员,但你不会通过看着她来知道它。我有一个很好的权威,她今天就像她超过20年前一样明亮而精力充沛。如果我们都非常幸运。 In a world where politics often seems to define who we are and with whom we associate, Kathleen transcends those barriers. She has earned the deep respect of Members and colleagues on both sides of the aisle. Her work ethic--as evidenced by long hours and ready availability--and her attention to detail are admired by all. During my tenure on the Intelligence Committee, and in particular, since becoming the vice chairman, I have benefited from Kathleen's behind-the-scenes orchestration of committee activities. She supervises the administrative support staff of the committee, manages all of the day-to-day operations, and is responsible for the preparation and implementation of the committee's operating budget. Simply put--the committee would cease to function without Kathleen at the helm; she has kept the place running like a Swiss watch. We all know that the demands of working in Congress often take the greatest toll on those who support us and sustain us in life--our families. For selflessly giving Kathleen to us for so many years, her husband Mike, son Luke, and daughter Molly deserve our gratitude. We thank them for their sacrifices. Ensuring our great Nation's security is a high calling and one of tremendous responsibility. Through her service to the Intelligence Committee, the U.S. Senate, and the United States of America, Kathleen McGhee has answered this call with outstanding professionalism, integrity, and perseverance. Although I will be retiring at the end of this Congress, it is my hope that Kathleen will continue to honor the Senate with her service for many years to come. May God bless Kathleen and her family. ____________________