[国会纪录:2010年6月16日(扩展)] [Page E1123]保护网络空间作为2010 ______ HON的国家资产法案。加利福尼亚州哈尔曼在2010年6月16日星期三哈曼女士。女士扬声器,世界各地数百万电视屏幕上的Stark图像是一个水下一英里,每天将数万加仑的石油喷涌到海洋中。这种致命和令人不安的恐怖可以复制,如果我们有一个主要的网络攻击 - 破碎的网络,这些网络被喷出了数万个关于关键基础设施,国家安全,关键词数据和个人财务记录的数千个数据。实际上,美国历史上最糟糕的环境灾难造成的损害与在主要网络攻击之后可能会随之而来的混乱可能苍白。所以今天,女士发言人,我很高兴与彼得·王国的彼得·王,彼得·3480的康迪比尔,保护网络空间是2010年的国家资产法案。由参议员利伯曼,柯林斯和卡珀,S. 3480的授权是主题昨天在参议院的立法听证会上,并在快速赛道上移动。用前助理的国土助理秘书的言论斯图尔特贝克的言论,“我们将有一个疯狂的”如果我们无法保护我们的网络网络。现在我们正在追逐这个问题。我们需要领先于此。 As described in the report released today by the Government Accountability Office--we face daunting challenges in tackling this problem, including: a lack of sustained leadership, insufficient resources, authority to enforce actions in the event of an imminent cyber attack, the need to partner with other federal agencies and private sector entities and insufficient education and training. All of which this bill aims to correct. First, the bill would establish a coordinating mechanism at the White House--an Office of Cyberspace Policy--to develop a national strategy for securing and improving the resiliency of cyberspace. Second, it would create a National Center for Cybersecurity and Communications at the Department of Homeland Security to identify and mitigate cyber vulnerabilities. The Center would be charged with providing situational awareness, conducting risk-based assessments of threats, identifying vulnerabilities, managing external access points for federal networks, overseeing operations of US-CERT, and working with the private sector to establish security requirements to strengthen vital components of critical infrastructure like the electric grid and telecommunications networks. Third, the key section of the bill provides the President with authority--in consultation with Congress--to impose emergency security measures on critical infrastructure networks in the event of a catastrophic cyber attack. Presently, this authority is ad hoc. Fourth, this legislation requires development of a supply chain risk management strategy to address risks and threats to information technology products and services upon which the federal government relies. Finally, the bill requires the new Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity Office to consult with the Privacy & Civil Liberties Oversight Board mandated in the 2004 Intelligence Reform & Terrorism Prevention Act. Sadly, this Administration has yet to nominate individuals to serve on the Board. Additionally, the Director of the National Center for Cybersecurity and Communications is required to designate a privacy officer to review activities of the Center and conduct privacy impact assessments to ensure information is being collected in a manner that protects privacy and civil liberties of U.S. persons. With strong leadership to implement it, this bill will plug the gaping hole in our cyberdefenses--while we have the chance to do so-- and, hopefully, prevent another potential devastating disaster. I urge its prompt enactment. ____________________